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The Asia trip is going ahead as plan on Friday. Supposedly, “Taiwan” is listed as tentative but I don’t believe they won’t go to Taiwan. Pelosi Trip is matching well with the National Congress. This is quite clear that this is now a provocation to undermine Xi and his government by the Neocons.

Pelosi leading delegation to Asia on Friday with Taiwan visit still undecided​

The House speaker has invited top lawmakers to join her. A stop in Taiwan is listed as "tentative" on an itinerary described to NBC News.

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is leading an official congressional delegation to Asia on Friday, two sources said, although it’s unclear whether the trip will include a stop in Taiwan.

One of the sources who reviewed the itinerary Thursday afternoon said it listed a Taiwan visit as “tentative.” The trip will include visits to Asian allies Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore.

Bloomberg News first reported that Pelosi's delegation is departing Friday, the last day the House is in session before its monthlong August recess.


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Then you got the rest of the West and their infinite experts. They all believe China is bluffing and won’t do anything in response. The economy is more important they say.
Im getting Korean war vibes all over again... Right now we are at the point where MacArthur is saying to his troops they will all be home by xmas.....

China is not bluffing and not backing down this time ... Chinese Americans best go take your PTO right now its gonna be an interesting August, and pay the penalty cash out your 401k while you are at it


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Taking a step back here, realize the US goal may be to defeat China but also two bird one stone it wants to destabalize and ruin all of Asia...

With its Ukraine stunt it already managed to trick EU into economic suicide, now all it has to do is get Asia to fight itself and collapse into chaos and it can sit back and take advantage of the global demand destruction to consoliate it power structures and prolong its hegemony at the expense of the rest of the world (it is indeed a zero sum, infact shrinking sum with pie getting smaller)

America's long plan is to play Last man standing in this sort of Squid Game it devised and while everyone else get sacrificed while it stays behind from a distance, safe and untouched...

Be it Ukraine vs Russia, Taiwan against China, South vs North Korea, the US has deliberatly set calculated traps that one day it can call upon to pit brother against brother so it can strategically sacrifice the rest of the world to keep standing on the stool of its hegemony

When is the world going to collectively wake up to whats really going on?!?
It may be a strategy that is possible, if the USA is economically sound and is basically topped with the weapons needed in order to take action during the chaos, both of which is not exactly true in either case. I believe that what the USA is doing now is a last ditch attempt to try and drag the world into chaos as a way to keep the illusion that the USA is still the world hegemon.

Both China and Russia have yet to use their best weapons and troops and ultimately despite the situation, having the EU slowly descend into total chaos will benefit Russia and China in the long run and most the the global south can already see a USA that is too chicken to fight a real mans fight against a nation that have the potential to strike its shores and has already cause enough bad blood to the point where they can't be relied on to help the west in regards to its energy issues.

Provided that China doesn't rush in and take Taiwan by force in a move that the USA obviously sees as a way to gain advantage, China can still get rid of all US treasuries over time and work with Russia and the other allies to collapse the US dollar as the world reserve currency, which given how the middle east and south America and Africa are not on board with the west in condemning Russia, this has a good chance of dealing serious blows to the US dollar and Euro. In the end, these nations have the resources that the west need to survive in the long term and if these nations don't take US dollars any more due to its unreliability, the USA cannot restock the weapons required to wage war and pay their own soldiers to die in their name along with the necessary resources to keep their air craft carriers and other weapons functioning when they need it most along with fixing all the food, gas/oil and materials required to keep the nation running. The USA is the one running out of time and provided that the USA continues to fool around, I wonder if the people (the 99%) in the USA can put up with hyperinflation, no food or water, not energy to keep the country going and no more cheap goods from overseas to keep on living the good life. If a civil war occurs at any more in the future, then any attempts to wait out China and Russia is simply far too late and the government at the moment will be desperately trying to recall all the soldiers over seas to stabilize the nation and prevent themselves from being fed to the rope.

To me, all these moves that the USA is making right now might've been good to do 10 years ago but right now, well it is far too late to make a difference. China doesn't need to blow Pelosi up right now, China simply use this a chance to simply dump dollars faster, slowly cut the trade with the US and also keep the USA stringed along while making the USA waste more money maintaining there bases and carriers (which must cost 100 of billions or more given inflation) which will ultimately drain the US economy to the point where they will eventually become totally broke and no nation will want to trade with the USA that is suffering from hyperinflation, not when there are more trustworthy alternatives


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Kim is making a move:
Kim Jong-un said: for a common ideal, the martyrs of People's Volunteer Army stood shoulder to shoulder with the people and army of Korea and beat back the imperialist invaders, for this victory they paid with their sacred blood. He wishes to pay the highest respect to the martyrs of People's Volunteer Army.

He pointed out, the deeds and achievements of soldiers and officers of People's Volunteer Army are immortal, the friendship between China and Korea was forged in blood and have lasted the test of time. This friendship will continue to thrive along with the advancement of the socialist cause.

I don't believe today is of any particular significance in the Korean War, so this is very much a calculated signal.


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Kim is making a move:
View attachment 94348

Kim Jong-un said: for a common ideal, the martyrs of People's Volunteer Army stood shoulder to shoulder with the people and army of Korea and beat back the imperialist invaders, for this victory they paid with their sacred blood. He wishes to pay the highest respect to the martyrs of People's Volunteer Army.

He pointed out, the deeds and achievements of soldiers and officers of People's Volunteer Army are immortal, the friendship between China and Korea was forged in blood and have lasted the test of time. This friendship will continue to thrive along with the advancement of the socialist cause.

I don't believe today is of any particular significance in the Korean War, so this is very much a calculated signal.
Very shrewd. He knows China is rubbed raw by the whole Pelosi thing and in this mood it's going to be receptive to a friendly gesture.


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Kim is making a move:
View attachment 94348

Kim Jong-un said: for a common ideal, the martyrs of People's Volunteer Army stood shoulder to shoulder with the people and army of Korea and beat back the imperialist invaders, for this victory they paid with their sacred blood. He wishes to pay the highest respect to the martyrs of People's Volunteer Army.

He pointed out, the deeds and achievements of soldiers and officers of People's Volunteer Army are immortal, the friendship between China and Korea was forged in blood and have lasted the test of time. This friendship will continue to thrive along with the advancement of the socialist cause.

I don't believe today is of any particular significance in the Korean War, so this is very much a calculated signal.
Yes i have a feeling, Kim will do something if pelosi visits taiwan, might be a nuclear test, or artillery attack on sk islands, or even a repeat of cheonan sinking.