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Registered Member
Imagine if SK and NK were in cahoots, to play those pesky Americans while hiding their real intentions - revenge on Japan, whilst creating some scripted drama (which they are world class at) between the nations to maintain a facade of hostility.

Maybe we've underestimated SK when they've been practising joint Korean strikes against Japan the whole time.
On the flip side, there's also a lot of unclaimed 'cultural heritage' in Japan
@tygyg1111 bro maybe or in fact they have....lol ask an average Japanese who they hate most and the answer is Korean and vice versa. The US is trying to redirect those anger to China BUT how? they were part of the Sinosphere and how can you distinguish one from each other....lol When Koreans walk the street here they thought they were Chinese and as proof you can ask @Coalescence as the locals think he was part of the K-pop boy band.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Dude, do you know that there is the "Report" button for these things?
If you you have a problem with it just report the post.

What's up with random people summoning the whole mod team and the WebMaster in all these threads?

If I see anyone else doing the same thing again I will report it. Nobody has time to jump around to moderate because someone decided to summon 4 different people for one post. There is a Report function for this specific purpose. Imagine instead of reporting, members started summoning the whole mod team >10 times per day in different threads.

Put your brain into work and understand why the Report functionality was developed.
Would be grateful if you will show me, preferably with a photo, where that report button is located.
I had been looking for it long ago.
At first I thought I had too few posted messages.
So I went on a posting spree to reach "Junior" status, but still no report button.


Registered Member
An old post from 2017, on Niall Ferguson

It's not such a stretch.

Remember that Niall Ferguson was invited to address the graduating class of midshipmen at the US Naval Academy at Annapolis a few years back.

He told them that by the time they were admirals, the US Navy would almost certainly no longer be the world's largest and rule the waves.

That would simply come about from:

1. China already being the world's largest trading nation, which drives the requirement for the world's largest navy to protect that trade.

2. And China being the world's largest economy, which means they have the resources to build such a navy.

Of course, it is very difficult to find members of the US establishment who are willing to go on record or believe that the USA (and its Navy) won't be number 1 anymore.

This is a new piece of my "Analyze It" series.
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Dust Off That Dirty Word Detente and Engage With China​

Joe Biden's grand strategy is setting the US and Beijing on a collision course. It's bad foreign policy and terrible domestic politics.
By Niall Ferguson

[My Comment] This is a long article. There are a few signals from this latest piece, if you read this in the recent series of his articles on China or Russia. He is an avid promoter of Cold War 2.0. He is fundamentally anti-China and anti-Russia from an anglo world view. In this latest piece, I detect his undertone of pessimism in the romance of the three kingdoms: US - China - Russia, which was very rare in most of his opinion pieces in the western MSM. Since he has a broader audience among anglo elites as well as US political class, the under tone of this piece is more interesting to me than its face value. To my eyes over past 20 years or so since I started reading his books and articles, this piece essentially argues for a strategic course correction on China and to a lesser degree on the war. Another interesting tidbit about this article is that, he is NOT talking about China until half way into the article.
Let's jump into some quotes.

[My Comment]
On (1), would it be a little too late? Having gone through this trade war for a few years, China has gained confidence and experiences while US has fire many shots. As a result, US has much less leverage in the trade war against China. Will Biden do the right thing for the benefits of American consumers? I guess not in the current political environment and the hawkish trap his admin has laid for themself since the day one in the white house. Can the Biden admin actively seeks an end to the trade war without appearing losing face? As time passes, it will only get harder.

On (2), as the war goes as my early assessment of Putin waging a protracted war of attrition and winning, in a relative sense of comprehensive national power ranking, it only enhances China's position.

On (3), China has amicable relationships with all stakeholders in the mid-east region. The current energy crisis is actually a god-send gift to China's long term energy planning. It will only hasten the revolution of new energy industries. It will expedite the green infrastructure in China domestic economic development. It will further enhance China's positions in EV, battery, solar, wind, nuclear etc.

Zero-Covid is Xi's 1949.10 instead of of 1966.5. Xi has been able to push many domestic agenda during Zero-Covid that he could not possibly have done during normal times. Under Zero-Covid, Xi has gained so much public support.

So once again, Ferguson starts to have a realist view of US situation, while continues to have a typical mis-read on China among anglo elites. But he does have a good read: the coming mid-term election is going to be a mess.

For reference in this context, here is another recent article of Niall Ferguson:

Putin Misunderstands History. So, Unfortunately, Does the U.S.​

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Registered Member
Would be grateful if you will show me, preferably with a photo, where that report button is located.
I had been looking for it long ago.
At first I thought I had too few posted messages.
So I went on a posting spree to reach "Junior" status, but still no report button.
Probably because you have been canceled.

Don't want to insult all Singaporeans, but most Singaporeans are geopolitical retards



Registered Member
@tygyg1111 bro maybe or in fact they have....lol ask an average Japanese who they hate most and the answer is Korean and vice versa. The US is trying to redirect those anger to China BUT how? they were part of the Sinosphere and how can you distinguish one from each other....lol When Koreans walk the street here they thought they were Chinese and as proof you can ask @Coalescence as the locals think he was part of the K-pop boy band.

Lol according to this South Korean survey, if USA invades North Korea, 47.6% of South Koreans will support North Korea.

21.2% of South Koreans will invade Japan if USA invades North Korea.
