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I am not from US, but just curious.

From my understanding federal law does not supersede (or override) state law, but they are supposed to be set in compliance to one another from the beginning of USA. If there is a noncompliance arise later, it is up to the supreme court to settle the dispute. One of them or both have to be changed accordingly. Before such ruling is made on a subject, one does not supersede the other.

The Supreme Court is not the law, it is the interpreter of the relationship of both state and federal law. That is why they could change the same thing back and forth.

What happened in Little Rock Nine was that the supreme court had ruled. The state governor tried to block the entrance of black students NOT in defiance of the ruling, NOR citing state segregation law which by that time is to be amended or has been amended to comply to the ruling. According to this site
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, the governor used the excuse of "safety for the black students and preventing social unrest". So technically, the federal army did not force the federal law upon the state, there was not a legal conflict.

In the current case, the state law is in compliance to the supreme court ruling. However, the ruling only allows state to make their own anti-abortion law within their jurisdiction that does not include federal territories. The military has no obligation to adhere to the state law within their bases. So I don't see any legal conflict here either.
In the US Constitution, the federal law supercedes the state law under the Supremacy clause:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Therefore the federal law always supercedes the state law.

For the Supreme Court, it determines whether or not a law is constitutional and that always involves the state vs federal law contention. So you are correct in this regard.

As for Little Rock Nine, you are right in this regard. The Arkansas governor used the unrest as an excuse to deploy the National Guard to de facto ban black students from going to school. Looking back it, I admit that wasn't the correct example. I'd say a more apt example of federal authority openly superseding that of the state is the Sherman Booth case in 1854. That case involved the Supreme Court citing the Supremacy Clause to dismiss the state court's decision to release Booth from the US Marshal's custody.
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Most Russian oil production is in Central Asia or the Far East. Any production in the Black Sea at this point is a rounding error.


The smaller deposits you see in the map closer to Europe are mostly depleted fields. The big one is the one in the middle. Yamal. The one north of Mongolia only started being explored relatively recently so it is still a pretty new field.

This is why, Europe's talk about not needing Russian oil & gas is going to backfire on them. If you look at it, the biggest field, the one in the middle, is about equidistant from Europe and China. About same distance from Yamal to Beijing as from Yamal to Berlin. Once Russia builds oil and gas pipelines into China, which they so far have refrained from doing, that oil isn't going to go back, or if it does, it won't be as cheap that is for sure. Oil & gas prices in Asia are more expensive than in Europe contrary to what you might hear Europeans say. So the notion they will be getting it isn't as certain as they think.

Europe better start exploring for oil & gas in their own territory or they are screwed. The Mediterranean so far has been mostly untouched and I doubt it doesn't have some in it. But for the sake of not messing with tourism and fishing so far it is untouched.
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Canada committed "culture genocide", so their false accusation against China is really a reflection of their own guilt.
China is paying hypocritical Western nations back in their own coin
Bodies of guilt

Hundreds of dead bodies of indigenous children have been discovered this year in unmarked graves in residential schools across Canada. The discovery ignited soul-searching across the nation, with many questioning the very morals and values of racism and white supremacy upon which it is built.

Normally, China would've kept quiet about this incident. After all, it was an internal – if savage – affair of Canada. Unlike some Western countries, it is generally not in the habit of lecturing other nations on their crimes – current or past.

Yet, everyone's patience has its limits. Recently, at the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Canada, along with a cabal of 43 other countries, ganged up on China unprovoked and accused it of mass human rights violations in Xinjiang. The letter talked of detention and "restrictions on fundamental freedoms and…culture", and without any sense of irony, "forced separation of children from their parents." Change the country from China to Canada and "Uygur" to "indigenous", and it would sound exactly like what Canada did, word for word.

Enough is enough

China had had enough. It decided to hit back. First, Belarus released a counter-statement, signed by 65 countries, expressing firm opposition to any interference in China's domestic issues. Once the ball of justice got rolling, more countries joined in and released separate statements, taking the total number of nations supporting China to a whopping 90.

It was a humiliating defeat for the proud white "democracies" of the West, who consider themselves the "international community." They had not anticipated such overwhelming opposition.

China's second tactic was to target Canada itself, the nation chosen to bell the cat. In a pre-emptive move, aware of the statement in advance, China responded (with multiple co-signatory nations) even before Canada's statement was officially delivered. Jiang Duan, a senior Chinese official at the UN, called for a "thorough and impartial investigation" into Canada's genocidal accusations. And unlike Canada's statement, this call for an investigation was based on real crimes, not imaginary ones.

