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Rettam Stacf

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NATO seeks Asia-Pacific support to thwart Russia-China alliance​

Foreign ministers want united front to discourage Beijing's war assistance.
NATO foreign ministers will meet with their counterparts from the Asia-Pacific this week, seeking to gain their cooperation in deepening the economic and diplomatic isolation of Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Top diplomats from eight countries and the European Union will take part, including Ukraine as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. In light of reports of alleged war crimes by Russia in Ukraine, the ministers are expected to discuss their responses, including additional assistance to Kyiv.

"Targeting and murdering civilians is a war crime," NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Tuesday, criticizing the Russian military's actions in Ukraine.

Top diplomats from Georgia, Sweden, Finland and the EU will also attend the two-day gathering, which begins Wednesday. NATO works closely with the latter three in particular.

The officials are expected to urge Russia to cease hostilities immediately, and agree to heighten vigilance on new developments in Eastern Europe. They will discuss delivering greater financial and military aid to Ukraine.

Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand previously were invited to a NATO foreign ministers meeting in December 2020, according to the organization. But this will be the first time a Japanese minister attends.

NATO looks to deepen its cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries to discourage China from backing Russia in the war in Ukraine. The bloc worries that Chinese financial and military assistance could drag out the conflict, and believes Beijing is already aiding Moscow politically by spreading false information.

NATO leaders
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to "abstain from supporting Russia’s war effort in any way" at their extraordinary summit on March 24.

The organization had been concerned by China's clout in and around Europe even before the war. Beijing is wielding greater influence over the Balkan Peninsula through its Belt and Road infrastructure building initiative, and is mapping out natural resources in the Arctic Ocean. The EU has reported Chinese cyberattacks against members.

NATO has responded by engaging in discussions with Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand on how China's rise could shift the global security landscape. NATO and countries in the Asia-Pacific share many security concerns, including in the Korean Peninsula and out at sea.

NATO leaders will meet in June in Madrid, where they are expected to agree to bolster defensive capabilities in Eastern European regions near Russia. They are also preparing to outline how they plan to deal with issues relating to China in the group's new strategic concept, which will set its direction over the next decade.

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We have every reason to back Russia very seriously to battle those vile western hegemonism starting on European doorsteps.

NATO is seeking Asia-Pacific support. But where are South Asia and ASEAN ? The countries NATO are meeting already have full sanction on Russia and more.

This just looks to me like a circle jerk party.


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Another video from the event shows Biden attempting to get the attention of Obama.

Unbothered, Obama ignored Biden as he continued to shake hands and interact with those in attendance.

During his remarks, Obama also poked fun at Biden, referring to him as "Vice President Biden" when he took the podium.

"Vice President Biden," Obama said, stopping himself as the room erupted into laughter.



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NATO is seeking Asia-Pacific support. But where are South Asia and ASEAN ? The countries NATO are meeting already have full sanction on Russia and more.

This just looks to me like a circle jerk party.
You have a core grouping when talking about western global hegemony and that is NATO - G7 with Asia Pacific countries like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea being the most trusted sidekicks as of April 22.


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This is less of a mask off and more of a impotent seething rage at this point. When they didn't send their troops in to fight Russia, and instead kept supplying weapons and intel, it just truly exposed that NATO is nothing but a weapon selling club for the US and a way to keep them militarily weak and under controlled. What's the point of your military alliance if you're too afraid to get into conflict with Russia. The same goes for EU as well, the US uses the EU to control it's members economically and politically.

I'm starting to form what is US' general strategy and what they are trying to do against China as well. They would try to form military or economic alliance in order to control the countries within those fields. Japan and South Korea is some examples of countries US has a treaty or alliance that made their military and economy subordinate to US demands. The US' goal is to gain as much "allies" under their "partnership" in order to increase their influence and harvest them for their benefit. But I think the strategy is pretty clear to all the countries, which is why we don't see much of them being gung ho about joining US.

All the talk about cooperation in the military field and procurement with their allies, are laughably useless and only for show. As long as China has a credible amount of deterrence and capabilities, they wouldn't dare to get into a direct conflict unless they are fighting for their existential struggle. For their strategy against China, they will try to get more allies within the Asia-Pacific region and when they reach a certain critical mass, they would try to us Taiwan as a trigger, to then try to economically and geopolitically cripple China through sanctions and all those petty moves.

To give credence to this idea, we can see China's Dual circulation strategy and BRI is being done to prepare and dampen the effects of those sanctions when the plan is executed, and BRI is increasing the economic links between all the members in order to keep them neutral or falter their resolve in applying sanctions when that time comes. China will have to just keep building up their military and developing new weapons to counter new threats and create bigger threats for deterrence.

Time is really not on US' side, and their strategy is already showing massive flaws when you look at how members in EU and NATO responded now and historically as well. Now, I have to agree with some of the users here that as long as China's government doesn't screw up majorly on their own, victory is definitely assured. But for us common folks, we have to get ready for the turbulence of this period and the shockwave when that major event finally comes.
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Rettam Stacf

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Jens Stoltenberg NATO general secretary said “We are the strongest military alliance in the history of the world.”

* US pulled her troops out of Iraq. NATO also pulled out, ahead of the US.
* US withdrew from Afghanistan. NATO also withdrew, ahead of the US.
* Biden said the US will not put any boots on the ground in Ukraine. NATO did not dare to send any of her troops to help Ukraine.

Need I say more ?

This is my third post on NATO today. Going to lay of the subject for now. But he is such a funny guy. Seriously though, Stoltenberg has a tough job to convince the world in a straight face that NATO is a respectable and feared organization, while everyone knows without the US, NATO is just a piece of turd.
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Registered Member
Afghanistan isn't known as the graveyard of empires for anything.
Remains to be seen if the US will escape from the curse that every other empire which went into Afghanistan had to suffer from.
You know you have a bad case of imperial overreach when you have to do military operations for two decades on the other side of the globe.