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Registered Member
What do you mean speaks for itself?

No one recognizes this air defense zone from an armed non state actor that has less nations recognising them then even the LDPR who are like what, 3 months old?

These overflights of mainland territory and China's territorial water in the straits are nothing more, nothing less, than routine. The only newsworthy activity from the Air force is if they fly directly above rebel strongholds I.e. around and above Taiwan Island itself. Which it doesn't seem like they did, so it's just routine overflight of the mainland from 1 AFB to another.


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From the Russian sources:

At the same time, the Taiwanese media write that the speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi will arrive on the island.

It will happen tomorrow afternoon, around 17:30 Moscow time.

Nancy Pelosi will arrive at Songshan Airport (Taipei, Taiwan) tomorrow at about 17:30 pm Moscow time, spend the night at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, and in the morning visit the Taiwan Legislative Yuan, where she will meet with the leadership of the island, including the head of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen (c) Taiwan media.