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Taking a step back here, realize the US goal may be to defeat China but also two bird one stone it wants to destabalize and ruin all of Asia...

With its Ukraine stunt it already managed to trick EU into economic suicide, now all it has to do is get Asia to fight itself and collapse into chaos and it can sit back and take advantage of the global demand destruction to consoliate it power structures and prolong its hegemony at the expense of the rest of the world (it is indeed a zero sum, infact shrinking sum with pie getting smaller)

America's long plan is to play Last man standing in this sort of Squid Game it devised and while everyone else get sacrificed while it stays behind from a distance, safe and untouched...

Be it Ukraine vs Russia, Taiwan against China, South vs North Korea, the US has deliberatly set calculated traps that one day it can call upon to pit brother against brother so it can strategically sacrifice the rest of the world to keep standing on the stool of its hegemony

When is the world going to collectively wake up to whats really going on?!?
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
China shouldn't react to American provocations by trying to outdo the Americans. Instead China should take the opportunity to initiate actions that further its strategic goals. As Mao was saying, "you'll fight your battle, I'll fight mine". Be proactive, not reactive. Pelosi's visit is a major provocation that will create a rally 'round the flag effects on the Chinese populace to benefits of Chinese government. If China tries to outdo Pelosi by, say, intercepting her flight, that will create a rally 'round the flag effects for Pelosi and even Biden. That's her plan. Don't let her succeed. China should take advantage of the rally 'round the flag effects in China while deny the same benefits to Pelosi and Biden.

For example, Xi could take the opportunity to consolidate support for higher military spending. Hu Xijin and Jin Canrong had already called for increased military spending. In doing that, they really did break the rank. It's long been taboo to openly call for increased military spending, and vested interests are against such increases (e.g. what I call China's Infrastructure-Industrial Complex, made of private and state-owned companies and government officials on all levels). This would be a perfect opportunity to gather political and public support for substantially increase the military budget. What's going to happen to Pelosi politically in U.S. if her trip only results in photo ops for herself and Xi Jinping consolidating power at the expense of Chinese doves?
On one hand, I agree, but to play devil's advocate, US only knows and respects might and power. Westerners ascended to global hegemony through organized violence. China should be crystal clear that China will go nuclear over Taiwan and tell US to eat ass if it wants to defend it militarily.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Taking a step back here, realize the US goal may be to defeat China but also two bird one stone it wants to destabalize and ruin all of Asia...

With its Ukraine stunt it already managed to trick EU into economic suicide, now all it has to do is get Asia to fight itself and collapse into chaos and it can sit back and take advantage of the global demand destruction to consoliate it power structures and prolong its hegemony at the expense of the rest of the world (it is indeed a zero sum, infact shrinking sum with pie getting smaller)

America's long plan is to play Last man standing in this sort of Squid Game it devised and while everyone else get sacrificed while it stays behind from a distance, safe and untouched...

When is the world going to collectively wake up to whats really going on?!?
If you talk to people from the "global south" they know what's going on. Its just that they've been trampled on for so long (for some of them, 600+ years of western colonialism) that they've developed a sense of "learned helplessness".

There was that article by that Egyptian dude where he compared China to being the first child in a family going to college.

That sense is becoming pervasive around the world. He's not unique. People are waiting to see how the US reacts to "one of them" finally breaking free. Some people think its time to stand up and help. Others (a great many others) are terrified of the western response, and therefore keep their head down. Remember, the west literally enslaved, tortured and killed them and their ancestors for centuries.

But you can see bit by bit people are starting to realize they have power.