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My gut feel is that while the EU politicians publicly support the US sanctions, out of fear and lack of backbones, they turn a blind eye to such activities out of an even greater fear of being kicked out of the government by angry voters facing high inflation and imminent economic/social collapse.
I think they're mostly safe, protests are not what they used to be in the western world, they've been neutered
I mean, look at the us and the abortion matter, nothing extreme happened (yet? idk), and yet they hyped that stuff for years
panem et digital circenses are enough to control a population


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Using tariffs on Russian goods to help Ukraine. Earlier this year, G7 leaders committed to strip Russia of “most favored nation” trading status, which guaranteed low tariff rates for Russian goods sold globally. President Biden and other G7 leaders will seek authority to use revenues collected by new tariffs on Russian goods to help Ukraine and to ensure that Russia pays for the costs of its war. President Biden is also announcing that, pursuant to Congress’s revocation of Russia’s trade status in the U.S., the U.S. will implement a higher tariff rate on more than 570 groups of Russian products worth approximately $2.3 billion to Russia. These measures will restrict Russia’s ability to benefit economically from sales to the U.S. market and are carefully calibrated to impose costs on Russia, while minimizing costs to U.S. consumers.

ELI5. How is this going to work?

"President Biden and other G7 leaders will seek authority to use revenues collected by new tariffs on Russian goods to help Ukraine and to ensure that Russia pays for the costs of its war."

The tariffs on Chinese goods did not work as Trump and Biden have hoped. How would Biden magically make Putin to pay for the tariffs? Or has he already forgotten that he is about to beg Xi to make a truce?

If the goal is to keep Putin from profitting in the US, why is Biden not banning imports from Russia completely?

So the Americans will be paying higher prices for Russian goods. The US government will collect the tariffs and send the revenue to King Z'y to fight the Russians. Sounds like the US will be paying tribute to Ukraine. Nice.


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They keep trying to poke China while at the same time thinking they have infinite resources lol. Please increase it to 1,000,000 while you are at it. Perhaps their brains have finally rotted to the point that they want to invade Russia in order to save Ukraine.
Hmmm these idiots in NATO are really not getting the memo, they really think pushing Russia further to the corner and preaching like church pastor that has lost the plot. Really they truly desire to be nuked that badly. If Europe destroys the relationship with Europe more then they have already, they might end up becoming so hated by the Russia people then when 1 million of these soldiers eat a thermonuclear war head, well will Ursula van de crazy finally learn to STFU about her values and Germany finally take a hint that in more life time, now and forever will there come a time when Germany can ever exceed Russia as a nation, not in fighting force or their beer


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My gut feel is that while the EU politicians publicly support the US sanctions, out of fear and lack of backbones, they turn a blind eye to such activities out of an even greater fear of being kicked out of the government by angry voters facing high inflation and imminent economic/social collapse.

Its all part of German system of control and self importance. Modi visited Germany last month. this is his second visit. India is so important now to Germany. very similar things are happening with Turkey. much greater than usual business interactions with Russia. Turkey is known Europhile country. If Germany removed Turkey objection on Sweden and Finland. it will be at cost of German control of those countries. Neither Georgia invasion nor economic meltdown of 2008 prevented German-Russia collaboration. now Russia has much better infrastructure and physical Gold. It can entice much more of its diaspora to built weopons on new physical principal. in response system and mass production of Nato weopons will need German engineering. this is in addition to larger and longer range Airbus planes to avoid Russian airspace. who does not want to sell the expensive version of planes?.
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Construction of the €1.2 billion European XFEL began in January 2009, funded by 11 countries, with Germany and Russia as the largest contributors, although no fewer than 17 European institutes contributed in-kind to the accelerator complex.
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When too many idiots with guns.
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Well since the American people are such beta cowards that a little shooting that involves shooting woman and child means literally, my suggestion is that they continue to take it up the a?s like the good dummy’s they are until they finally grow a pair and do something about their gun culture which is never going to happen so I guess they might as well continue jacking off to the deaths of their love ones. The worth of a human life in the USA is worthless and that is all I have learnt up until now with all these school shootings and thoughts and prayer. Heck they could shoot up a kindergarten and they still won’t do anything. Sadly enough, all I believe now is that the quicker the San Andreas fault goes off, the better because by then, they might be able to tell the difference between life and death


