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Rettam Stacf

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Like this wouldn't increase the number of deaths from guns in schools. Schoolyard beefs will be immediate. Bullied kids armed with guns? I have a friend who's a high school teacher and students make death threats to him all the time and most them centers around students who get shamed in front of other students by the teacher. That's a big no-no to do to kids. One time he moved a chair that a student didn't know had happened and student sat back and fell to the floor thinking there was a chair there and the other students laughed and the student who fell to the ground made all sorts of death threats. One time the teacher was engaging in friendly talk with the students and the school's high school team was going play the team of another high school to which the teacher's nephew was playing on. One of the students who was on the football team asked what number was he wearing and he answered thinking it was nothing and the student made the threat the team was going to target him to break his legs. The thing was the teacher told him accidentally the wrong number for another player. So there was this whole commotion behind the scenes because the two schools had to be notified of this threat was made and to the wrong student player. And they think they can trust students with guns...?

Big deal. It is already happening in inner city schools. The white suburbs are just beginning to catch on.


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Like this wouldn't increase the number of deaths from guns in schools. Schoolyard beefs will be immediate. Bullied kids armed with guns? I have a friend who's a high school teacher and students make death threats to him all the time and most them centers around students who get shamed in front of other students by the teacher. That's a big no-no to do to kids. One time he moved a chair that a student didn't know had happened and student sat back and fell to the floor thinking there was a chair there and the other students laughed and the student who fell to the ground made all sorts of death threats. One time the teacher was engaging in friendly talk with the students and the school's high school team was going play the team of another high school to which the teacher's nephew was playing on. One of the students who was on the football team asked what number was he wearing and he answered thinking it was nothing and the student made the threat the team was going to target him to break his legs. The thing was the teacher told him accidentally the wrong number for another player. So there was this whole commotion behind the scenes because the two schools had to be notified of this threat was made and to the wrong student player. And they think they can trust students with guns...?
I read the article. It is satire. And I found it hilarious :D

"When did the National Rifle Association become such a bunch of wimps?

During their convention in Texas just days after the horrific massacre at a nearby elementary school, advocates called for arming teachers and increasing police presence in classrooms. But as they say, go big or go home.

The answer to bring mass shootings in our schools to an end is right there in front of us, but no one wants to say it. So, I will.

It’s time to arm the kids themselves. If the answer to gun violence is more guns, it’s really the most logical solution.

Now, we have to be reasonable about this. We obviously don’t want kindergartners running around shooting each other accidentally with their tiny fingers, so we would have to establish a rational age requirement. Say, maybe 10 years old. I mean, that’s the age when kids should be familiar with guns anyway if they’re going to grow up in the USA.

Kids could report to their classroom in the morning, recite their Pledge of Allegiance, and then be issued their gun for the day. Just before the final bell, they would turn their weapon back in to their teacher to be safely locked away until the following morning. These aren’t toys, after all – they’re to be solely for defense purposes.

I initially thought Uzi submachine guns for each student made the most sense due to their sheer firepower against any would-be attacker, but figured that might be a little TOO much firepower for the younger ones to handle. Then I reasoned they should at least have AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, since this seems to be the weapon of choice for some of the more infamous mass shootings we’ve experienced.

But an AR-15, bulky as it is, wouldn’t really be that practical for younger students who are also carrying schoolbooks, backpacks and the like. So the more logical choice would be a simple handgun, like maybe a Glock 9 mm, which would be more compact and far easier for students to carry between classes. What they would lose in individual capacity would be more than compensated by the accessibility of a 9 mm. In other words, imagine some would-be mass shooter bursting into a classroom only to be faced almost instantly by the barrels of at least 15 to 20 handguns.

Naturally. the children would have to be trained in the use of their weapon. Target practice on the school shooting range could be incorporated into their regular Physical Education classes. In fact, we might have to just overhaul the entire PE curriculum. Dodgeball and badminton should be replaced by significantly more proactive active shooter drills and hand-to-hand combat training.

