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Senior Member
Again I can't speak for him in particular but personally I think Russia could always be brought closer. Consider for example there's minimal military integration in terms of platforms, no consistent, dominating mechanism for yuan cross border trades etc. Not to mention, Russia has mostly failed at sharing in China's growth as well as ideology.

It is not interesting to China what the west thinks about them, because the west is an enemy that will either be contained or destroyed. It is however of great interest that Russia stays in a type of mutual dependency.

Look at for example America and Germany. Germans are not going over the border to rape or kill Americans and of course like you say China also has no problem at all with Russian immigrants or Russians at home creating hate crimes. But nonetheless, US ensures that the Germans are curtailed in their potential to deviate from the bloc leader.

Unlike US, China will not demand allies to do anything that they aren't comfortable with just to further the homeland's ambition. However, that doesn't mean that allies shouldn't be prepared with the right mindset and right amount of modernization so that when the time comes, they will act in China's defense out of their own volition. For that, every nativist or pro west Russian power broker that is purged, is a (small) victory for China.
OK fair enough, I don't agree with some of this but I also dun want to prolong this Russia vs China, China vs West argument or blow this up in breaking news thread.
Initially all I hope for is people to take things into perspective and into broader context, especially at sensitive time like now.
Regarding pro west faction of Russia, I don't know enough to comment. it's an issue for Putin and when he finally leaves or forced out or watever, it might be an issue for China. Nevertheless, thanks for the reply, I appreciate the counter response.


Registered Member
If the US screws up Ukraine they have another hand to play: Taiwan. This is why they are shilling the Taiwan 2023 scenario now.
There is really no going any further if they commit to Ukraine. US is running dangerously low on key weapons to launch an invasion on China even with the current rate of Ukraine war consumption.

If they do too much in Ukraine, China can further cripple their ability to make new advanced weapons by putting down an embargo on rare earths and semiconductors, as well as start reinforcing Russians in earnest.

The west's hatred and hive mind like thinking has been played against them. If NATO goes into Ukraine, a peaceful settlement that favors NATO without causing Russia to fight to the last Russian will be impossible.

If they go all in on Ukraine that will probably be the end of the US empire like the USSR empire ended with the Afghanistan invasion. They will get stuck in a forever war while China keeps soaring further away without being impacted.

The idea of invading China is mostly just an American dream. It might have been possible 2 decades ago, but today they will get as badly trashed as the USSR of 1990 would have gotten if they rolled into West Germany.

Only a suicidal US regime would try such a move.


Junior Member
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When the anti-China brigade is angry at the leadership choices, I know CPC and Xi did well for China. Xi is a patriot.

Their reaction to Xi consolidating power is the same when Putin consolidated power. West wanted Gorbachev and Yeltsin type losers running things in China. For example, they loved Wang Yang.
Man, Xi and Putin have many things can talk...


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I don't know about if Wang Yi is that tough tbh but more importantly he has a longstanding decent relationship with the Japanese and seem open to concluding diplomacy with them.

This is a really important question during a time where US aggression on China's border seems more and more likely, the non complicity of Japan in an American war of aggression can save many Japanese lives and reduce the threat facing the PLA.


Registered Member
I don't know about if Wang Yi is that tough tbh but more importantly he has a longstanding decent relationship with the Japanese and seem open to concluding diplomacy with them.

This is a really important question during a time where US aggression on China's border seems more and more likely, the non complicity of Japan in an American war of aggression can save many Japanese lives and reduce the threat facing the PLA.
Given the US framing of the conflict against china as a “all of society response” aka a Race War, any Asian or south Asian nation that joins the US spits on the sacrifices made by their own national leaders and founding fathers