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this is the talk it is referring too. Honestly it scares me. I felt I just saw evil. In this case, it is a power that has zero self-reflection but 120% self-righteousness, against all the evidence to the contrary.

I tried finishing the speech of this warmongering, lying piece of shit they call a General. The dude couldn't go with his stern warning to his country's intended audience without making shit up about China's supposed ill intent not only to upend the rules based order a.k.a. Anglo-Saxon order and making sweeping accusations that in a not too distant future China will essentially be able to blackmail, sanction every single being on the planet if China wins the tech war.

I tried very hard to bypass all the anti-China narrative because I thought America being Americans they must be comforted with words in their exceptional ism, how special they are etc...like a child needing constant reassurance that it's loved and their number 1. But the man just couldn't repressed his contempt, disgust to a system that's supposed to be inferior, evil, and menacing in this person's esteemed opinion. To me, he came across a very political general despite what he may say or profess to the contrary; and general officers are supposed or at least traditionally in the U.S. military not to offer policy prescription or advised since that's beyond their purview or pay grade. But in today's U.S. military Gen.Holt is the rule rather than the exception.

American leadership in the profession of arms clearly don't respect their Chinese counterparts at their own great peril.


Registered Member
I tried finishing the speech of this warmongering, lying piece of shit they call a General.

To me, he came across a very political general despite what he may say or profess to the contrary;

American leadership in the profession of arms clearly don't respect their Chinese counterparts at their own great peril.

I took a peek at his official biography. He seems more like a military bureaucrat than an military commander tbh.

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He leads a highly skilled staff of mission-focused business leaders supporting warfighters through $825 billion of Space, Global Power/Reach and Information Dominance programs.

He led an over 700 personnel agency with a total contract portfolio of $55 billion.

He has experience in the full spectrum of acquisition and contract management across four major commands

So the General leads business CEOs, commands a $55 billion portfolio, and does acquisition/management for the higher ups. His only deployment was in Afghanistan, which was probably for logistics or paperwork.

The $1 to $20 ratio is probably an exaggeration tbh.


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Good to know China is rapidly building their weapons stockpile but it is a lot cheaper then I expected. China’s $1 has similar capabilities than the $20 from the US in defense spending.
Excellent. As I have predicted, someone in the US military is gonna comment about this. I have mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the US's MIC is fleecing the American taxpayers. There are: profiteering, corruption, and monopolistic practices, all going on at the same time.

It's even worse than I had expected. I thought the US spends $5 for every $1 China spends on defense spending. It wasn't even close. It's now revealed to be $20 for every $1 China is spending. Holy crap! Is it exaggerated? Maybe. Maybe that General wants to ask for massive discounts, which he won't get. The US politicians and their lobbies won't ever allow it.

Let's take the 5:1 ratio for argument's sake. For every thing that needs replenishment in a conflict, America needs to pay 5 times the cost. The US defense budget is roughly 2.7 times the Chinese budget, not 5. What use is that bigger defense budget, when everything the US military needs to procure, China could do it with a far more more modest budget?

This is the stage where America is at today. It can barely get any new weapons program of the ground. This is the nation that used to lead the world in military innovation. These is the nation that had Skunkworks! The American MIC today is more focused on making profits than innovating. In the Cold War, the US had dozens of defense companies, for example, in the aviation sector. Now it is only down to: Boeing, Lockheed Martin (the biggest cheat of them all), and Northrop Grumman. All of them playing the same capitalistic game, gobbling up smaller companies, and raising profits. Its business school, corporate, and bean-counting mindset.

A dangerous byproduct of this is Boeing's 737 Max disaster. Instead of coming up with a new narrow body passenger jet for the 21st century. Boeing just modified a 1960s design jet to cope with the times, even cutting corners. The rest is history. Till today, there is barely any mention of a new jet to be developed by Boeing to replace the 737. For the old Boeing of the 1970s to 1990s, this would have been a piece of cake. Now, it's a monumental challenge.

America has lost it. Their military is still powerful, but its stagnating. The costs are going up so high, that they need to push up the military budget to sustain it, not expand it.

Something is off with America these days. America has a tendency since the 2008 financial crisis to get other countries to fight it's war. I do wonder if they could actually still fight a major war. Trump's red line to Iran was crossed in early 2020, the US military didn't even move. The Iranians bombarded a US airbase in Iraq albeit without loss of life. In the 1980s, the US military conducted Operation Praying Mantis because one of it's ships struck an Iranian mine without loss of life.

Recently, with the stories about a US CSG pulling out of a stunt to sail the Taiwan Straits. This more or less confirms Americas true standing in military power. The US is a spent force. I'm fairly confident that they won't intervene in a China Mainland -Taiwan conflict directly. At most it'll be more like Ukraine style cheerleading and weapons shipping. The US simply can't pay for a war with China in American treasure and blood.


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Excellent. As I have predicted, someone in the US military is gonna comment about this. I have mentioned a couple of weeks ago that the US's MIC is fleecing the American taxpayers. There are: profiteering, corruption, and monopolistic practices, all going on at the same time.

It's even worse than I had expected. I thought the US spends $5 for every $1 China spends on defense spending. It wasn't even close. It's now revealed to be $20 for every $1 China is spending. Holy crap! Is it exaggerated? Maybe. Maybe that General wants to ask for massive discounts, which he won't get.