I know more cautious types will complain arming students – or even just teachers for that matter – may create the opportunity for additional crossfire casualties, but that’s where these exercises come in. Just think – we could wind up with an entire nation of little mini-Rambos.

As for kids under the age of ten who would be too young to carry weapons in school – because that would be plain silly – we would probably have to construct watchtowers and high barbed-wire fences, like the kind they had in World War II concentration camps. Smaller schools might not have the resources to fund additional security, but in those situations we could have older students man the towers. And then maybe we can bring back the Uzis.

Think about it -- high school kids could volunteer to protect younger students as part of their training or community service. They might even earn credits through a sort of work study program, if they want to work as prison guards or in similar fields after graduating.

I know these all sound like bold steps, but it’s time for bold action. Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t heard anyone else propose such a brilliant plan yet.

Even Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the powerhouse intellects of our age, has only gone so far as recommending we close more doors and add more security guards at schools. The NRA has been pushing to arm teachers for at least a decade, rather than the students who are typically targeted in these attacks.

Pretty wimpy approaches, if you ask me. How are kids going to learn to look after themselves if we keep coddling them?

And maybe arming the populace should be extended to other institutions as well. Just as in days of yore when we had a smoking and non-smoking section in restaurants and other venues, maybe we’ll have “carrying” and “non-carrying” sections in the future. There was a time I wouldn’t have foreseen armed parishioners becoming commonplace in places of worship, but as churches have been targeted almost as much as public schools in recent years, it was the inevitable solution.

Honestly, what today could be more star-spangled American than the sight of young people marching into Sunday School with a Bible in one hand and a 9mm in the other?

D. Allan Kerr is a journalist and author who lives in Kittery, Maine."


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Is US/NATO (with WEF help) pushing for a Global South famine?

By Michael Hudson - 06 June 2022

Is the proxy war in Ukraine turning out to be only a lead-up to something larger, involving world famine and a foreign-exchange crisis for food- and oil-deficit countries?

Many more people are likely to die of famine and economic disruption than on the Ukrainian battlefield. It thus is appropriate to ask whether what appeared to be the Ukraine proxy war is part of a larger strategy to lock in U.S. control over international trade and payments. We are seeing a financially weaponized power grab by the U.S. Dollar Area over the Global South as well as over Western Europe. Without dollar credit from the United States and its IMF subsidiary, how can countries stay afloat? How hard will the U.S. act to block them from de-dollarizing, opting out of the U.S. economic orbit?

U.S. Cold War strategy is not alone in thinking how to benefit from provoking a famine, oil and balance-of-payments crisis. Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum worries that the world is overpopulated – at least with the “wrong kind” of people. As Microsoft philanthropist (the customary euphemism for rentier monopolist) Bill Gates has explained: “Population growth in Africa is a challenge.” His lobbying foundation’s 2018 “Goalkeepers” report warned: “According to U.N. data, Africa is expected to account for more than half of the world’s population growth between 2015 and 2050. Its population is projected to double by 2050,” with “more than 40 percent of world’s extremely poor people … in just two countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nigeria.”[1]

( . . . )
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Russia and Belarus account for 45% of world's potash supply, and crop yield depends on the quality of fertilizer put into the soil. As soon as it became clear that Russian and Belarusian fertilizers would not be in the world market, prices instantly soared on both fertilizers and food products because if there are no fertilizers, it is impossible to produce the remote required amount of food.

Russia: World produces about 800MT of grain wheat per year, now we are told that Ukraine is ready to export 20MT, or 2.5 percent of the total. Wheat accounts for a nearly 20 percent of all food products in the world (UN data), this means that these 20MT of Ukrainian wheat are just 0.5 percent of total food production, practically nothing.

Russia also reaffirms that it has no problem at all for Ukraine to export its grains, either via Black Sea, or via land routes: Belarus, Hungary or Romania. Russia will not hinder this Ukrainian grain export.

Listen to Alexander Mercouris 20220607:
