Miscellaneous News


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How is the Chinese court going to enforce its ruling against the Dutch "art thief" a.k.a. collector to return the stolen Buddha back to the province.

The relic is in Hungary, which is currently Pro-Russia, Pro-China under Viktor Orban. Should not be too difficult to get it back with proper negotiations (unlike if some pro-Soros admin was in power).


Yet more empty words from a U.S. official, this time Janet Yellen, seemingly unaware that both China and South Korean are in the RCEP, and in addition, they are negotiating a bilateral trade agreement.

Janet Yellen Calls for Trade Overhaul to Diversify From China​

Treasury secretary advocates shift in global trading practices to focus on cooperation with allies

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President Bolsonaro of Brazil wants to steal the next election from Lula.

Bolsonaro Gathers Foreign Diplomats to Cast Doubt on Brazil’s Elections​

President Jair Bolsonaro elevated his vote-fraud claims from a matter of domestic politics to foreign policy, heightening international fears that he would dispute the coming election.
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Man, England is going through a pretty severe issue with the heatwave going through that country. Their trains are shut down due to the steel track being deemed dangerous to be used since it's not equipped to handle such high temperature. Apparently, it'll cost a lot of money to refit the train track and yet this idiots would rather spend their dwindling money into Ukraine lol

Is China's train tracks equipped to handle such high degree temperature?



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Man, England is going through a pretty severe issue with the heatwave going through that country. Their trains are shut down due to the steel track being deemed dangerous to be used since it's not equipped to handle such high temperature. Apparently, it'll cost a lot of money to refit the train track and yet this idiots would rather spend their dwindling money into Ukraine lol

Is China's train tracks equipped to handle such high degree temperature?

Considering that Chinese summers regularly break 40 degrees in many populous regions, I'd hope so lol


Registered Member
Is China's train tracks equipped to handle such high degree temperature?
Yes according to this Chinese blogger who regularly writes about metallurgy, machinery, etc. in modern China.

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Registered Member
Did the same guy write this?

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Wasn't this due to some mistranslation? I recall it was the yanks seeing a slogan at PLA base that said "继承革命传统,传承红色基因" or "continue the traditions of revolution, pass on the red gene" which is just a figurative way of saying remember the red army days and long march etc, but the translator didn't understand the metaphorical usage and thought "红色基因" was actually a real thing showing PLA was doing genetic augmentation for super soldiers.

Maybe we need a movie franchise by Wu Jing with a Captain America type getting super power in secret PLA underground lab by getting injected with those red genes.