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Even (I assume) with translators, 5 hours is long meeting
As reported by foreign media, Wang and Blinken's meeting lasted longer than five hours, a long time for a one-to-one meeting, and Wang and Blinken may have direct discussions addressing a number of topics without via translators, which means the effective time for the meeting was above three hours, which is rare and means the two sides had very candid talks and sent clear messages to each other, Lü said.
GlobalTimes basically told us at some point during the meeting, Wang Yi spoke English to Blinken. I'm sure those were some memorable words said by Wang Yi to Blinken :cool:


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Thats an easy thing to do and doesnt require much effort. When the entire Western World has been constantly screaming "Debt Trap" then eventually the layman will also accept it as the truth. I was watching local Srilanka news and even there the protestors blame borrowing from China.
China should avoid lending to countries where there isn't effective rule of law, where corruption is pervasive and where dynasts, despots , incompetent individuals rule the roost. Pakistan too is facing economic crisis and there too people are being fed that CPEC and the associated debt is to blame.
Its time China re-evaluates its policy of non- interference and lends like Western institutions with strings attached . Because benevolent lending is certainly not producing the expected results and infact causing the opposite effect.
The global media is dominated by western corporate outfits that colludes with US state department. China stepping up alone would still be tough to break through that. Russia was more adept at playing the game not least by employing western tactics to use against them, but they still got cancelled when it mattered.

US has even increased funding for anti China propaganda,providing hundreds millions more to smear China belt and road projects. If China also did the same, will it help to reverse the situation, I doubt it. Ultimately only hard power as others mentioned will cause the entire western media narrative to crumble as more and more people realize they are in a matrix and being lied to by western propaganda.

Take this popular tweet. It's blatantly anti China and twisted the facts but quite many people buy it, this despite the so called debt trap slandering being repeatedly refuted by Chinese or pro China sources.

Yes, I do agree that China needs to do some proper vetting of who receives benefit from it. Blind benevolence is naive and can be counter-productive at times. Why should China help some idiot government, and their foolish populace, if the end result is loss in investment, and getting double the blame for debt than any other country? Why is it ok to borrow from India, Japan and the West, and go bankrupt from them, than to do the same thing with China? Its just simple propaganda. Which China is quite weak at, and has little chance to deal with Western propaganda.

Blaming China is so easy in the 3rd world. Malaysia is one of the best example. Like Sri Lanka but not there yet, Malaysia borrowed more from the IMF, ADB, Japan, and the West than China. Then in 2015, the 1MDB scandal came, and NED-influenced media started campaigning against Chinese investments in Malaysia, calling them, yes you've guessed it: debt traps. This campaign was a stunning success, with the new Malaysian govt in 2018 stopping practically all Chinese investments into Malaysia. Malaysia turned to Japan to take on Samurai Bonds aka more debt from Japan. Did it work? Hell no! All Malaysia got was more debt to service. The Chinese debts at least had development activities. All the other debts is just more debt. Everyone remembered the quote: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Malaysia is sitting on a debt timebomb not so dissimilar to Sri Lanka. More debt, but negligible economic growth, its unsustainable. Yet most Malaysians still blame China for their economic woes. Before it was debt trap, now it is Covid-19. Idiots. Malaysia is lucky to have Oil and Gas to alleviate the debt problems. When those start to dwindle, that's when Malaysia will get into some really deep shit.

Sri Lanka's case is a very difficult situation. The lion's share of its debts are owed to the IMF, ADB, and Japan. Only 10% are owed to China. Yet because of financial mismanagement by the government, Sri Lanka is in this mess. And in this kind of mess, it is so easy to blame China. Western and Indian media have much more influence in Sri Lanka than Chinese media will ever have, and that is a fact. Even if the next Sri Lankan government tilts fully into the West and India, they won't ever get out of this problem. India in is just donating more aid to Sri Lanka, its a short term fix. Without China's BRI's long term fix, Sri Lanka will be stuck in this desperate situation in perpetuity. Unfortunately, the average Sri Lankans are still gonna be influenced by the West and India to blame China for this. This is so infuriating.

Should China help Sri Lanka to bail out? No, China must stick to its BRI program. But China can be more proactive to iron out the actual issues. Nevertheless, China does need to work on its PR. China could do better with donating some short-term reliefs such as food, medicine, and fuel to ease the PR fall out. Perhaps China should at least talk about restarting some tourist programs with Sri Lanka, or buying some more exports, anything to give Sri Lanka something to look forward to. Some PR stunt can be useful in this situation. Just sitting back and allowing Sri Lanka to free fall is not a good idea. It won't help China's reputation as an investor in the eyes of Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Plus it'll give India and the West a massive PR coup in South Asia.


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A new (huge) interest group in the US has come out publically to support cooperation between US-China.
IMO this is the first instance that I see them coming out so strongly and publically. It seems that domestic politics/influences in the US have started to change

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There are some heavyweights in here. Even the CSIS president is included lol
That's because the US regime is under heavy pressure both from outside and inside. That time window should be used to inflict maximum damage to the decaying empire, not rebuilding ties.


