As for the matter of dual citizenship/nationality in China, Chinese immigration laws do not recognise dual nationality. The laws DO NOT explicitly require foreign nationals to renounce their foreign nationalities in order to become Chinese nationals.
I think you mean China doesn't recognize dual citizenship.
Dual citizenship is usually attained in one of two ways: you are born with it, or you obtain it through immigration and naturalization.
In the first case, as I have linked above, China does not offer citizenship to children born in foreign countries to Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of that country, *unless* said country refused to give the child citizenship of that country.
In the second case, China's position is that the moment you obtain the citizenship of a second country, you automatically forfeit Chinese citizenship. So in this case, you don't need to explicitly renounce anything.
There is a third case, where an individual does need to explicitly renounce a non-Chinese citizenship in order to obtain Chinese citizenship. This can happen one of two ways:
- You have a non-Chinese citizenship by birth, but your parents are Chinese citizens and are not PR of another country. In this case, before you reach adulthood (not sure about exact age), you effectively enjoy the benefits of dual citizenship as China will give you all the rights and privileges of Chinese citizenship despite you having citizenship in another country. However, once you reach adulthood, you have the choice of retaining your non-Chinese citizenship and automatically forfeiting your Chinese citizenship, or you have to explicitly renounce your non-Chinese citizenship in order to be granted Chinese citizenship.
- You were a Chinese citizen who became a citizen of another country through immigration & naturalization. Now you wish to regain your Chinese citizenship. In order to do so, you must live in China, apply to the public security bureau of your original hukou location, and after a few years when your application is approved, you must now explicitly renounce your non-Chinese citizenship before becoming a Chinese citizen again.