It was a revealing sight, and long overdue: China criticizing Canada for its actual human rights abuses in response to Canada's endless criticism of China's imaginary ones.

No longer biding its time

Such pushback represents a new strategy for the rising power. And China has enough international support, far more than the U.S., to call out U.S. mischief and malice. Clearly, China is not the only nation sick of U.S. hypocrisy and bullying. This could be the beginning of a broad coalition of humane, ethical states against the U.S.-led crime syndicate.

After years of facing unfair criticism of its imagined atrocities, China is clearly not taking it lying down anymore. It's about time the U.S. learnt that some countries would push back.
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Turkey won't sanction Russia.

Interestingly, oil is not the only thing that can be explored in Saudi Arabia.
China’s Chifeng Gold Allies With Ajlan & Bros on Saudi Gold Exploration
Oil-rich Saudi Arabia also has the biggest gold reserves in the Arab world and ranks 16th globally, Ajlan & Bros noted.


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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson invited G7 leaders to strip down to be ‘cooler than Putin’

Initially, during the G7 meeting, Johnson suggested that they simply take off their jackets, then undress. “We must show that we are tougher than Putin,” said the British Prime Minister.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggested that the leaders of the G7 strip to the waist to look “cooler than Putin.”

In turn, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said that it is necessary to arrange a “show of horseback riding with bare breasts.” The leaders of the countries recalled a long-spread photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The idea of horseback riding was also supported by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who, however, did not appreciate the idea of undressing.

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Oh my God, what idiots rule us in Europe.

And this "brilliant" idea to bare their torsos comes right from Boris Johnson...just imagine this body without clothes. :oops:



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US and their puppets looking to piss away $600 billion to fight China. Meanwhile, US infrastructure…
Problem for G7 and US partners is that they are caught in cycle of reactions. Reactings to China initiatives with repeating high profile meetings, photo opportunities, rhetorics and grand schemes with little tangible results. Their actions are getting very predictable and are giving the impressions that China maybe doing better than the collapsing authoritarian state they claimed to be.


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US and their puppets looking to piss away $600 billion to fight China. Meanwhile, US infrastructure…
Problem for G7 and US partners is that they are caught in cycle of reactions. Reactings to China initiatives with repeating high profile meetings, photo opportunities, rhetorics and grand schemes with little tangible results. Their actions are getting very predictable and are giving the impressions that China maybe doing better than the collapsing authoritarian state they claimed to be.


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Oh my God, what idiots rule us in Europe.

And this "brilliant" idea to bare their torsos comes right from Boris Johnson...just imagine this body without clothes. :oops:

View attachment 91673
Well after seeing this photo I now fully understand Trudeau's "breast" comment


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I find the way they settled themselves down at the table real funny. Biden was first to be introduced, seem lost was standing behind his chair while others were taking their seats. Scholz and Usual were already seated before Biden take his. Later all were told how to sit right in relation to the table.

Rettam Stacf

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US and their puppets looking to piss away $600 billion to fight China. Meanwhile, US infrastructure…

As we talk about building infrastructures, guess who are the biggest builders.

Of the world's 20 biggest infrastructure building companies, China has the top 6, 8 out of the top 10 and 14 out of the top 20. EU has 6, and none from the US, Japan or S Korea.

Surprised the US has fallen so low by neglecting her infrastructures in recent years, and hence her infrastructure builders also.

ENR 2021 Top 250 Global Contractors​

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11China State Construction Engineering Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China
22China Railway Group Ltd., Beijing, China
33China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China
44China Communications Construction Group Ltd., Beijing, China
55Power Construction Corp. of China, Beijing, China
68China Metallurgical Group Corp., Beijing, China
76VINCI, Rueil-Malmaison, France
89Shanghai Construction Group Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China
9**Greenland Infra. Constr. Group Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China
107ACS Actividades de ConstrucciÓn y Servicios SA, Madrid, Spain
1110Bouygues, Paris, France
1211HOCHTIEF AG, Essen, Germany
1312China Energy Engineering Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China
1413Beijing Urban Construction Group Co. Ltd., Beijing, China
1533Jiangsu Zhongnan Constr. Industry Group Co. Ltd., Haimen, China 19,493.4
1614STRABAG SE, Vienna, Austria
1718China National Chemical Eng’g Group Corp. Ltd., Beijing, China
1816Eiffage, Velizy-Villacoublay, France
1932Shanxi Construction Investment Group Co. Ltd., Taiyuan, China
2027Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co. Ltd., Beijing, China
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