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Just trace the families of Japanese higher-ups. Both in business and the government. Almost all of them trace their origins in power to the Meiji era. Japan is so nepotism free that somehow everyone is related to a group of people who lived 130-150 years ago!
Tell that to the American bootlicking sycophants at Nikkei newspaper and the rest of western Asian reporting.


Registered Member
Disrespectful Black Man Who Assaulted Asian Elder (70 years old) Released, Tries to Beat Asian MMA Fighter and Calls for Time Out.

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Typical of racists like this guy, he is a bully and a coward. He only picks those whom he thinks are weak. When someone actually puts up a fight and he realizes he is in trouble, he calls for a time out. This is a truly disgusting character. A loser of the lowest type. Decades of American racial blame game has created pathetic bullies like this guy. There are characters like this in the US military too. Heroic at killing Afghan or Iraqi villagers. Cowering when faced with Russian artillery.

Nevertheless, a known robber who had assaulted a 70 yr old Asian man could still walk around free, and enter into a gym to pick on another Asian. This shows us the state of American justice. It's actually selected justice. No rule of law for the people of color.

That is why I'm an advocate for Chinese people living in dangerous places like America to go and get guns. They can't depend on the cops anymore.


Registered Member
Oof, SM-2, not many of those left in ROC.

Fun fact: ROCN can't buy any more SM-2 from US because the version they have use those rail launchers while US have switched to only basing SM-2 in VLS. The VLS version is not compatible with rail launchers because they have an extra rocket booster section at the bottom. US no longer produces the old rail launcher version of SM-2

I did not know this. That means Cheng Keung-OHP also suffers from the same lack of missiles…

A quick Google suggests they are looking to integrate Mk41, but nothing concrete…


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Just trace the families of Japanese higher-ups. Both in business and the government. Almost all of them trace their origins to higher-ups of the Meiji era. Japan is so nepotism free that somehow everyone is related to a group of people who lived 130-150 years ago!
The recently deceased Shinzo Abe is a good example.
  • Abe is the longest serving Japanese prime minister
  • Abe's great uncle Eisaku Satō is the third longest serving Japanese prime minister
  • Abe's grand father Nobusuke Kishi was also a Japanese prime minister (and more famously known as the Monster of Manchuria)
  • Abe's brother Nobuo Kishi is the current Japanese defense minister
  • Abe's father Shintaro Abe was the Japanese foreign minister
  • Abe's cousin Shinji Sato was minister of trade and minister of transportation
  • Abe's cousin-in-law Masashi Adachi was a vice minister in Abe's government


Registered Member
The recently deceased Shinzo Abe is a good example.
  • Abe is the longest serving Japanese prime minister
  • Abe's great uncle Eisaku Satō is the third longest serving Japanese prime minister
  • Abe's grand father Nobusuke Kishi was also a Japanese prime minister (and more famously known as the Monster of Manchuria)
  • Abe's brother Nobuo Kishi is the current Japanese defense minister
  • Abe's father Shintaro Abe was the Japanese foreign minister
  • Abe's cousin Shinji Sato was minister of trade and minister of transportation
  • Abe's cousin-in-law Masashi Adachi was a vice minister in Abe's government
Yet the Japanese & SK media likes to mention that only the communist and 'authoritarian' countries practice political dynasties. Like the Kim family, and the so-called princeling Xi Jinping.

In terms of family dynasty in politics. Shinzo Abe and his family as you have pointed out are the worse offenders in all of East Asia by a big margin. Their legacy stretches back more than 100 years.

In SK. The Park family. Park Geun-hye and her father, Park Chung Hee. Park Chung Hee was the man credited with building the foundation for SK's economic miracle. Well he also served with the Imperial Japanese Army in WW2.

If we look at the other democracies, there are plenty of family dynasties too. The Gandhi family in India, the Bhutto family in Pakistan, the Lee family in Singapore, the Bush family in USA, the Aquino family of the Philippines, etc. The list is endless.

Dynastic politics is not necessarily wrong. But it is not an exclusive feature of 'authoritarian' countries. If that were true, then many democracies around the world are also authoritarian. Which is ironically quite close to the truth.


Registered Member
But please decouple nonetheless, UK needs to go back to the dark ages.

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GT Voice: UK economy cannot afford decoupling from China

By Global Times Published: Jul 31, 2022 10:44 PM Updated: Jul 31, 2022 12:00 AM

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Tony Danker, director-general of the Confederation of British Industry, said that thousands of British companies are cutting economic ties with China in anticipation of a further deterioration in relations between China and the West, the Financial Times reported on Saturday.

He also warned that this will heap more pressure on the country's already high inflation.

As the head of the UK's premier business organization, Danker's observation is an indication that the difficulties and challenges facing China-UK relations may be beyond expectation. A large number of British companies switching business links out of China due to political reasons is something unseen for decades.

Needless to say, the shift in market sentiment was mainly driven by fear over the escalating tensions between the UK and China, for which British politicians should shoulder the blame.

Just a few years ago, some UK politicians hailed a "golden decade" in China-UK ties. However, in recent years, as Washington steps up its hostility toward and containment of China, UK politicians have also been constantly smearing China and even actively undermining bilateral relations. That gives the impression that the British political establishment has completely followed the US in drawing ideological lines.

This has cast a huge shadow over China-UK relations and will further lead the UK astray. Smearing China and undermining ties with China will not help the UK in any way to address its considerable economic problems. Indeed, the UK economy that is already in a terrible predicament cannot afford the consequences of politicians continuously hardening their anti-China rhetoric and seeking to politicize trade and economic issues, which will only exacerbate the severity of its domestic economic problems.

It is undeniable that the UK now is facing serious economic difficulties in terms of soaring inflation and a possible recession. Its consumer price index rose 9.4 percent year-on-year in June, another 40-year high as the country battles its worst cost of living crisis in decades. The Bank of England is expected to announce another interest rate hike this week in attempt to arrest inflation, but there is concern that there is little the central bank can do about inflation and the UK may be sliding into a recession just like the US. As wages fail to keep pace with soaring energy bills and food prices, public discontent is on the rise, with UK railway workers staging nationwide strike.

Against this backdrop, voices that are still clamoring for a decouple from China are clearly out of touch with the reality. China was the UK's third-largest trading partner. The fact that bilateral trade in goods exceeded $100 billion in 2021 despite the headwinds of the pandemic and growing tensions is the best proof that China-UK economic and trade cooperation is a choice of the market, not politicians. And the consequences of going against the rules of the market will be detrimental to the UK economy. If the UK wants to follow the US into a "new Cold War" with China, it will be dragged deeper into its current economic malaise.

There is no fundamental conflict between China and the UK. It is unwise for UK politicians to use politics to disrupt normal economic and trade relations. In the context of rising global inflation, it is irresponsible for UK politicians to clamor for supply chain restructuring away from China just to score some political points, which will leave UK citizens facing an increased cost of living.

China continues to be one of the hottest destinations for global businesses. In the first half of this year, China's actual use of foreign direct investment rose 17.4 percent year-on-year, while its foreign trade expanded 9.4 percent year-on-year, underlining the significant potential for economic and trade cooperation with the rest of the world.

It is regrettable for British business to artificially cut their ties with China and miss out the huge opportunities in the Chinese market due to political tensions. British politicians should reflect on the economic consequences of their words and deeds regarding China-UK ties and take a more pragmatic approach to China-UK economic relations.