So they're upset because China didn't live up to the authoritarian stereotype they make China out to be. Sounds like how the people who predicted more political freedom in China would arise with economic freedom got it wrong and now act like they've been wronged as if China made that promise and it was broken. No, you're just too ignorant to know what you're talking about. They already believed the conclusion first. They're upset that they didn't have the evidence to prove it. They don't want to admit they were wrong because they have to be right hence why they're confused. What makes them also unsettled is that there are Chinese that are actually proud to be Chinese and not forced at gun point to be patriotic to China like they believe. It's like when they're confused how come Chinese don't hate Chinese as much as they do. You see it in this forum where some members think they've made their case against China but are confused why anyone here would defend China and not blindly love the US. The critics of wokeness say Americans are too afraid to speak up these days because some sort of punishment will befall them if they do. Like political correctness, there has always been wokeness. It's not something new or something only the left forces onto others like the Republicans claim because they've been forcing their own wokeness for the longest of time. Don't criticize America or else you'll be punished some way or another. They sound like they're living in China but it's all American... old as apple pie.
There was a school district outside of Los Angeles where parents protested the teaching of Chinese be an elective in the school's curriculum. Why? Because to them just teaching Chinese tantamounted to brainwashing their children to be sympathetic to Chinese and it wasn't about communism. Now you know why the West has a history of forcing people they colonized to speak only the colonizer's language or be severely punished. Believing teaching someone another language is brainwashing is because that's what they did.