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MAD does Europe...

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Chinese architect’s first European project brings Asian sensibility to Paris

Modern naturalism

By Li Yuche Published: Jul 25, 2022 09:22 PM

The UNIC residential building in Paris Photo: Courtesy of MAD

The UNIC residential building in Paris Photo: Courtesy of MAD

UNIC, a building in Paris' Olympic Village eco-district Clichy-Batignolles, catches the attention of people with its unfettered geometry and undulating floors that define the 13-floor residential building.

UNIC marks the first European project by MAD Architects in Beijing. It is yet "another" project by the firm's head Chinese architect Ma Yansong to discern nature's contemporary meaning in global urban architecture.

As Ma noted, his designs shed light on Western modernism with a touch of "Asian sensibility."

Urban nature

On a European train, Ma decoded his "urban nature'" theory in an interview with the Global Times. According to him, the naturalist ideal for urban design is not about embodiments such as trees and grasses, but choreographing an architectural environment that reminds people about the aesthetics of their surroundings and essentially serves residents' spiritual cultivation through a dialogue with nature.

Fourteen years before the newly landed UNIC, Hutong Bubble 32, a courtyard upgrade project, demonstrated MAD's willingness to experiment with nature/urban combinations.

A small room containing a staircase and a toilet in an iconic Beijing siheyuan courtyard residence, Hutong Bubble 32 appears from the outside as a large silver bubble that mirrors the trees and brick buildings surrounding it, making it seem almost invisible. The Bubble project was MAD's initiative to safeguard the cultural importance of ancient buildings during a time when urban regeneration trends were overpowering the traditional elegance of historical yet highly international cities such as Beijing.

Ma, 47, told the Global Times that this choreographed aesthetic ambience that blends into its surroundings, known as yijing in Chinese, has long been appreciated in Asian philosophy and is an interesting characteristic he brought to projects like UNIC.

"You see the [terrace] lines; their fluidity has a life force. This to me is very Asian. You can find similar aesthetic sensibilities in traditional Chinese landscape art, garden design and literature.

"It is what is missing in the functionality-oriented Western modernist architecture," Ma remarked.

The project got its start in 2012 when MAD won the international design competition for the UNIC bid. UNIC is a new addition to a Parisian area that was deserted in the 1970s but was regenerated to become an Olympic Village to support France's attempt to host the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in 2001.

Hutong Bubble 32 Photo: Courtesy of MAD

Hutong Bubble 32 Photo: Courtesy of MAD

As a cross-class residence, the UNIC goes beyond aesthetics.

Shops and a subway station are all packed into the building, as MAD worked hard to ensure it remain connected to another nearby public housing project. According to Ma, this provides a sense of community for people from different backgrounds.

"It has kindergartens that provide children from different housing equal opportunity regardless of their family backgrounds. Architecture is a tool to better social relations," he noted.

Making a name for himself in the industry with his signature residential condominium Absolute Towers, dubbed the sexiest building in the world, Ma has also experimented with other designs that bear more cultural weight.

The Eyes of Sanxingdui was MAD's 2022 design proposal for the Sanxingdui Ancient Shu Cultural Heritage Museum in Sichuan Province. It comprises six wooden buildings that look like eyes coming out of the earth to mark the more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization.

Romantic realist

"I feel being labeled as 'offbeat' isn't a bad thing, but I never try to be a 'casual' maverick. There is thoughtful consideration behind every seemingly bizarre work of mine." In his 40s, the architect has experienced both doubt and praise, but it seems neither have captured his realist romantic color.

The ambitious independent designer said he wants to get involved in more national-level projects, but along with such big dreams he also remains grounded in earthy designs that show architecture's essential humanistic nature - how it serves people.

Close to Beijing's CBD, the MAD-designed Baiziwan Social Housing project hosts 4,000 households.

The project was a game changer for Chinese social housing design. Its aesthetics and function, such as creating three-branch buildings to ensure the "sunlight rights" of every household, challenge the traditional concept of public rental housing.

Most importantly, the project attempts, through improved design, to remove tags such as "low income" and "socially marginalized" that are often stereotypically given to such housing compounds.

"It is done to make them feel social integration. Aesthetic and practical design deliver the sense that 'they are important.'"

"Perhaps the project shows another side of me," Ma said.

In 2010, the gentle-hearted yet sharp-minded architect created the installation work Feelings Are Facts with Icelandic-Danish artist Olafur Eliasson. Eliasson is a humanistic forerunner in the contemporary art scene who has created projects like Little Sun, which brings yellow flower-shaped solar energy devices to African communities to better people's lives.

Ma and Eliasson's installation, which features dense fog and fluorescent lights throughout the space, allows audiences to explore their other senses in an environment where their sense of vision is obscured.

Fond of art himself, Ma told the Global Times that among the artworks he has created, his favorite is Ink Ice, a 9x9x9-meter ice cube made of frozen ink that melts under the sun to create black ink watermarks on the ground that show the Asian aesthetics he is perpetually pursuing in art and architecture.


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Does this mean they train on j10 not specialized trainers?

They still do.

