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The main issue is the lack of marketing. China is doing a lot to help out other developing countries. But these positive contributions are not being promoted enough in the media. So lots of people living in those countries aren't aware of it. Meanwhile, anti-China propaganda like "debt trap", "China is taking over", etc. are blasted all over the front page and have tons of likes/retweets on social media.

The US controls all the mainstream media and won't give China any positive rep at all. And Chinese media companies haven't done a good job building a strong platform to really promote themselves. TBH, China is fighting an uphill battle in the media. The current staff in the department of publicity are not suitable for the job. They need to hire some new personnel to try a different strategy.
Finally, I thought of the soft-power and image problem for a while, and I think the initiative must start from the domestic population, their corporation and us, to foster people to people relation and connections. The government can only do so much to promote their image.
If one believes in how technology makes the world smaller by distributing the access of information that was once controlled by a few to the masses, then soft power is about the bottom up distribution of global influences that now includes: "social medial journalism, influencers, grass root NGOs/non-profits, peer reviews, real time access to global information", etc..etc... These are all concepts/movements championed by the US, the West, and gaining in global popularity.

China is going in the opposite direction with centralized control. It's soft power attempts have been orthodox, rigid and party controlled.

In this context, "People - to - People connections actually mean Chinese Government - to People - Connections" because the state can control all affairs, both private and public. Unless this changes (unlikely), then soft power for China will always rely on "hard results such as economic growth, Belt and Road constructions, Scientific might," etc..
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tapper: "One doesn’t have to be brilliant to attempt a coup."
john bolton: "I disagree with that. As somebody who has helped plan coup d’etat, not here, but other places, it takes a lot of work."

a couple of things
1) hurt his pride, and you get something unexpectedly candid out of him. tried and tested negotiation technique, I wonder if it can be used with other officials in washington dc
2) he says it cause he knows there won't be repercussions for it
Liberal rules based order moment


Michael Hudson made a very important speech in China a few days ago. According to his speech, one of the most important historical lessons is that once a creditor/rentier oligarchy that refuses to forgive debts emerges in an empire, then the empire is destined to collapse. This is true from the Roman Empire to the British Empire. His concluding remarks:
Instead of the West’s privatization of basic economic infrastructure to create private fortunes through monopoly rent extraction, China keeps this in public hands. Its great advantage over the West is that it treats money and credit as a public utility, to be allocated by government instead of letting private banks create credit, with debt mounting up without expanding production to raise living standards. China also is keeping health and education, transportation and communications in public hands, to be provided as basic human rights.

China’s socialist policy is in many ways a return to basic ideas of resilience that characterized most civilization before classical Greece and Rome. It has created a state strong enough to resist the emergence of a financial oligarchy gaining control of the land and rent-yielding assets. In contrast, today’s Western economies are repeating preciselythat oligarchic drive that polarized and destroyed the economies of classical Greece and Rome, with the United States serving as the modern analogue for Rome.
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Hudson mentioned the following article in his speech, which is also worth reading:
China’s comprehensive, systematic and elaborate response to Secretary Antony Blinken’s China policy speech

—— Reality Check: Falsehoods in US Perceptions of China
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There is a China-Cambodia-Laos coalition? Good to know!


Registered Member
That isn't relevant to your comment that there will only be 1-2 suppliers of complex infrastructure equipment (like nuclear).

Off the top of my head, I can think of 5 reactor designs in serial production in China.
Plus 3 reactor designs with newly built demonstration plants.
French and US has to spend alot of money to keep there Nuclear plants afloat once they get older. Germany completely thrown the towel. These are the countries who had taken full advantage of Globalization and immigration. They have large Aviation industry.
once China built its domestic Aviation industry on same scale and majority of nuclear reactors become older like 30+ than true cost will become visible. These western countries did not faced anything remotely like Ukraine in 1990s. This Ukraine conflict will accelerate
de-globalization and every one will have to settle for less and better be highly reliable.


Cotton shortage, price increases, and inflation, What could possibly go wrong
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To help stabilise China’s cotton market just weeks after a crippling US ban on Xinjiang products went into effect, Beijing intends buy up to half a million tonnes of Xinjiang cotton for its state reserves – ending a 15-month drought of such purchases.

The first of what looks to be multiple rounds of purchases is set to begin on Wednesday, and it comes as Beijing seeks to support China’s cotton industry, which has been increasingly shunned by downstream manufacturers who are wary of running afoul of a
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on products from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

The total purchase will entail between 300,000 and 500,000 tonnes of Xinjiang cotton, which will come from mills in the region, according to a statement by the China National Cotton Reserves Corporation (CNCRC) on Friday.


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If one believes in how technology makes the world smaller by distributing the access of information that was once controlled by a few to the masses, then soft power is about the bottom up distribution of global influences that now includes: "social medial journalism, influencers, grass root NGOs/non-profits, peer reviews, real time access to global information", etc..etc... These are all concepts/movements championed by the US, the West, and gaining in global popularity.

China is going in the opposite direction with centralized control. It's soft power attempts have been orthodox, rigid and party controlled.

In this context, "People - to - People connections actually mean Chinese Government - to People - Connections" because the state can control all affairs, both private and public. Unless this changes (unlikely), then soft power for China will always rely on "hard results such as economic growth, Belt and Road constructions, Scientific might," etc..
Really? Their cancel culture, suppression of Russian info and other opinions that did not follow their narrative. Blocking Trump and right wing people.

Id say people are waking up to the fact that these social media companies have a biases and narratives.

If western narrative is so successful then why are they not winning the Russian Ukrainian war narrative around the world?

They are more successful than Chinese social media but it's not insurmountable.