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The anti-China crowd. The MAGA idiots, Jai Hinds, and others are like this. They always say that hate the 'See-see-pee' but love the Chinese people. Then they would cheer on the idea of genocide of the Chinese people.

They have no class.
its deeper and more existential than that...
The mere existence of China is a repudiation of their entire supposed perfect system, (Capitalism, Democracy) guided by the hand of the one and only all powerful God (Christianity)

It shows the world there is another way, and it gives the world another option, an alternative platform as it were...

And of course it is this that is not "acceptable" to them....

before there was hegemony it was ideology...


Registered Member
The Three Gorges Dam as a target is Taiwanese talking. Ironic since there was talk in this forum before that China shouldn't target Taiwanese civilians if war breaks out. Taiwanese would sink China's hospital ships too recalling a conversation in this forum back when China built those ships. Funny how Taiwanese have no problem violating international rules but if China did that it would be bad. Go ahead and try to destroy the Three Gorges Dam and that opens the door to "legally" killing Taiwanese civilians. Are they going to cry foul when that happens?

Realistically Taiwan will have a hard time destroying the Three Gorges Dam without a nuke. All they have is their missiles that can reach it and if you haven't notice in the past the Taiwanese have gone through some embarrassing episodes when showing off their missiles. How many missiles do they have? Not enough. Remember the US dropped more bombs on Vietnam than all the bombs dropped during WWII. Did the US win in Vietnam? And think about about all the expensive precision guided missile that has to be attached to that one bomb to get to the Three Gorges Damn. They would be only mosquito bites. Let them waste their time concentrating all their weapons on trying to destroy the dam.
Yes. The Three Gorges Dam is alot tougher to hit and destroy than many armchair generals like to assume. First, the Chinese government is serious about protecting that dam. The dam is very restricted for civilians to visit. It's as well protected as nuclear power plants

Second, for Taiwan to attack the Three Gorges Dam, it's militarily unfeasible. Taiwan's military is too limited in capability to pull that off. Not that it's impossible, but it'll cost them alot in terms of effort, the danger of retaliation, and the end result. Even if Taiwanese missiles made it through to their target, the Three Gorges damn has been engineered to withstand crashes from ships and airliners. So conventional cruise missile strikes are not likely gonna do too much damage. Taiwan doesn't have the stockpile to sustain bombardment to the point of the dam failing, and also attack other military targets. Plus the PLA will never allow anyone to attack the Three Gorges Dam with impunity.

Besides, for the DPP-controlled Taiwan to order a strike on the Three Gorges Dam is a blatant attempt at genocide of mainland Chinese citizens. It'll escalate any cross-strait conflict into a full-blown total war. The DPP is signing it's own death warrant for ordering such an attack.

I was watching a YouTube video of a computer game scenario of an attack on Taiwanese military runways by H-6 bombers. Really, would that be the only thing China would do in the outbreak of a war? And of course Taiwan successfully beat back China. When the Key Aviation forum was still around, they had all these us vs. them countries at war scenarios. And when it came to China, countries like Norway had everything at their disposal even weapons they didn't develop. But of course they put shackles on China on what it could use and do. I think they think they can apply that in real life.
Yeah I've seen plenty of 'what if stories' and wargame simulations on YouTube. All of them assumed the best case scenarios for the 'good guys' and handicapped the Chinese. Many times these scenarios conflict with each other.

Such as:

1) The PLA will only fight for politics. That means doing reckless military tactics or political stunts just to save the CCP's face.
2) The PLA are cowards. Their troops are one-child 'little emperors' who haven't seen war in generations. Hence they have pathetic morale, and cannot steady themselves in the face of battle.
3) The PLA's equipment is over-hyped, falling apart, or vastly inferior. So the damage to the good guys is limited at best.
4) When the good guys take hits from the PLA, they always do very well. Such as pilots successfully ejecting from burning jets. Sailors successfully evacuating a sinking ship. Or surrounded soldiers managing to fend off waves of PLA hordes.
5) When the PLA takes hits. It's always the worse case scenario. Ships sunk with all hands lost. Pilots going down with the planes. Or thousands of soldiers dying from human wave charges. Nevermind that PLA soldiers are supposed to be cowards.
6) When the good guys faces setbacks. Its 'tactical' defeat. But it'll rally the good guys to come back and fight harder. Because they have 'hope' that they are fighting for democracy and freedom.
7) When the PLA faces setbacks. It weakens the 'authoritarian grip' of the CCP. It destroys the Chinese morale. The Chinese people will rise up against the evil CCP. Because they love freedom.

When these idiots simulate wargame scenarios like this, they are setting themselves up for failure. That is why they've failed in wars like Korea, and Vietnam. That is why they have no answer to the BRI. That is why they criminally sucked at saving lives from Covid-19. That is why they are in this desperate situation from the Russia-Ukraine War. If the Mainland China-Taiwan conflict were to happen. It will blow up in their faces yet again.
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Registered Member
Yes. The Three Gorges Dam is alot tougher to hit and destroy than many armchair generals like to assume. First, the Chinese government is serious about protecting that dam. The dam is very restricted for civilians to visit. It's as well protected as nuclear power plants

Second, for Taiwan to attack the Three Gorges Dam, it's militarily unfeasible. Taiwan's military is too limited in capability to pull that off. Not that it's impossible, but it'll cost them alot in terms of effort, the danger of retaliation, and the end result. Even if Taiwanese missiles made it through to their target, the Three Gorges damn has been engineered to withstand crashes from ships and airliners. So conventional cruise missile strikes are not likely gonna do too much damage. Taiwan doesn't have the stockpile to sustain bombardment to the point of the dam failing, and also attack other military targets. Plus the PLA will never allow anyone to attack the Three Gorges Dam with impunity.

