What you and I thinks of Romney's presidential viability aren't important to what the establishment wants and needs to have for as their candidate.
Why the heck do you think that the January so-called insurrection is being televised prime-time slot in America? For shits and giggles? They want to put on blast the supposed treachery, and the chaos, not to mention the narrative that the election was trying to be overturned by anti-American, anti-democracy people that Trump instigated, supported, amplified, and essentially masterminded. The establishment want to project that Trump is an enemy to the very fabric of what America supposed to stand for and all that jazz.
Just look at the recent bipartisan gun legislation that has been worked out by both parties with strong support in the Senate from 10 Republicans and guess who's amongst those 10 senators? Mitt Romney.
In my opinion, Mitt Romney is being groomed to become America's next U.S. President. He's been thoroughly vetted twice since he ran 2x for the Republican nomination, first back in 2008 losing to John McCain and then in 2012 gaining the nomination but end up losing to Obama in the general election. He's had business experience, executive leadership experience being the governor of Massachusetts passing the healthcare plan that's been labeled as Romney care. A plan by the way that was patterned over for the eventual American Affordable Healthcare Act a.k.a. OBAMA CARE.
The vast majority of Americans politics are actually in the middle, and the political calculations will try to attract those middle of the road voters that have been so turned off by both the left wing politics dominating the Democrats and the right wing loons represented by Donald J. Trump.
The only hurdle for candidates like Mitt Romney is the primary election and selection where the crazies on both parties tend to dominate the electoral process in selecting the parties candidates which is why we tend to see or witness crazy pronouncements and proclamations during the primaries. It's essentially trying to outcrazy the other candidates in the primary and then candidates of both parties move to the middle once they have secured their parties respective nominations.
DeSantis the Governor of Florida maybe amongst one of the more popular politician for the crazies and populists in the Republican party at this moment but the media landscape this time around, not to mention the political donors have probably come to their senses and learned their lessons from their prior support of Donald Trump not to make the same mistake this time around by essentially supporting a Donald Trump like candidate 2.0 The traditional media will not give air time or talk about the crazies on the right ad nauseum to avoid the mistake they made back in 2016 which essentially helped Trump amplified his message across America from the free media he got from MSM much to the complaints and whinings of the Hillary camp during that election season.
But of course, your analysis and assumptions about DeSantis could be the actually right, and he maybe ending up becoming the Republican nominee and perhaps even winning the Presidency in 2024. I like my chances with Romney at this point in time barring any unforeseen cataclysmic events happening down the road.
At the end of the day big money talks in American politics. In 2020 election alone both parties spent nearly $14 BILLION on political ads etc...2024 is looking to be an even bigger money bonanza for both parties but in that time, American elites are trying their best to ensure America remains the top dog globally, so DeSantis being a walking American contradiction (does not support LGBTQ, does not support Gun control, enemies with Disney, against trans) all the political flavors that America are pushing for around the world. Having someone like him could potentially ruin their EU relationship, their Build Back Better Plan, and the other plans the Dems under Biden have been churning out like candies as of late.