GT isn't that actually bad when it comes to information war but rather it's hampered, limited on what it can dish out due to the self-imposed guard rails the Chinese government have placed upon itself. A deliberate strategy that is hard to be understood by people from the outside especially to most of us that has lived in the west for a long time. It's baffling to say the least.
But I thought that was always the point.
Play dirty like the West, then you become the West.
China does not want to be just like the West.
Those miserable fucks can be miserable fucks for all the CCP would care.
That is a fair view I think. If someone wants to be different, then that is their right.
That is why this ideology is all bullshit.
They preach diversity, yet they want everyone to be like them.
Then when China attacks them verbally, often they cannot handle it.
That Mr. Chen fellow is good at those take downs.
But for the entire CCP reporting and news structure, to be like that, WWF style, that would be too much.