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What a chad
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Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare thanks China, refuses to answer questions from Australian press​

Solomon Islands Prime Minster Manasseh Sogavare has singled out China for special thanks in a speech marking
Today, in a speech in Honiara, Mr Sogavare said the People's Republic of China was a "new addition" to the Solomon Islands, with the relationship between the two nations "less than three years old".
But, he said, Beijing had already demonstrated a "genuine intention" to be a "worthy partner" in the country's development.
"And I thank you," Mr Sogavare said.

"I thank all of you."
The Australian High Commissioner for Solomon Islands was sitting next to the Chinese ambassador in the crowd.
Mr Sogavare said the past three years had been "particularly challenging" for the country and although he didn't mention Australia by name, or single the country out for thanks, he appeared to reference the recent tension between the two nations.


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Bharat! I personally feel there's a 'good chance' India will be wealthier in 2025.

I tasted my first Indian alcohol today, an Indian lager called Kalyani. I bought it because it was on the discount shelf and said 'super strong'. It said in a large font 8% alcohol by volume. But then I realized afterwards there were two tiny words scribbled above called 'Less Than (8%)' scribbled above. Typical Indian mentality, trying to con the consumer. 占便宜. I'm never buying an Indian alcohol again. I feel badly cheated.

This kind of Indian business behavior of raiding the consumer and foreign investors is fucking retarded.
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The details about the recent rare earth element reserve discovery in Turkiye. Unlike China, Turkiye reports the weight of ore hence we see the number 694 million tonnes. Some Twitter accounts took the number as the weight of element content and claimed things like Turkiye now having 85% of all known reserves of the world. What Turkey found is not even the largest reserve, thus the said Twitter accounts were wrong. Nonetheless, it is a very significant reserve. The second largest ever discovered.

erdogan soon to be replaced by a more accommodating (to us interests) leader, his experiments with inflation and interests cuts should do the trick

Rettam Stacf

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I don't know how Apple's Siri got a new "Lanka" added to its original name.

But if you are refering to Sri Lanka, then the country is currently in a very big trouble.

Effects caused by decades-long civil war, plus factors such as the serious corruption and nepotism within the government and among its leadership, improper and botched economic planning and execution, self-restricting their streams of income into just a few major sectors, COVID-19 and lack of tourists, among other key factors which lead to the economic woes and economic collapse of Sri Lanka we see today.

To be frank, not even China could help them. By now, the snowball has rolled too big for anyone to attempt stopping it with just bare hands.

I can't see how China can help Sri Lanka.

In spite of all the Western MSM propaganda about China's debt trap, China only accounts for 10% or less of Sri Lanka's foreign debts, the majority of which are owed to Western controlled organizations or Western sources. Also Sri Lanka's WIN-LOSE style of playing India and China against each other probably alienated China once too many.

Sri Lanka's foreign debt default: Why the island nation went under​

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China holds a significant portion of Sri Lanka's total foreign debt, nearly 10%, with more held by Japan, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. India holds nearly 3%.



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Is this the first instance in history where a government has regime changed itself by sanctioning another?
Well BJ himself owned himself by being such a blatant failure and such a obvious pawn that really he has no other option and given how his successors are going to fail any ways because they will not make the obvious choice and stop supporting that other idiot in the green parka that is such an obvious traitor that it’s a surprise that no one has gotten rid him yet. Oh well, the least he could do is sell his fat leg to the HK rioters who have become so delusional that anyone can see the so called freedom of the UK being obviously bullshit yet that still are willing to suck the shaft of the UK despite needing mental support that they obviously will not get due to being utterly worthless, well he can at least try to help them slightly but then again, he is so fat that his body cannot seem to locate his heart underneath all that fat after all. On the bright side, considering what the UK haha done to China after all this time, they should be happy will all the self owning and that USA being around to fall with them because for all the crap that have caused with HK, the opium wars and all the attempted gas lighting and brainwashing and shit, they should be happy that they are not worth using a DF on right now because quite frankly, they deserve that and a whole lot more, ‘God save the Queen’, I mean that old prop doesn’t have long left and with her gone, the relevance of the UK dies with her and thus Chinas interest in ever having anything to do with such a dumb nation ever again, other then forcing them to return all the stuff they stole. Maybe Russia can help in raiding the British museum when the time comes. Those colonial pricks are going to get it
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Oh look, they changed the story.

First it was some developer leading access credentials in copied code, now it's a backdoor?

Oh and coincidentally, the database is now much smaller?

As I've mentioned before, there's no way you can download 23 TB of data without alerting network admins.
Either way that's bad cybersecurity on their part. I hope the info is not enough to cause large number of extortion or identity thefts and hopefully the govt has put into place some mitigating processes to deal with the leak.

I'm not too concerned about police files as much as I am about personal credentials and national ID. I guess it's because lots of criminal records are pretty public here.


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The British Embassy in Russia refuses to recognize its new address "Luhansk People's Republic Square".

The British Embassy will not use its new address and will continue to use the previous address.

In that case, the British Embassy in Moscow will remain without mail.

Letters and parcels sent to the old address of the diplomatic department will not reach and will be returned to the sender, told "Russian Post".

Earlier, the British Embassy refused to recognize its new address "Luhansk People's Republic Square, possession 1".

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Who gives a raging ding ding what these Pome basta?ds think. They extended the crisis with there bullcrap interference, they can go suck the nearest bear shaft for all I care. They should be happy that Russia hasn’t uses on of their Iskanders on London bridge yet but seriously, if they use those of the British parliament, it would be a boon for humanity because at least we will have a lot of talking heads to put up with and well would Sleep a little easier knowing that the less war mongering idiots we have plotting the next conquest, the better.