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The purpose of interest rates isn’t suppose to rescue the Yen. It’s to keep themselves from plunging off the cliff which is why the UK and EU are hiking unlike the Japanese. Only the Federal Reserve can rescue them (or anyone else for that matter) by lowering interest rates and thus weakening the dollar.
Federal reserve will not and cannot rescue Japan. This is the reason majority of US energy exports are going to Europa. US will have to put its own money on table to defend Eastern EU even in poorest states like Romania.
Japan make alot of noise but ultimately it has to deliver products and services that are needed in Middleast/ Europe in addition to US. complete solutions are preferable.


Registered Member
"double standards" lol
Macaroon, you got played mate
Funny how neoliberals forget about "free market" prices when it doesn't suit them anymore.

Now that we got that out of the way... LET'S PARTY

No one should care about what the Finns think as long as they keep pretending they weren't best buddies with Hitler and and enabled the guy in Leningrad.


Registered Member
No one should care about what the Finns think as long as they keep pretending they weren't best buddies with Hitler and and enabled the guy in Leningrad.
I guess they are different than "democratic" countries that implement sanctions to wage war, destroy people and countries?
What? What? I can't hear you guys over the music! Pour me another one!


Registered Member
This is the reason majority of US energy exports are going to Europa. US will have to put its own money on table to defend Eastern EU even in poorest states like Romania.
Japan make alot of noise but ultimately it has to deliver products and services that are needed in Middleast/ Europe in addition to US. complete solutions are preferable.

You are confusing WH foreign policy with the mandate of the central bank. They are not related to each other.
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Registered Member
Looks like the mental decline of Washington politicians is starting to infect the undersized brains of the hawks in Europe. So let see, Russia is wrecking Ukraine limb from limb, so the brilliant strategy of some European US lapdogs politicians with zero ability to think on their own is to antagonize China enough so they don't have more options than to get even more closer to Russia and give Russia the tools they need to not just completely wreck Ukraine but also the rest of Eastern Europe, dragging a war that could completely destroy the EU as we know it even longer.
Lets think about it, the only thing that separate China and massive Russian kamikaze drone fleet is Europe and Japan. That's it, nothing more. China doesn't give a single f*ck about the U.S. right now, but they seem to care about their relationship with the European Union.

For what? Trump will win in the next election and he will throw the relationship between the two continents in the garbage bin as soon he is in power.​


1. Given the US track record, yea. Sounds like US is going all-in on banning everything.
Hopefully, such hostile actions by the U.S. will prevent, or even reverse, China's brain-drain.

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Now that we got that out of the way... LET'S PARTY
The president of the EU talks the same way:
However, talk is cheap. They should ask the largest economy of Europe, Germany, for opinions.

Petroyuan coming?


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2022-10-21 14:41:28Xinhua Editor : Li Yan
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An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.1 struck off Japan's Fukushima Prefecture on Friday, the weather agency here said.
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the temblor, which occurred at 3:19 p.m. local time, struck at a depth of 30 km.


Registered Member
You are confusing foreign policy with the mandate of the central bank. They are not related to each other.
Central bank support government policy taking into account nation ability.
why do you think Saudi/UAE/Qatar central bank maintain Dollar peg constant. They can afford it at this point. while Japan cannot. interest rates up and down will not help much just like like it selling $60b of dollars previous month did not made much to Yen. The point is Japan thinks it can do some thing which it is not capable of doing it. it is falling short and if keep falling short it will lose trust of wider international investors.


Registered Member
But can the devaluing yen is merely a secret tactic for Japan to go back before Plaza Accord ?
Because one of the Plaza Accord clause is to revalue the yen which kills Japan's economy, now there is a chance to reverse the yen. and Japan take it gladly


That is what I believe. This was a dirty trick on behalf of the Japanese.

The Americans want the Japanese to decouple from China. For whatever reasons, Japan allows the Yen to collapse.

A Yen this cheap, makes Japanese products kind of permanent inside China.

So when the Americans demand Japan decouples from China, the Japanese will say in all honestly, they cannot do it because they too embedded in the China market.

The CCP probably had the same idea, a few months ago when the Yen started its collapse. When there was no hint of Japan trying to support the Yen, China called them out on it, and was threatening to devalue themselves.

Guess it comes down to who was more desperate, or who was more hungry, more willing to do what it takes.