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That's the only thing these folks are good at "marketing scheme." It's literally the same shtick they throtted out last year if am not mistaken but with a different name. Even the EU rolled out their own infrastructure plan to counter against China’s BRI plan in Africa. When what they should have been doing or done is to actually help or assist China in building African infrastructures so that African economic activity would blossom ensuring that African people stay within their own countries of origin preventing the unfortunate problems of mass migration that's resulting in death, discrimination, and political problems for European countries as a whole.

Instead of doing all of that, they want to hatch on a very losing proposition in trying to undermine the effort that's positive for their continents own political and socio-economic survival. So I could give a flying F..K if the EU disintegrate as a political project; they are nothing more than an extension of American Foreign policy. Their pretend independence is a joke.
I don't think the West is sad about immigration at all. It reduces the prices here and compensates for the horrible fertility rate of locals.


Find Kishida in this photo that's all over the news:
View attachment 91684
The disrespect man, it's unreal.
Japan nowadays is just a caricature of its former self. The auto industry used to be the most important industry for Japan. But now it is so noncompetitive on the EV industry, its behavior at G7 is utterly pathetic.

Exclusive: Japan pushes to remove zero-emission vehicle target from G7 statement, draft shows​

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Regarding G7's $600 billion infrastructure plan, it's a joke. The U.S. and NATO spent how much in Iraq and Afghanistan? 6 trillion? Yet it's China that is completing the 1,000-school project in Iraq now. Last year, the G7 promised billions dollars for the B3W (Built Back Better World), only a few millions were actually allocated, and nobody even mentions it anymore in this year's G7 meeting. The G7, and especially U.S., are not even capable of building large scale infrastructures in their own country anymore. They will not be able to compete with China, who is the indisputable leader in infrastructure building in the world.

Let's not forget that a modern navy has been an aspiration for 5-6 generations of Chinese, ever since the 1880s.


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G7’s $600 billion PGII met with skepticism, mockery

US' program eyes geopolitics; 'objective impure'

By GT staff reporters Published: Jun 27, 2022 11:17 PM Updated: Jun 27, 2022 11:47 PM

Protesters hold banners reading
Protesters hold banners reading "Global justice - climate protection instead of armament" among others, during a demonstration against the G7 Summit, on June 27, 2022 near Elmau Castle, southern Germany, where the G7-leaders are gathered. Photo: AFP

After US president Joe Biden and leaders from other Group of Seven (G7) nations proposed to raise $600 billion in the next five years to finance infrastructure projects in developing countries, a move generally interpreted by observers as intending to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), economists expressed skepticism over the feasibility of such a program, citing reasons such as the US' strained government debt status, poor infrastructure construction abilities and past failure with a similar project.

They also criticized the G7 proposal for having an "insincere" intention, as it was raised more from the perspective of launching a political competition with China, instead of really caring about the infrastructure situations in lower income countries. In this sense, it is unlikely to yield any project that could compare with China's flagship BRI projects, which focus on mutual connectivity, win-win, not decoupling and exclusionism.

Government leaders from Group of Seven nations made a pledge on Sunday at their annual gathering to raise $600 billion in private and public funds over the next five years to finance infrastructure in developing countries, in a project called the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII), a Reuters report noted on Monday.

US president Joe Biden said that the US aims to mobilize $200 billion for the PGII project over the period through grants, federal funds and private investment to support projects that help tackle climate change, improve global health, digital infrastructure and gender equity. He highlighted several flagship projects, including a $2 billion solar development project in Angola, the report noted.

Europe will mobilize 300 billion euros for the initiative, Reuters said.

