I am honestly surprised how this channel that I once frequent is pushing this nuclear angle without much context at times to the why although I suspect it’s because he is biased American so I shouldn’t be surprised. And I am honestly interested as to how on earth these prepers or the even elite expect to survive in the event that Russia or China nuclear bombs (hypothetically speaking because they wouldn’t be the first to fire) their electrical and energy grid to nothing if such a scenario really comes. I mean the USA no longer manufactures much of the tools and parts to fix such a situation so really are they blind to such a scenario or are they simply coping to the extreme. This is now a massive trend in the USA to basically become prepers that are capable of living off the grid independently but for some reason, I don’t believe that it going to be that simple, especially when they are many people who will do anything to live and are armed to the teeth and should a so called invasion happen like all those doomsday callers says it would, who’s to say that a missile will permanently end that thorn in the side. Somehow these prepers should be focusing on advising the government on how to be sensible with policies that prevent such a doomsday scenario from happening rather then giving up and getting out of dodge and hoping that they won’t face a mob of starving people.
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