With an average age of 23, this first group of pilot cadets in the new program was selected from pilot cadets who trained with CJ-6 basic trainer aircraft at the Aviation University of Air Force. After completing training on JL-10 advanced trainer jets, they switched to train on J-10s in July last year and completed high-standard, realistic training including air-to-air mock combat against instructors and mock air-to-ground combat against air defense troops of the PLA Army, the CCTV report said.


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Poland STRONG!

Russia's Sputnik news agency reported on July 24 that Poland's deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Walaszczak said that Poland will have the strongest army of any European country in NATO. The Polish government has previously said it intends to increase the total number of troops to 400,000. 'The Polish army would have to be so big and powerful that just its presence would scare off invaders,' Mr. Bwaszczak said. 'As for artillery and tanks, there won't be any more powerful country in Europe.' Recently, the Polish army has been actively purchasing aircraft and transport aircraft, tanks, rocket launchers and artillery, attack drones, and anti-tank and anti-missile weapons.
The silly part about all this is since Poland completely hates Russia and has no Russia ethnics compared to Ukraine, I honestly wonder what is going to stop Russia from using an islanders of his house in the event that the nutcases starts the fight first. Is Poland even a nation that can fight or are they just like India in that the suck so much at fighting that they can be beaten so damn badly that most of the fatalities are from the running away part after the beat down…. Come to think of it that would honestly be interesting to watch…. Assuming that Poland is that stupid


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From every loser country they always have a habit of using China as their piñata that they can use to clubber with to make themselves "electable" to their masses. And yet, when China reacts to these imbecillic tactics they (politicians and their idiot sheep's) react with hubiristic incredulity. Imagine if China was a democracy, boy o boy, the amount of hyper nationalist candidates trying to up one another on who can destroy Britain first on a debate would be a thing of beauty to watch.

They don't fear China, nor respect China because they underestimate it's fighting prowess and it's capacity to destroy their stupid countries if necessary. I have no respect for these losers period.
I wonder if he would act the same if he and his wife got sanctioned.
At some point China should start slowly extending sanctions to characters that threaten to make certain moves, regardless of whether they actually do or not.


Registered Member
From every loser country they always have a habit of using China as their piñata that they can use to clubber with to make themselves "electable" to their masses. And yet, when China reacts to these imbecillic tactics they (politicians and their idiot sheep's) react with hubiristic incredulity. Imagine if China was a democracy, boy o boy, the amount of hyper nationalist candidates trying to up one another on who can destroy Britain first on a debate would be a thing of beauty to watch.

They don't fear China, nor respect China because they underestimate it's fighting prowess and it's capacity to destroy their stupid countries if necessary. I have no respect for these losers period.
The problem I feel is that Chinas style of fighting to avoid fighting unless completely necessary and instead use indirect means to completely ruining the enemy without a fight. The results with the usa losing the fight in the trade war, HK, Xinjiang, Covid, energy war (by simply not turning on Russia when almost every western nation did, thus ensuring China has discount gas) and soon the Taiwan fight, which basically speaks for itself. I mean the results are not flashy which is what the western prefers but effectiveness is simply second to none, I mean not even Russia couldn’t do that as of now. But I do get the feeling that when China finally gets into a fight, it will be when the USA or any other nation in question have had their economies weakened so much that they can nearly struggle to buy the necessities they need to get by and they are greatest weapons are completely sabotaged (US nukes) so that they is no chance of any return fire. In this case, the USA and the west can no longer hide behind any media or safe space, because they would ultimately be inhabiting a Crater by that point and you cannot get more flashy then a crater full of radiation and not knowing when it hit them. I know it sucks that China is not has brutal or flashy as Russia when it comes to a fight, but then again, when China gets into a fight and by get into a fight, I mean fight as though the fate of the nation depends on it, they simply will not lose and will not run away like a little bitch (I am looking at the USA in the last how many fights they have gotten into and how often they have ran away, including all the times that China fought the USA, and they say that the USA can fight a real man’s fight against China…. Of that one I call bullshit on every count)
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FM spokesperson warns of serious consequence over Pelosi's potential Taiwan visit​

BEIJING, July 25 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese side will take firm and strong measures to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity if the United States insists on going ahead with its House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's potential visit to Taiwan, a foreign ministry spokesperson said Monday.

"The Chinese side has repeatedly made clear to the U.S. side our serious concern over Pelosi's potential visit to Taiwan and our firm opposition to the visit," spokesperson Zhao Lijian told a regular news briefing.

"We are fully prepared for any eventuality," he said.

The United States must assume full responsibility for any serious consequence arising thereof, Zhao added. ■


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GAME OVER is coming soon. Get ready to burn your clothes in winter since you won’t be able to afford wood lmao.

Russia’s Gazprom to stop another turbine in major gas project

Natural gas supply via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline will reportedly be reduced to 20% capacity

Russian energy major Gazprom will stop the operation of another Siemens turbine, the company announced on Monday. The supply through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline will not exceed 33 million cubic meters per day starting July 27, business daily Kommersant has reported. That would correspond to 20% of the pipeline's capacity.

Gazprom says the decision to switch off the turbine was made based on its technical condition and the fact that it’s due for an overhaul.

According to an earlier report by Kommersant, several of the nine turbines at the Portovaya compressor station are in need of repair. The paper notes that Gazprom has not yet authorised further repairs, and one turbine took about three months to overhaul.