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Registered Member
He might be able to speak and understand chinese but I find his views and insights quite prejudiced against China.
Is there actually a presentation where rudd only speaks Chinese on a high level. I see him throw around slogans and shit in his presentation/speeches but I can't remember him doing a full hour in only Chinese regarding geopolitical stuff.


Senior Member
The author's stance is pretty commendable, but he doesn't understand why the US and China acts the way they are right now. Its pretty easy to take the side of peace for both sides, but still be oblivious and shocked to why tensions and wars start.

Anyways, a pretty alright article amongst the pile of steaming anti-China trash articles.
Yeah 100% agree. it's alrite in the sense that it isn't a typical sinophobic, very pro western hegemony kind of crap we see everyday from western imperialist msm. At same time it's kinda sad it has come to this, because that opinion piece is really just a both sider argument and fails to accurately point out the crux of situation and underlying issue in the conflict. That US is trying its crazy best to maintain her hegemony and cause as much damage to China to prevent her rise.

And of course Rudd is a little piece of two faced politician himself. He has been secretly recorded before in private to insult Chinese officials as rats. Obviously not as warmongering as Peter Dutton and Scomo but I have no reason to think he will not fall in line like others if he was Aus PM today like banning Huawei etc despite his public talk of sensible agreement.


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Is there actually a presentation where rudd only speaks Chinese on a high level. I see him throw around slogans and shit in his presentation/speeches but I can't remember him doing a full hour in only Chinese regarding geopolitical stuff.
I'm a native Chinese speaker. I used to listen to Rudd's talks before his anti-China stance became obvious. I could never understand the slogans and such he always likes to throw out to impress western audiences. I think once I heard him speak a few sentences. Those were easier to understand due to contextual cues. I think his Mandarin is probably average for foreign speakers where you have to guess a lot what his saying.


I'm a native Chinese speaker. I used to listen to Rudd's talks before his anti-China stance became obvious. I could never understand the slogans and such he always likes to throw out to impress western audiences. I think once I heard him speak a few sentences. Those were easier to understand due to contextual cues. I think his Mandarin is probably average for foreign speakers where you have to guess a lot what his saying.

Forget about expecting someone like him to speak Mandarin as well as a native speaker. The important thing to note is that he is Sinophobe who, like some Westerners, learned Mandarin for more sinister motives.


Registered Member
I'm a native Chinese speaker. I used to listen to Rudd's talks before his anti-China stance became obvious. I could never understand the slogans and such he always likes to throw out to impress western audiences. I think once I heard him speak a few sentences. Those were easier to understand due to contextual cues. I think his Mandarin is probably average for foreign speakers where you have to guess a lot what his saying.
I have been burned multiple times now by western leaders/think tank experts that sound impressive but over time you just discover they are constantly wrong about their so called master subject.

Imaging me casually watching geopolitical stuff for over 4 years and discovering that those so called China watchers can't even write, read, speak or understand Chinese i had to pretty much forgot what they told me over the years and just fall back to watching trend lines and statistical graphs.


Registered Member
You know when they say "OMG China GHOST CITY!! Empty homes everywhere? About to collapse!! "

The US has 16.5 million homes empty... if you normalize with population size with China that would be 60 million homes empty vs allegedly(i think the number might be copium/hopium statistics) 65 million in China.

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