On the sidelines of the G7 Leaders' Summit in Germany, Biden said that the PGII is not aid or charity, but will "deliver returns for everyone", including the American people, according to a report by npr.org on Sunday.

The G7 nations launched the PGII project only about one year after a very similar scheme was unveiled at the G7 conference last July. The scheme, named Build Back Better World, commonly known as B3W, is considered by many media outlets as a predecessor to the PGII. UK newspaper The Guardian, for example, used the word "relaunch" to imply that PGII is just a disguised version of B3W.

Insincere intention

Although the US government didn't explicitly mention the relationship between PGII and the China-proposed BRI program, many media outlets including Reuters as well as economists mentioned that the real intention of PGII is to counter China's BRI which has delivered many concrete projects since it was proposed in 2013.

Hu Qimu, chief research fellow at the Beijing-based Sinosteel Economic Research Institute, said that China's global infrastructure cooperation has continued to yield results in recent years, standing in sharp contrast to some Western governments' "dereliction of duty" in this area.

"The PGII is like a shouted slogan to ring-fence China's strategies, a kind of tactic to create an atmosphere of cracking down on China," Hu said, adding that it could also be a method used by Biden to pander to voters ahead of the US mid-term elections.

Another international relations expert who requested anonymity also said that the US, which has no tradition of helping other countries in the field of infrastructure, would not suddenly change and take to the idea. "The real intent is to counter China's projects and compete with China," the person said.

Observers found that the PGII's two pillars of clean energy and information/communications technology are particularly hostile to China, as the West has been smearing China over issues related to the solar power industry in Xinjiang and China's 5G technology, using security concerns as an excuse.

Commenting on this policy direction, experts criticized the US-led program for lacking the sincerity of really caring about the infrastructure situations in developing countries, saying instead that it had a very "impure" objective.

"If the G7 group only targets China's overseas infrastructure market for competition, history will prove that this kind of top-level planning that lacks the concept of common development will only become another short-lived project," Wang Jianjiao, director of the economic and trade cooperation department under the Silk Road Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday.

Wang also noted that only when the US gives up its global cooperation model, which often attaches "unequal additional conditions", gets rid of its own debt predicament and reinvigorates the US' real economy will it have a chance of competing with China in overseas infrastructure markets.

Unfeasible project

Economists also noted that the PGII and its promised funding volume by the US government is never likely to become reality, considering the US' internal economic problems and unstable political situation.

Qiu Wenxu, director of the industry development department under the Silk Road Academy of Social Sciences, said that if the US government really intends to materialize the $200 billion funding, it is unlikely to come mostly from private capital, as infrastructure projects have long investment cycles and relatively low yield rates, making them unattractive to private investors.

"However, at the current time when the US' government debt is at a critically high level and it has hardly any budget to invest in foreign-bound infrastructure, Biden still needs to raise most of the money from private companies. In this sense, it's very likely that the $200 billion fund can't be raised to the full number," Qiu told the Global Times on Monday.

He further stressed that the US does not have advantages in infrastructure construction, pointing out that it has hardly completed any large infrastructure projects in its own country in the past 10 years, not to mention abroad. For example, California's high-speed rail, a flagship US infrastructure project, is "tens of billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule," according to a report by kqed.org in May.

Some experts also noted that the US' changing political situation is also casting uncertainties over implementation of the funding.

"It would be even more difficult to convince the US Congress to invest overseas, if after the midterm elections the Democrats lose the majority of House of Representatives," Lü Xiang, an expert on US studies and research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times, on Monday.

In fact, analysts have pointed out that the PGII funding would in fact add liability to Biden's already poor approval rating in the US, given the much weakened domestic economy due to galloping inflation, among other social issues.

The difficulties in raising funds for such a project were already shown in the PGII's predecessor project B3W, which some media outlets and people regarded as a failure. An article by Foreign Affairs, for example, said that the B3W project has " languished", while a Guardian report noted that "little had been heard of" B3W since its launch.

