Miscellaneous News


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VVER's are gonna be wildy more unpopular everywhere and that includes countries like India, which is already avoiding buying russian weapons because of CAATSA sanctions. Only country left willing to buy will be China and luckily for Russian it's also the one country that can absorb most if not all of its supply
Russia may voluntarily reduce arms exports as more manpower is used to built Civil Airliners, helicopters, drones etc.
VVER construction and TVEL fuel supply are on going. only Rosatom manufacturing capacity is limiting factor.
Rosatom also entering into lithium mining. Russian approach is always try to make things full cycles. much easier to export later and invite foreign investment.
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I know this is a few days old but I just wanted to comment on this subject: The Ukrainian War and Europe's response on climate change.

Its been a constant that one of, if not most pressing matter for many Global Southern countries is global climate change. Yet these countries also have very little to contribute to fighting it, depending greatly on the Developed West to prevent climate change becoming catastrophic for these countries.

The Ukrainian war and the Wests' economic sanctions have lead to the Europeans resorting to more-polluting methods of generating electricity. throwing away any progress towards climate protection. While the Europeans will surely claim they're justified in their sanctions, the reality is that yet another European political issue is endangering the entire world.


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I went to look up the expected US July CPI to see if it could offer any clues on why Biden would do a more that will almost certainly cost his party the midterm, and oh boy, yeah it's bad:
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View attachment 92185
That's after 75 basis point rise last month. With -2.1% real GDP "growth" expected for 2nd quarter thus meeting technical definition of a recession I'm starting to see why.

What else is he going to do increase the interest by 1%? While they have 28 trillion in national debt?
Remember when we visited projected US June CPI this time last week and projected was 8.7%?

Well we're about 2 days away from the result and we have an update:
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So, who knows Japanese?
This website seems to be a list of constitutional amendments and potential dangers cited by the opposition.
View attachment 92956
View attachment 92957
So I can only paraphrase the Chinese content.
Some people think the most important are the article 9, 97, 98 and 99.I will try to translate some of the content that I think is important. If there are those who are better at Japanese, please provide more objective content.
Article 9,"the government's determination not to wage war" is deleted.
Article 20, the words "religious groups shall not enjoy state privileges and exercise political rights" are changed to "shall not enjoy state privileges", allowing religious groups to exercise political rights.
Article 47, the voting method of election and each elected member is changed from administrative division to population division, and the "difference of one vote" is constitutional.
Article 56, the restriction of "voting is invalid when the number of people present does not exceed 1/3" was deleted.
Article 66, the prime minister and the Minister of state of the cabinet must be civil servants instead of active servicemen, that is, veterans can serve as prime ministers and ministers of state.
Paragraph 2 of Article 83, the constitution formally stipulates to maintain permanent deflation.
Article 96 after voting on the proposal, more than 2/3 of the votes agree that the proposal is passed, and more than half of the votes agree that the proposal is passed.
Article 97, "the Constitution guarantees the basic human rights of the Japanese people" is deleted in its entirety.
Article 98: the prime minister can declare a state of emergency directly at the cabinet meeting. When declaring a state of emergency, the decree issued by the cabinet has the same effect as the existing laws. Anyone must accept the instructions of the state or other public institutions in relevant situations.
Article 99: the emperor, that is, state public officials, has the obligation to respect and defend the constitution. All citizens have the obligation to respect and defend the constitution. The emperor's power officially exceeds the constitution.

Although it is only a draft, it is far more radical than we thought,maybe we will soon hear "tenouheika, banzai".
Do you have the link to the Chinese translated article on the constitutional amendment posted above?


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'Dr' Subramanian Swamy. 'Mr Superpower India' himself is saying that India declined from 3rd fastest growing economy in 2011 to 164th fastest in 2021. 164th among 193 countries. His tweet has some grammatical errors, but that is expected for a cow dung 'Dr' like him. I'll let that pass.

When 'Mr Superpower India' himself is lamenting about the decline of the Indian economy, you kinda know that the Indian economy is not doing well. That celebration day for India Superpower overtaking China is gonna have to wait again. Maybe the next decade, or the next century. Who knows.

P.S.: 'Dr' Subramanian Swamy is one of those pro-American Jai Hinds. He appeared a few times on those rightwing American fringe media. His view is that India should break away from Russia and fully prostitute itself to the US to destroy China. That is why I think he has a problem with Modi these days.


Registered Member

'Dr' Subramanian Swamy. 'Mr Superpower India' himself is saying that India declined from 3rd fastest growing economy in 2011 to 164th fastest in 2021. 164th among 193 countries. His tweet has some grammatical errors, but that is expected for a cow dung 'Dr' like him. I'll let that pass.

When 'Mr Superpower India' himself is lamenting about the decline of the Indian economy, you kinda know that the Indian economy is not doing well. That celebration day for India Superpower overtaking China is gonna have to wait again. Maybe the next decade, or the next century. Who knows.

P.S.: 'Dr' Subramanian Swamy is one of those pro-American Jai Hinds. He appeared a few times on those rightwing American fringe media. His view is that India should break away from Russia and fully prostitute itself to the US to destroy China. That is why I think he has a problem with Modi these days.
Genuinely, Dr. Swamy on suicide watch please.


Of course, they now call it medically assisted death or euthanasia or whatever the boba liberals call them.
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Registered Member
Genuinely, Dr. Swamy on suicide watch please.

View attachment 92997

Of course, they now call it medically assisted death or euthanasia or whatever the boba liberals call them.
He's comparison is pretty crappy though:
3rd largest in PPP valuation of GDP. 164th in per capita income.
Apples to oranges. But yeah that 2020 prediction: yikes. Wouldn't have come true even without COVID-19.