Money is more powerful than democratic ideals. Every move the US makes claiming exclusion and/or a ganging up against China has the stench of Kurt Campbell. TPP under Obama which was push by Kurt Campbell was all about targeting and ganging up against China and every other attempt since then to organized something against China all had the same objective which was not to exclude China but to force China to submit simply on the idea that China doesn't like to be isolated and alone. They also all had the same flaw. China is continuously growing market that's larger than the US. That's why it's all superficial and trumps democracy because all of China's neighbor's need money more than democracy. Look at charges of genocide in Xinjiang and yet the first world is still doing business with China. Another flaw in their thinking is they can live without China. Easier to say because if the West is crying about inflation then they're just talking the talk and not walking the walk. Every move they make against China will only cost them more money because if they were outsourcing it was because it was cheapest place for them to do business. And if they want to decouple from China for political reasons and not because their costs have risen, it will just cost them more and thus will cause inflation. Biden claim is that he's united like-minded allies. Isn't that an oxymoron? It's like claiming how civilized Westerners are because they haven't used their nukes against other countries. No, they haven't used them because they're afraid of getting nuked back. They try to spin everything to make themselves look in a favorable light.
In the long-run, Asian companies which decouple from China be doomed in many fields.
Let's take the Japanese automobile industry for example. Chinese technology/manufacturing accounts for 60%-80% of the Electric Vehicle Supply Chain, depending on the subsector. So how are Japanese carmakers supposed to compete and export cars unless they can tap into the lower cost base and more advanced technology from Chinese companies? Today, Chinese accounts for more electric vehicle sales than the rest of the world combined.
We see a similar situation in solar panels, wind turbines, robotics etc
On the broader scale, China is already larger than the US in terms of economic output when measured using PPP.
And that lead is expected to grow and China could conceivably become 2x or even 3x larger than the USA, as per Elon Musk's interview at a US Air Force conference.
Decoupling from China would be far worse than decoupling from the USA.
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