According to the Foreign Affairs article, the US' commitments to global infrastructure renewal only came to about $6 million under the B3W project in one year after its launch, which is "a far cry" from the billions Biden promised at the beginning.

"Judging from the B3W implementation, it has high probability that the PGII will be another empty promise," Qiu said.

BRI success to continue

Economists also said that even with competition and certain countries' attempts to smear the BRI, the benefits and achievements of BRI is obvious to all, and that BRI investment will likely continue to surge in the future regardless of the volatile global political situation.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said on Monday that China welcomes any initiative to promote global construction of infrastructure. "We believe that one initiative is not meant to replace another. However, we oppose the act of using the name of infrastructure to promote geopolitical schemes," he said.

Liang Haiming, dean of the Belt and Road Institute at Hainan University, also told the Global Times that even if Western countries loan money to developing countries to build infrastructure projects, China might benefit from such a program, as many countries would purchase China's construction materials as they are known for being cost effective.

Qiu also said that China's BRI has become one of the largest international cooperation platforms in past years, as the country does not view infrastructure construction projects as the ultimate purpose, but aims to help countries consolidate economic development foundations by improving their infrastructure construction.

In the first five months, China's non-financial foreign direct investment in countries along the BRI route rose 10.2 percent to about $8.2 billion, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed.​


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Damn.... I wish I had Sleepy as my dad.

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Joe Biden paid his son’s bills for prostitutes – media​

Hunter Biden reportedly spent over $30,000 on Eastern European prostitutes, with his bank blocking transfers to Russian addresses

Data found on Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal that the US president’s son spent over $30,000 on escorts from a “model agency” with offices in Kiev and Moscow, the Washington Examiner reported on Monday.

According to the
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, Hunter Biden racked up his five-figure bill between November 2018 and March 2019, in between Joe Biden’s terms as vice president and president of the US. Throughout this period, Joe Biden wired his son a total of $100,000 to help pay his bills, although it is unclear whether the senior Biden knew what his son was spending the money on.

Text messages on the hard drive of Hunter’s laptop purportedly showed conversations with ‘Eva,’ an employee of an “exclusive model agency" named ‘UberGFE’. In one February 2019 exchange, Hunter told Eva that he had problems wiring her money due to her use of a Russian .ru email address.

Hunter said that this address was “flagged” by his bank, and resulted in his account being frozen.

Prior to the exchange with Eva, Joe Biden sent Hunter $5,000 via CashApp, three hours before Hunter filmed himself arguing with an escort over payment. With Hunter seemingly unable to meet the $9,500 charge for 16 hours in the girl’s company, she messaged him looking for the remaining balance for six weeks, until the exchange with ‘Eva’, the report alleges.

Between November and March, ‘Eva’ reportedly directed Hunter to make payments to accounts using .ru email addresses 11 times. During this time, Hunter also searched for "dc russian escorts” on his iPhone, the article claims.

UberGFE operates a website advertising its services in the US, London, Paris and Dubai. According to the Washington Examiner, an older version of the site used to list addresses in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev. The site was reportedly created by developers in Kiev.
At the time of his dalliances with the prostitutes, Hunter Biden was sitting on the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm that paid him up to $50,000 per month despite his lack of experience in the industry.

According to emails and text messages obtained from his laptop, which he left behind in a Delaware computer repair shop at some point before October 2020, Hunter peddled access to his father with clients in Ukraine and China. During his father’s vice presidency, Hunter struck deals where the Biden family stood to make tens of millions of dollars “based on introductions alone,” and others involving kickbacks to “the big guy” – an apparent reference to Joe Biden.

When the contents of the laptop were first reported on by the New York Post weeks before the 2020 presidential election, the Biden campaign initially wrote off the reports as part of a “disinformation” campaign, potentially involving Russia. However, the computer’s authenticity has subsequently been independently verified, and the
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now admit that the younger Biden’s emails are genuine.

Hunter Biden did not refute the contents of the Washington Examiner’s story, instead messaging the newspaper to say “what’s wrong with you?”