Registered Member
Yes, I do agree that China needs to do some proper vetting of who receives benefit from it. Blind benevolence is naive and can be counter-productive at times. Why should China help some idiot government, and their foolish populace, if the end result is loss in investment, and getting double the blame for debt than any other country? Why is it ok to borrow from India, Japan and the West, and go bankrupt from them, than to do the same thing with China? Its just simple propaganda. Which China is quite weak at, and has little chance to deal with Western propaganda.

Blaming China is so easy in the 3rd world. Malaysia is one of the best example. Like Sri Lanka but not there yet, Malaysia borrowed more from the IMF, ADB, Japan, and the West than China. Then in 2015, the 1MDB scandal came, and NED-influenced media started campaigning against Chinese investments in Malaysia, calling them, yes you've guessed it: debt traps. This campaign was a stunning success, with the new Malaysian govt in 2018 stopping practically all Chinese investments into Malaysia. Malaysia turned to Japan to take on Samurai Bonds aka more debt from Japan. Did it work? Hell no! All Malaysia got was more debt to service. The Chinese debts at least had development activities. All the other debts is just more debt. Everyone remembered the quote: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Malaysia is sitting on a debt timebomb not so dissimilar to Sri Lanka. More debt, but negligible economic growth, its unsustainable. Yet most Malaysians still blame China for their economic woes. Before it was debt trap, now it is Covid-19. Idiots. Malaysia is lucky to have Oil and Gas to alleviate the debt problems. When those start to dwindle, that's when Malaysia will get into some really deep shit.

Sri Lanka's case is a very difficult situation. The lion's share of its debts are owed to the IMF, ADB, and Japan. Only 10% are owed to China. Yet because of financial mismanagement by the government, Sri Lanka is in this mess. And in this kind of mess, it is so easy to blame China. Western and Indian media have much more influence in Sri Lanka than Chinese media will ever have, and that is a fact. Even if the next Sri Lankan government tilts fully into the West and India, they won't ever get out of this problem. India in is just donating more aid to Sri Lanka, its a short term fix. Without China's BRI's long term fix, Sri Lanka will be stuck in this desperate situation in perpetuity. Unfortunately, the average Sri Lankans are still gonna be influenced by the West and India to blame China for this. This is so infuriating.

Should China help Sri Lanka to bail out? No, China must stick to its BRI program. But China can be more proactive to iron out the actual issues. Nevertheless, China does need to work on its PR. China could do better with donating some short-term reliefs such as food, medicine, and fuel to ease the PR fall out. Perhaps China should at least talk about restarting some tourist programs with Sri Lanka, or buying some more exports, anything to give Sri Lanka something to look forward to. Some PR stunt can be useful in this situation. Just sitting back and allowing Sri Lanka to free fall is not a good idea. It won't help China's reputation as an investor in the eyes of Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Plus it'll give India and the West a massive PR coup in South Asia.
I would like to add that China should not treat Sri Lanka's financial crisis as its own crisis or India's problem. India is a potential hostile hegemon in South Asia if left unchecked. If China just concedes it's influence in South Asia to India, does anyone think that India will appreciate that kindness? Would India just stop at South Asia? Based on history, when China had not started anything in South Asia, India was already playing with Tibet.

India doesn't appreciate benevolence. If China allows the Indian hegemony
to grow unchecked. India will continue into SEA, and India will play with Tibet again. This is the real world. Not every country with some measure of power is like China. Some want to keep their own neighborhood like Russia, and Japan. Others like the West and India want everything. China cannot be too naive to not contain India. Because when India gets the power, India will seek to contain, and destroy China.

China needs to rethink its non-interventionist policy. China needs to makes friends with the common people of foreign country too, not just the elites. Just don't do those CIA black ops or color revolution crap. But also don't just do almost nothing when a friendly nation seriously needs help.

Does China want friends or just business partners? China should try to get more Pakistan's than getting more Malaysia's. Friends will return a favor. Business partners can forget about you anytime when it is convenient. In Pakistan, even when the government changed, the average Pakistanis are still good with China. But in Malaysia, the average Malaysian's attitude to China changes at the direction of the NED.

In Malaysia, China's mistake was to build too much friendship with the elites. The average Malaysians hate the elites, hence it was easy for the NED to influence them. China should come up with a counterpart to the NED. Don't be exactly like the NED, don't spread hate and color revolution ideology. But educate, educate average target foreign citizen. Come up with magazines, books and thought schools in target countries. Use slick propaganda on the average Joe. This is the real world, the average Joe cannot spend time reading books or attending seminars. Basically China should not just rely on the elites.for friendship. The opinion of the average people is what actually matters. There is no other choice.


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"Even now, in the middle of summer, the thought of approaching winter causes horror among the mayors of German cities," writes Bild.

For example, in Ludwigshafen, they even plan to install common halls in which citizens who are unable to pay for heating in their homes will be able to warm up.

Neustadt, Frankenthal and Landau are also planning the creation of so-called "heat islands".

Among other energy–saving plans: turning off lights in public buildings or traffic lights - at least at night.

"Because if Kremlin despot Vladimir Putin follows through on his threat and cuts off gas supplies, not only will energy costs continue to rise, but supplies are at risk!", writes Bild.

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