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Is it better to shoot the plane down with Pigpeo down or let him land in China?

I think we can let Pompeo, but not Pelosi, go to Taiwan. Anyway there'll probably be a shortage of pig meat in Taiwan soon and we can cull Pompeo which should feed a few thousand Taiwanese for a couple courses.

No surprise though, his wife is as fat as him. Maybe bring his wife along and there'll instantly be an over-supply of pig meat in Taiwan.

an advice to Nancy: Gerontophilia alert!


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Registered Member
Is it better to shoot the plane down with Pigpeo down or let him land in China?
If China finally does kill two birds with one stone, this will be considered to be one of the most epic double kills in history given what these evil POS tried to do with HK. May these rotten Mofo burn in hell sooner or later. Getting real sick of these coup starting trash not getting their just deserts to be honest, and I don’t mean baby crap like sanctions and name calling, I mean actual suffering for a change.
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Pomp lost 100 pounds of fat recently....

If Pomp and Nancy on same plane it will be an interesting August... at this point I think the US is doing everything possible to force China's hand short of a false flag attack USS Liberty style

Pomp believes in the Rapture, I wonder if he also believes in Deagel 2025 predictions too
For all throughout its history, the us won't ever go to war if its not sure it can win, it won't risk losing all of its military bases in asia for a political stunt in my view