Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Hopefully, such hostile actions by the U.S. will prevent, or even reverse, China's brain-drain.

The president of the EU talks the same way:
However, talk is cheap. They should ask the largest economy of Europe, Germany, for opinions.

Petroyuan coming?
Still going to cost them more money which at the same time they're bitchin' about high energy prices. These are all the result of their own making. The only way the West can go back to the good ole days is by violating human rights in other countries by stealing their resources and enslaving their population so that those resources they want are cheap. I had one person argue with me that robots will solve costly Western labor that will make things cheap for the West. Robots that will replace their workers who'll have no money to buy things. Yeah they have democracy at home but not the people they'll exploit to get everything cheap.


Registered Member
Central bank support government policy taking into account nation ability.
why do you think Saudi/UAE/Qatar central bank maintain Dollar peg constant.

The opinions of the central bank isn’t required for the government to dictate policy. It has never been that. Did the Central Bank support Trump’s trade war? No, Powell said so himself. Meanwhile, fiscal policy is out of control while monetary policy is tightening. The central bank is not aligned with whatever the White House and the White House does not need the support of the central bank on fiscal or foreign policies.

interest rates up and down will not help much just like like it selling $60b of dollars previous month did not made much to Yen.

Which isn’t true since interest rates moving up or down matters a lot because it signals to everyone that the policy of the central bank is shifting from quantitative easing to quantitative tightening. The reason to why selling tons of dollars to support the Yen is having little effect is because the underlying policy has not changed.


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Still going to cost them more money which at the same time they're bitchin' about high energy prices. These are all the result of their own making. The only way the West can go back to the good ole days is by violating human rights in other countries by stealing their resources and enslaving their population so that those resources they want are cheap. I had one person argue with me that robots will solve costly Western labor that will make things cheap for the West. Robots that will replace their workers who'll have no money to buy things. Yeah they have democracy at home but not the people they'll exploit to get everything cheap.

Robots will replace their workers. By that I mean Chinese robots.

Poor blokes will soon have to vie for jobs against real CCP bots.

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Registered Member
The opinions of the central bank isn’t required for the government to dictate policy. It has never been that. Did the Central Bank support Trump’s trade war? No, Powell said so himself. Meanwhile, fiscal policy is out of control while monetary policy is tightening. The central bank is not aligned with whatever the White House and the White House does not need the support of the central bank on fiscal or foreign policies.
Trump made stock market up. so he still had influence. Trade war is separate issue. that more function of managing supply chains but still dollar is up vs most of Asian currencies even with trade deficits.
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Which isn’t true since interest rates moving up or down matters a lot because it signals to everyone that the policy of the central bank is shifting from quantitative easing to quantitative tightening. The reason to why selling tons of dollars to support the Yen is having little effect is because the underlying policy has not changed.
interest rate increase does not have much influence on Gulf markets even with high interest rates and much lower oil prices. Japan can change all the policies it will still not be able to change its composition of trade and its real investment appeal.
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Lieutenant General
Robots will replace their workers. By that I mean Chinese robots.

Poor blokes will soon have to vie for jobs against real CCP bots.

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And notice you don't hear American-like bitching about robots replacing humans in China. Why? Because Chinese always find a way to make money. They're not like Americans working in a coal mine expecting the government to protect their jobs by continuing to mine coal forever even when there are alternative sources than coal.
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Super Moderator
And notice you don't hear American-like bitching about robots replacing humans in China. Why? Because Chinese always find a way to make money. They're not like Americans working in a coal mine expecting the government to protect their jobs by continuing to mine coal forever even when there are alternative sources than coal.

I’m pretty sure the real reason is because all forms of protest and dissension has been crushed by the CCP. That’s what I read on r/China and it seemed pretty legit.


Registered Member
And notice you don't hear American-like bitching about robots replacing humans in China. Why? Because Chinese always find a way to make money. They're not like Americans working in a coal mine expecting the government to protect their jobs by continuing to mine coal forever even when there are alternative sources than coal.

To the heart of my jokes, what politicians say have no meaning or basis in reality.
This is the problem with most western politicians.
"Trustworthy suppliers", I saw another term "friendshoring".
What is so untrustworthy about China? Are they banning semiconductor exports? Are they arresting C-suite executives? Are they banning Apple from Chinese cell phone networks?

Diversifying supply chains beyond China is not stupid in itself, but it should not be a political stunt. It should be done in a meaningful business-like approach. Otherwise it's not sustainable anyway. Look at what Foxconn is doing in Wisconsin (hint, literally nothing). Ironically it is actually Chinese companies opening factories in Vietnam, India, Thailand, Africa. Probably the West will pat themselves on the back saying "look at this iPhone, it is made in India, the Chinese are losing", meanwhile the plant is owned by Luxshare.

Cheap labour was never China's strength. This was found to be somewhat of a mirage once the country was open to FDI in the 80's. When American companies went into China, the labour pool was large, but the capital cost of upgrading plants with American and European machinery was too great. Furthermore, executives and transplanted workers had too many costly demands like 5-star hotels, drivers, etc. It was Taiwan and SK companies' workers that were willing to put up with the hardships of working in China and were producing slightly inferior industrial equipment, but at a lower cost. It was only after the modernized industrial base was established that the labour pool could be leveraged. Even then, a lot of the growth of manufacturing is less about labour cost, and more about favourable government policies (i.e. trades education) that allows for the production scale and efficiency.

If labour cost was the sole driver, then companies would clamour to open factories in India and Bangladesh where the labour cost is even cheaper. However, the quality and access to infrastructure simply is not there.


Lieutenant General
I don't know how digital currency has affected this but there was a huge underground market in China that the government had a hard time tracking. Chinese know how to make money hence why there's this entrepreneurial spirit in China. Figures the US would use said the average Chinese family couldn't afford to buy a car and yet China became the largest car market in the world. The government doesn't know about billionaires until they've made too much money they can't hide. In the US, banks have to report to the government if you've added more than a hundred dollars in cash to your bank account because the government wants to know where it came from and they want to be able to tax it. It's ironic that for a country that believes in freedom, they seem to be more strict than in China. And it's those restrictions that kills any entrepreneurial spirit in Americans and expects the government to be their nanny. And they wonder how China marches forward...?


Registered Member
Looks like the mental decline of Washington politicians is starting to infect the undersized brains of the hawks in Europe. So let see, Russia is wrecking Ukraine limb from limb, so the brilliant strategy of some European US lapdogs politicians with zero ability to think on their own is to antagonize China enough so they don't have more options than to get even more closer to Russia and give Russia the tools they need to not just completely wreck Ukraine but also the rest of Eastern Europe, dragging a war that could completely destroy the EU as we know it even longer.
Lets think about it, the only thing that separate China and massive Russian kamikaze drone fleet is Europe and Japan. That's it, nothing more. China doesn't give a single f*ck about the U.S. right now, but they seem to care about their relationship with the European Union.

For what? Trump will win in the next election and he will throw the relationship between the two continents in the garbage bin as soon he is in power.​

White supremacism is one hell of a drug. They'd rather circle the wagons among themselves and cause nuclear annihilation rather than cooperate and thrive at the expense of their hegemony.

This reminds me of when the Cyberpunk genre came to be in the 70's and 80', and how a lot of the japanese imagery in it was due to the perceived threat at the time that the Japanese were taking over the US and the west and everybody would be slaves to japanese corporations.

The US would go on to torpedo the Japanese economy at the end of the 80's
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