MIC media only, everywhere. Sad!
Oh the somewhat bright side, the more these kind of news come out, the more insecure these people really are and how desperate those in power are trying to desperately to hide the truth because all these people fear the one slip up could start the ball rolling down to a mad max scenario, which is basically a death sentence for any of these so call western democracies. I mean even though China officially bans certain websites, at least China allows the use of vpn because they know the people are responsible enough not to seek to tear down the nation provided and it is indeed proven that China takes the well-being of the people ultra seriously. I cant say the same about these so called western democracy that loves to sprout crap about freedom but sure love to cancel all opinions that don’t align with their logic, kinda like one of those authoritarian nations that the west loves to accuse China of being. Not even friggen Russia has sunk this low. Makes you really wonder who the true defenders of freedom really are in the world because now, we are all in danger of being cancelled for attempting to say the truth, at least in China, provided I don’t try to raise some sort of violent rebellion and provided I am responsible enough with vpn usage I doubt I have anything to fear because really, at least China promotes logical thinking, not this out of control woke crap. Of course China still needs to improve but when you compare the current states of both the USA and China, the truth couldn’t be anymore startling, one nation is kicking poverty in the ass and the other is letting poverty taken them from behind.
All I can say to those idiot corporations trying to hide that truth, when these people who are ultra poor end up targeting your love ones because of that one Gucci handbag that they happen to be carrying at the wrong time, well then that would be too late because instead of trying to cancel the truth, they should be spreading the truth to inspire others to fix this poverty epidemic in the USA instead of hiding the truth like a Bunch of cowards.
If Biden doesn’t stop with the hiding of the truth nonsense, when he inevitably passes from the world and faces the almighty, all he will face is an eternity of rebuke for being in a position to save the nation, but chose the easy path of death and destruction instead of being a man and taking responsibility to do what is just and righteous for the people. I mean they sprout so much crap about values, yet they never seem to practice them, can they be anymore insane when the path to doing what is right is so clear, yet the habit of choosing the path of hatred and ruin is so easy because the people of the USA is so weak that they cannot do what is right no matter how clear as day it is.
This is what I feel about this whole crap about hiding and cancelling the truth, I may be quite brutal in my words, but I will not lie about this whole hypocrisy between the east and the west is just a whole lot of trash that quite frankly, annoys me because to how utterly stupid it is that the sheep live to defend something that any person can see is outright wrong