The foundation of modern economics is energy and resources, either directly (as exports of fuel, electricity or power equipment) or embedded (as exports of food, industrial products, etc that cost energy and resources to create).
All economies can be generalized to fall on 3 levels of control over energy.
1. Direct energy exporters that export fuel or raw resources (3rd world countries, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Australia)
2. Embedded energy exporters that import energy and export industrial products that represent energy with value added (China, Japan, South Korea, etc)
3. Countries that get energy and embedded energy for free by printing money (US, Germany etc)
Type 3 take the lions share of global energy, both direct and embedded, while giving up the least. Their "service" is basically making it easier for direct and embedded energy producers to trade with each other on their platform.
Russian gas cutoff to the EU is basically refusing to be part of this scheme. Now it is going to be energy for embedded energy directly.