Let's take the 5:1 ratio for argument's sake. For every thing that needs replenishment in a conflict, America needs to pay 5 times the cost. The US defense budget is roughly 2.7 times the Chinese budget, not 5. What use is that bigger defense budget, when everything the US military needs to procure, China could do it with a far more more modest budget?

This is the stage where America is at today. It can barely get any new weapons program of the ground. This is the nation that used to lead the world in military innovation. These is the nation that had Skunkworks! The American MIC today is more focused on making profits than innovating. In the Cold War, the US had dozens of defense companies, for example, in the aviation sector. Now it is only down to: Boeing, Lockheed Martin (the biggest cheat of them all), and Northrop Grumman. All of them playing the same capitalistic game, gobbling up smaller companies, and raising profits. Its business school, corporate, and bean-counting mindset.

A dangerous byproduct of this is Boeing's 737 Max disaster. Instead of coming up with a new narrow body passenger jet for the 21st century. Boeing just modified a 1960s design jet to cope with the times, even cutting corners. The rest is history. Till today, there is barely any mention of a new jet to be developed by Boeing to replace the 737. For the old Boeing of the 1970s to 1990s, this would have been a piece of cake. Now, it's a monumental challenge.

America has lost it. Their military is still powerful, but its stagnating. The costs are going up so high, that they need to push up the military budget to sustain it, not expand it.

Something is off with America these days. America has a tendency since the 2008 financial crisis to get other countries to fight it's war. I do wonder if they could actually still fight a major war. Trump's red line to Iran was crossed in early 2020, the US military didn't even move. The Iranians bombarded a US airbase in Iraq albeit without loss of life. In the 1980s, the US military conducted Operation Praying Mantis because one of it's ships struck an Iranian mine without loss of life.

Recently, with the stories about a US CSG pulling out of a stunt to sail the Taiwan Straits. This more or less confirms Americas true standing in military power. The US is a spent force. I'm fairly confident that they won't intervene in a China Mainland -Taiwan conflict directly. At most it'll be more like Ukraine style cheerleading and weapons shipping. The US simply can't pay for a war with China in American treasure and blood.
And it's not just the budget but that they are also having trouble getting anything new or existing off the ground successfully even with a near unlimited budget. Things that others have had more success in like hypersonic missiles, railguns, catapults carriers, etc. they themselves are still having trouble with. They just had another failure again with the ICBs.


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BBC News - Ex-Chancellor Rishi Sunak launches bid to be Conservative leader
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Imagine Sunak becoming the UK PM, what a turnaround after almost 100 yr of British colonial rule in India, the UK would be led by an Indian.
Ooh man there is this joke that the only moment a Chinese or Indian person gets to be the CEO of a company is when the company is about to go downhill and they can blame the colored person for the downfall. Seems like the UK has found their colored person.


Registered Member
And it's not just the budget but that they are also having trouble getting anything new or existing off the ground successfully even with a near unlimited budget. Things that others have had more success in like hypersonic missiles, railguns, catapults carriers, etc. they themselves are still having trouble with. They just had another failure again with the ICBs.
LOL that's right. They can't even design and maintain some damn boats (LCS).

Everything that's actually working right now in the US military was designed primarily in the 1970s and 1980s. By defense firms long absorbed into the few big firms still around today. Even those are starting to go out of operation due to lack of maintenance.

The US had the F-22 Raptor. But that stopped production. And the US decided to buy more F-15EX. The F-15EX does have its merits, like better payload and range. But the F-15EX is more expensive than F-35A. The MIC is selling more legacy platforms instead of improving the F-22. So is the F-22 is looking like a scam job just like the Zumwalt, and LCS.

In China meanwhile, the J-20 is in full production, with incremental upgrades in each new batch. Things are not looking good for the US. Once China starts producing the H-20s they would have achieved parity with the USAF in the technological level.


Registered Member
LOL that's right. They can't even design and maintain some damn boats (LCS).

Everything that's actually working right now in the US military was designed primarily in the 1970s and 1980s. By defense firms long absorbed into the few big firms still around today. Even those are starting to go out of operation due to lack of maintenance.

The US had the F-22 Raptor. But that stopped production. And the US decided to buy more F-15EX. The F-15EX does have its merits, like better payload and range. But the F-15EX is more expensive than F-35A. The MIC is selling more legacy platforms instead of improving the F-22. So is the F-22 is looking like a scam job just like the Zumwalt, and LCS.

In China meanwhile, the J-20 is in full production, with incremental upgrades in each new batch. Things are not looking good for the US. Once China starts producing the H-20s they would have achieved parity with the USAF in the technological level.
@Sardaukar20 nice and excellent analysis bro, now I ask a question is Trump doing a Nixon possible? 2025 when Trump assume office we may see a different US and of China, Negative GDP and in Recession while China growing modestly at 4%. China may have achieved its goal of tech self sufficiency in Aircraft engine and Semiconductor. So who needed who? I believed that true strength of a nation come from relying on oneself and producing locally and Russia is a good example, even though her tech is not world leading at least with the sanction she can able to function, the same cannot be said of the US or any country of the Collective West. For me the way the US frame Globalization is a collective destruction, meaning without her at the top all of you will suffer and suffer greatly, we see it at the way she treated her vassal, like the scene in the Titanic were the US is holding a gun, picking and choosing which person to board the lifeboat.