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Tried other browsers and mobile, still no report button, while like quote and reply are there.

I as a Junior Member also don't have the Report button. But from looking at the number of messages posted by the Junior Members, I find that those who reported that they have the Report button have already posted quite a substantial number of messages . So I think whether the Report button is present actually depends on the number of message postings and not just on the Category that the member is in . Maybe have to post above a certain number of messages before the Report button appears. Probably somewhere between 200 to 500 postings.


Junior Member
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Tried other browsers and mobile, still no report button, while like quote and reply are there.

I as a Junior Member also don't have the Report button. But from looking at the number of messages posted by the Junior Members, I find that those who reported that they have the Report button have already posted quite a substantial number of messages . So I think whether the Report button is present actually depends on the number of message postings and not just on the Category that the member is in . Maybe have to post above a certain number of messages before the Report button appears. Probably somewhere between 200 to 500 postings.


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Paper tiger trying to save face.
Just ahead of a deadline last Friday for U.S. investors to cease trading in the stocks and bonds of companies officially linked to the Chinese military, the Washington agency charged with enforcing the ban quietly notified investors that they would not be punished for holding onto such securities.


Registered Member
South China Morning Post

Chinese debt traps in Africa? The bigger worry is bondholders, study finds

  • China is the continent’s biggest bilateral creditor but most of the debt is due to private Western holders of African debt, according to a new report.
  • Private-sector manoeuvring rather than Chinese scheming more likely to induce a wave of defaults, researchers say
The rise in African debt due to Chinese lending pales in comparison with the debt burden created by private creditors in the last decade, according to a new report taking aim at accusations that Beijing engages in “debt-trap diplomacy” on the continent.

The study – by Harry Verhoeven from the Centre on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University, and Nicolas Lippolis from the department of politics and international relations at the University of Oxfordsays the debt-trap narrative is a function of China-US strategic and ideological rivalry rather than a reflection of African realities or perspectives.

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Registered Member
Canadian warplanes were participating in a multilateral mission to monitor adherence to UN sanctions because China helped US to impose sanction on its only ally NK thinking that would appease US. And now those Canadian warplanes are spying on CN lol.
Nonsense. You should get the facts straight first.

China does not help US to impose sanctions on NK. China is working in the frameworks of the UN sanctions. China voted for the resolutions to sanction NK because of the nuclear tests near the China border. It's someone's wet dream to think that China taking part in the UN sanctions is to appease the US.

Being China's ally, only or not, does not give NK a blank cheque. China has always opposed to the development and/or deployment of nuclear weapons in the peninsula. The nuclear tests by NK are not acceptable. China has been clear with its position. NK knew it. The US knew it. On the other hand, instead of acting like a hegemon and taking uniliteral actions like the US always does, China takes the UN seriously as a platform to work out international issues.

The Canadian military airplanes in the vinity of the peninsula is *not* adherence to UN sanctions. The "multiliteral mission" in your eyes is in fact a uniliteral move by the US and its vassal states. It is a violation of sovereignty of other countries.

As Zhao Lijian
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, "The UN sanctions on NK do not authorize any UN member to deploy military forces in sea and air space of jurisdiction of other countries, let alone to spy on other countries."


Abusing the UN sanctions for covert purposes will only weaken China's willingness to continue the sanctions. At the end, what the US and its dogs are doing will be a footgun for themselves.


Registered Member
GT isn't that actually bad when it comes to information war but rather it's hampered, limited on what it can dish out due to the self-imposed guard rails the Chinese government have placed upon itself. A deliberate strategy that is hard to be understood by people from the outside especially to most of us that has lived in the west for a long time. It's baffling to say the least.

But I thought that was always the point.

Play dirty like the West, then you become the West.

China does not want to be just like the West.

Those miserable fucks can be miserable fucks for all the CCP would care.

That is a fair view I think. If someone wants to be different, then that is their right.

That is why this ideology is all bullshit.

They preach diversity, yet they want everyone to be like them.

Then when China attacks them verbally, often they cannot handle it.

That Mr. Chen fellow is good at those take downs.

But for the entire CCP reporting and news structure, to be like that, WWF style, that would be too much.


Nonsense. You should get the facts straight first.

China does not help US to impose sanctions on NK. China is working in the frameworks of the UN sanctions. China voted for the resolutions to sanction NK because of the nuclear tests near the China border. It's someone's wet dream to think that China taking part in the UN sanctions is to appease the US.

Being China's ally, only or not, does not give NK a blank cheque. China has always opposed to the development and/or deployment of nuclear weapons in the peninsula. The nuclear tests by NK are not acceptable. China has been clear with its position. NK knew it. The US knew it. On the other hand, instead of acting like a hegemon and taking uniliteral actions like the US always does, China takes the UN seriously as a platform to work out international issues.
Nice theory but let us wait and see what CN will do as North Korea is planning another nuclear test soon. When asked if China will support more sanctions if North Korea conducts another nuclear test, Zhao Lijian also implied that Beijing will not support new sanctions even if Pyongyang tests a nuclear weapon.
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This is how much our world has changed in front of our eyes.

In case (1), those EU bobbleheads cannot make sense out of which a 9th grader could figure out.

In case(2), the Mexican president makes common sense out of which summit does not make sense in the first place.

We are living in an interesting time.