Besides, for the DPP-controlled Taiwan to order a strike on the Three Gorges Dam is a blatant attempt at genocide of mainland Chinese citizens. It'll escalate any cross-strait conflict into a full-blown total war. The DPP is signing it's own death warrant for ordering such an attack.

Yeah I've seen plenty of 'what if stories' and wargame simulations on YouTube. All of them assumed the best case scenarios for the 'good guys' and handicapped the Chinese. Many times these scenarios conflict with each other.

Such as:

1) The PLA will only fight for politics. That means doing reckless military tactics or political stunts just to save the CCP's face.
2) The PLA are cowards. Their troops are one-child 'little emperors' who haven't seen war in generations. Hence they have pathetic morale, and cannot steady themselves in the face of battle.
3) The PLA's equipment is over-hyped, falling apart, or vastly inferior. So the damage to the good guys is limited at best.
4) When the good guys take hits from the PLA, they always do very well. Such as pilots successfully ejecting from burning jets. Sailors successfully evacuating a sinking ship. Or surrounded soldiers managing to fend off waves of PLA hordes.
5) When the PLA takes hits. It's always the worse case scenario. Ships sunk with all hands lost. Pilots going down with the planes. Or thousands of soldiers dying from human wave charges. Nevermind that PLA soldiers are supposed to be cowards.
6) When the good guys faces setbacks. Its 'tactical' defeat. But it'll rally the good guys to come back and fight harder. Because they have 'hope' that they are fighting for democracy and freedom.
7) When the PLA faces setbacks. It weakens the 'authoritarian grip' of the CCP. It destroys morale. The Chinese people will rise up against the evil CCP. Because they love freedom.

When these idiots simulate wargame scenarios like this, they are setting themselves up for failure. That is why they've failed in wars like Korea, and Vietnam. That is why they have no answer to the BRI. That is why they criminally sucked at saving lives from Covid-19. That is why they are in this desperate situation from the Russia-Ukraine War. If the Mainland China-Taiwan conflict were to happen. It will blow up in their faces like always.
Sometimes we're dealing with this:
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Yes it's a serious thing, not a joke. This is on page 312 of their report.


Registered Member
The Three Gorges dam is built like a mountain, no way coventional explosives would put a dent in it. You'd need tactical nukes. Deliberately targeting dams is also a war crime, any nation doing that should expect to be on the receiving end of a full nuclear retalation.

In other words, there's not much difference between targeting the dam and targeting Chinese cities with nuclear weapons.


Registered Member
Sometimes we're dealing with this:
View attachment 94105
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Yes it's a serious thing, not a joke. This is on page 312 of their report.
The funny thing about wargames like these is that they assumed that they are the only ones shooting at the enemy. Have they ever thought about the enemy shooting back?
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Registered Member
The funny thing about of wargames like these is that they assumed that they are the only ones shooting at the enemy. Have they ever thought about the enemy shooting back?
Yes, but in COD or Tom Clancy easy difficulty mode, you can always shoot back at an enemy shooting at you. Accounted for.

In their mindsets, Chinese will be like a shooting game on easy mode.


Registered Member
Yes, but in COD or Tom Clancy easy difficulty mode, you can always shoot back at an enemy shooting at you. Accounted for.

In their mindsets, Chinese will be like a shooting game on easy mode.

I think they expect the bullets, missiles, etc to fall apart mid air while the tanks, boats, and jets to break down within a couple minutes because “meh made in gyna”


Registered Member
The Three Gorges dam is built like a mountain, no way coventional explosives would put a dent in it. You'd need tactical nukes. Deliberately targeting dams is also a war crime, any nation doing that should expect to be on the receiving end of a full nuclear retalation.

In other words, there's not much difference between targeting the dam and targeting Chinese cities with nuclear weapons.
Don't forget about Chinese nuclear power plants too. If the enemy plans to strike at Chinese nuclear power plants. That means that they have the intention to cause nuclear fallout in China. That also justifies nuclear retaliation.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Sometimes we're dealing with this:
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Yes it's a serious thing, not a joke. This is on page 312 of their report.
I know this was meant to be in jest but if the Americans have enough analysts at this level advising the govt, I'm afraid this will increase the chances of war even more.

They can't even get basic shit right:

Taiwan using Harpoons in 2035? What is this some Super Harpoon Block 8?


Registered Member
I know this was meant to be in jest but if the Americans have enough analysts at this level advising the govt, I'm afraid this will increase the chances of war even more.

They can't even get basic shit right:
View attachment 94106

Taiwan using Harpoons in 2035? What is this some Super Harpoon Block 8?
I wouldn't necessarily describe Quincy report as China hawk or China dove, they are more concerned with saving cost than anything else. For example they propose by 2040 to cut CVN down to 6, but build 12 new LHA sized CVL (light carriers) and load them up with F-35B and either V22 based or helicopter AEW&C.

Obviously when you come up with radical cutbacks like that you have to prove that they're a good idea and not just weaken USN relative to PLAN right? Hence their table top war sim to "prove" that it would still easily prevent a forceful reunification.