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'Dr' Subramaniam Swamy? He must have gotten his doctorate from an Indian University!

He says that an individual not consuming beef prevents the equivalent of 1.5tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. But the problem is not actually the eating of beef. The problem is the cow. Those living 'sacred cows' will continue releasing methane, and dung, just like those cow that were farmed for meat. That cow dung will further release more methane as it ferments. So the net greenhouse gas emissions saved is an impressive = 0.

'Dr' Subramaniam Swamy. India is blessed to have PHD holders like you. May your kind continue to lead India to its golden age of decline. You'll be doing Asia a big favor. Jai Hind!


I think anytime their is a failed ICBM test this kind of call takes place. he does seem to be trying to push the crisis communication bit again, which is a trap, like the guardrails.

It’s much scarier if China doesn’t have guardrails, and doesn’t pick up the phone.

which failed ICBM test?