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Lieutenant General
The only remotely feasible way the US military could get her to Taiwan without the almost certainty of a shooting war with China is if they snuck her in on a Seawolf, probably Jimmy Carter so they can use its MMP to launch her on a ROV.

Maybe the PLAN should mobiles it’s militia to deploy some fishing boats to the east of Taiwan to see if they can catch a big fish with their fishing nets. The sight of Pelosi being dragged aboard in a fishing net would be a beautiful sight indeed!


Registered Member
But Taiwan isn't Cuba, and Taiwan is part of China that even according to the signed declaration the U.S. signed agree with. So this point is moot and not applicable or subject for some grand bargaining by this administration or any future U.S. administration. The idea that a Chinese leader, let alone, Pres. Xi subjects himself and the party to have the Taiwan be used by the U.S. as if they're the defacto rulers of the wayward island must be treated as a severe insult to any and all Chinese regardless of standing. How can we negotiate something that was ours to begin with? And against a country or people with whom causing and caused us grief, from the century of humiliation to decades of taunting, insults, and outright disrespect?

The U.S. either respects and adheres to China's red line or nothing else matters period.
My thoughts as well.

Cuba is a sovereign nation and a proper UN member state since October 1945. Taiwan is neither of those.

If Biden really wants to create a "Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0" on China's doorstep to rescue his (and Democrat Party's) political career, what other the concessions would the US force China to agree upon besides forcing China to promise that they would never attack and invade Taiwan?

That would mean straight down to hell, both politically and in the eys of 1.4 billion Chinese people, if anyone in the Chinese leadership dare to agree to such suicidal proposition by the US, especially with the 20th National Congress of the CPC about to be held later this year.

Mao would be like this guy from the Simpsons:

In other words, China and the US are having a staring contest right now. It's only a matter of time before either side blinks - or both sides go to war.

To summarize it up, China led by Xi and the CPC must carefully handle this and win this confrontation against the USA - without sparking a hot war as best as possible.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Warships are certainly much easier to turn back without killing any of their crew.

Maybe instead of war, what Biden actually wants is his own Cuban missile crisis. Escalating in order to deescalate later and secure some concessions. God knows US needs a lot of things from China right now.

China can appear strong by turning back the ships at gunpoint, meanwhile, there will be some below the table deal, like a bailout and promise not to put export tax when US removes tariffs. Like how the USSR achieved its true objective of getting rid US missiles in Turkey by using the Cuban issue.
If the visits of several senior officials can be used as bargaining chips, it will mean that the Americans have actually won the victory, and they can brazenly create such incidents at any time to blackmail.
If it were me, I would never accept any offer of benefit exchange, this constant creation of new bargaining chips intended to make us give in unilaterally.

It was humiliating enough that the Americans intimidated us with warships and led to a state of division for more than 70 years.This is very successful for the United States, but it also causes Americans' path dependence.They are used to using Taiwan island to blackmail us.


Senior Member
Registered Member

CIA could MKUltra a patsy and maybe give him a "homemade" musket or something aka Abe style

I still think this is prelude to war, and not about Pelosi or Biden at all.... America has decided now is the time.... (trade war failed, covid failed, tech war failing, etc)
US can't win in Ukraine and wants to start another war? Lol, maybe they want to accelerate the waning of Western influence too. Some new form of white guilt.


Registered Member
I'm really struggling to understand the purpose of her trip other than to spark more tensions for an armed conflict over Taiwan. Whatever she needed to discuss could have been done over a phone call, but instead now she's started an insane game of chicken between two nuclear powers. God I fucking hate American politicians.
To be honest given that her actions are literally going to spark a war based on her extreme arrogance and belief in America superiority, may her exit from this world be as violent and painful as possible so that it can be a wonderful sight for China to behold given that she is treading the line one time too many. In fact, her end would be a tremendous blessing to the world given that none of her actions is helping the world in anyway good and for daring to insinuate that what happened in HK is a wonderful sight to behold, honestly, may the collapse for destruction of her home nation be a wonderful sight to behold for the sake of world peace. Honestly, she is a truly worthless piece of trash.


Registered Member
If the visits of several senior officials can be used as bargaining chips, it will mean that the Americans have actually won the victory, and they can brazenly create such incidents at any time to blackmail.
If it were me, I would never accept any offer of benefit exchange, this constant creation of new bargaining chips intended to make us give in unilaterally.

It was humiliating enough that the Americans intimidated us with warships and led to a state of division for more than 70 years.This is very successful for the United States, but it also causes Americans' path dependence.They are used to using Taiwan island to blackmail us.
Yeah, but it worked for the USSR. If what Biden asks for is innocuous enough, its possible that China would accept.

Besides, time favors China, whatever minor stuff Biden could get out of deescalating a naval standoff outside China's coast would not save America, it would not be nearly enough. At most, it would just secure that China doesn't immediately move to collapse America with economical war for a few years. None of the US core problems have been solved.

They also destroy long term goodwill by doing shortsighted moves. One of if not the greatest US ally in the world is the Chinese public's unwillingness to take a tough stance against them. Chinese people are prone to ignore stuff happening outside Asia, so there was no uproar against US attacks in the middle east for example. If China didn't prop up the US economy to maintain access to the US market for the last decade, America would probably be in a state of complete collapse comparable to late 1980s USSR already.

Let's not forget, Chinese ppl with awareness about America is but a small segment of the whole population, not big enough to drive real change and create real anti American policies. But more and more ppl are catching on to how the relationship is unsustainable and unfair. Like someone else wrote above, the ability for China to change gears is unmatched in the world, if the public advocate for it, I don't doubt its possible to construct military factories at the same speed they built hospitals during the covid pandemic.

The only remotely feasible way the US military could get her to Taiwan without the almost certainty of a shooting war with China is if they snuck her in on a Seawolf, probably Jimmy Carter so they can use its MMP to launch her on a ROV.

Maybe the PLAN should mobiles it’s militia to deploy some fishing boats to the east of Taiwan to see if they can catch a big fish with their fishing nets. The sight of Pelosi being dragged aboard in a fishing net would be a beautiful sight indeed!

In any goal, the arrival of US forces on Chinese territory must be counteracted in any way. Even a drone strike shouldn't be ruled out if she somehow managed to make her way on solid ground. After all, the Americans themselves started that trend, they should have no objections if an US leader illegally meeting with Chinese terrorists is taken out by a government airstrike.