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Lieutenant General
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I've heard Americans label pandas as communist and should be treated as such. There was a British conservationist who argued the world should let pandas die-off because they're so fragile of species they wouldn't survive without human intervention so no money should be given to save them. You mean like all other animals that are threatened with extinction?

Now they want to claim pandas as theirs. Sort of like because they found Caucasian mummies in the Chinese far west, it must mean white people must be the reason why China even exists.

Why do they want to claim something they so despise? It's about absolute control of everything. Killing people is about control. Rape is about control. When you hear of men raping men in prison that are not gay, it's ultimately about control. The panda is China's cherished natural treasure... and they want to take that away. The West is disgusted with Chinese culture yet they want to claim it's theirs because it's about being in control and you would be nothing without them.

I come across people who are bothered that China in history referred to them as barbarians. Well when you transfer your issues you have with Chinese onto a bunch of animals just because they exist in a country you don't like, you are a barbarian.
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Biden having fun by starting the month with some good trolling
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Biden calls on Russia, China to enter nuclear arms control talks​

Turning to China, which has been bolstering its much smaller nuclear arsenal, Biden said the communist state has a duty as a permanent member of the UN Security Council “to engage in talks that will reduce the risk of miscalculation and address destabilizing military dynamics.”
“There is no benefit to any of our nations, or for the world, to resist substantive engagement on arms control and nuclear non-proliferation,” Biden said.


Lieutenant General
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Whatever happened to how China imported less oil from Saudi Arabia to show how China was flagrantly buying Russian oil against Western sanctions and Saudis should not bother doing business with the Chinese so the US can still have majority influence over the oil producing nations in the world?

The West is so full of sh*t where they think their words override reality in the very countries that would know the truth.


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@Overbom bro a question to protect themselves against NATO, can they request Russia to send a peacekeeping forces station at the border with Kosovo?
Russia may already have people on ground that can help it in prolong a war and make cost imposed on German industrial chain.
I doubt any one from Hungry or Bulgaria will help Germany with Kosovo. not even France or Spain. This issue isolate Germany.

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