Miscellaneous News


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Its just a proposal by a Chinese lawmaker. In that same article itself, there is argument against the dropping the English subject. It even looks to be unlikely to happen.

Personally, I think it is a bad idea to drop the English language. Learning English is what makes the Chinese people more aware of what is going on in the world. It is still an important language globally, despite the rising interest in Mandarin Chinese. In fact the Chinese should strive to improve the mastery of the English language. Not every Chinese will be proficient, but that is not the objective. The objective is the ability to access foreign knowledge.

Besides, from a military-intelligence standpoint, the Chinese can understand the Americans, the West, and Indians far better than the other way round. The PLA will have many more soldiers who could understand the enemy's language than the other way round. That is a powerful advantage. A PLA soldier with a basic understanding of English could pick up some words from enemy communications, or understand the enemy's written words. On the other side, the average US Marine, or Jawan cannot understand what the Chinese are communicating to each other. Even fewer would be able to read Chinese characters. They would need language specialists for the job, making the deciphering process slower. The same works even better in the information war, espionage war.

I'm surprised they haven't mentioned 2 other key advantages of having second language proficiency.

1. Improved Executive Function. If you have 2 languages, you can have 2 competing ways of thinking. The studies show this helps with decision making based on pros/cons or weighing up different courses of action

2. Delayed onset of Alzheimers in old age. 2 thought pathways means the brain is more resilient to localised degradation.


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We have reached acceptance stage
It's not just 20 years too late for India. It's 70 years too late. When China opened up in 1978, there was already a well established, sufficiently well-educated population ready to go. India till today doesn't have that type of educated population.

Announcing the NEP now is yet another jumla (false promise). Nobody's gonna wait for 70 years to find out if it s successful. Nobody even knows if it'll still be there 6 months later. Who knows if Indians might burn trains again over the introduction of another policy that they don't fully understand. Jai Hind!


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Not as tense as previous meetings... but looking at Blinky for 5 hours, still torturous.

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Exclusive: Chinese and US senior officials hold “well-communicated” five-hour meeting in Bali

By Global Times Published: Jul 10, 2022 08:41 PM


Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Bali on July 9. Source: AFP

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a "comprehensive, in-depth, candid and efficient conversation" with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to which the two sides attached great importance, after attending the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Bali on Saturday, the Global Times has learned.

The meeting in Bali lasted more than five hours, which is a long time for a one-on-one meeting and has been rare in ministerial level talks in recent years, the Global Times learned from the meeting.

Simultaneous interpretation was adopted throughout the meeting, it also learned that means the two sides were able to have thorough communication on a wide range of issues in China-US relations, conducive to delivering clear messages from both sides.

Among the interactions between Chinese and senior officials of the Biden administration, the Anchorage meeting in March 2021 was the longest, with the two sides meeting three times in a row, each time lasting about three hours.

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman visited China and held six-hour talks with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng in Tianjin in July 2021. "The two sides had a very deep and thorough discussion," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in its description of the meeting.

Both China and the US believe that the dialogue in Bali was substantive and constructive, and will help to enhance mutual understanding, reduce misunderstanding and miscalculation, and pave the way for future high-level exchanges between the two countries, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

The Chinese side described the meeting as "substantive" and "constructive" in the press release, which means that the two sides had a pragmatic discussion and covered comprehensive bilateral relations and specific issues in bilateral relations, an analyst told the Global Times.

The meeting was "constructive" in that some consensus was reached and some specific and outstanding issues were resolved, as can be seen from the press release, the analyst said, adding that the US has also made some positive statements, but it is more important for the US to implement what it has pledged in talks and China will observe if the US actions match its words.


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Instability in these countries may just spill over to India, which has the same set of problems. When India becomes unstable, the Indo-Pacific plan will falter. China should import more tea from Sri Lanka, as tea export is important to them.
India has supplied $3.5 billion of loans to Sri Lanka supposedly according to Indian media reports. While China was prepared to step in with $76 million for comparison


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As part of India's New Education Policy to catch up with China, racist mathematics will be canceled


introduce Manusmriti and ancient Indian numerical systems
fake news such as Pythagoras theorem and Newton's apple story
Gravity and Pythagoras have roots in Vedic maths
