For the USA and Europe that seems to really be pushing for this mass starvation like in the USA where the food stores are being set on fire and also where in Europe they are trying their very hardest to basically ensure they cannot purchase the necessary grains but at least China and other south East Asian nations, they definitely are trying to protect themselves from that. What we can all see is the insanity of the west really ensuring that while those elite may end up living, their interests may end up being snuffed out in a future where Asia will be where the future is and ultimately the ones to determine the future. Ironic that China being the so called enemy of the collective west is the one that cares the most for there people while the USA, the champion of human rights is the one that cares the least. Yes, there will be no more interests to speak of, for the USA that isThere won’t be any interests left. Do they not see that?