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Registered Member
EU really needs to stand up for itself right now, or they'll devolve into what they detest the most. A third-world country.
Music to my ears. Europeans have destroyed multiple times half the world with their bs wars and they still didn't learn their lesson and tried another one with Russia this time, and then trying to drag the Global South down with them.

China will be ready to eat European world market share the moment they slip up. And you know Chinese companies, once they get new customers, they never lose them. Good luck to Europe and hopefully Comrade Scholz will also block gas imports.


Registered Member
Really great news that Orban won by a landslide. The EU must be pissed they won't have their so called EU unity, which is basically code for obeying US imperialist interests.

George Soros must also be pissed now that the man who destroyed his "university" is going to welcome Fudan U into his home country


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The author's stance is pretty commendable, but he doesn't understand why the US and China acts the way they are right now. Its pretty easy to take the side of peace for both sides, but still be oblivious and shocked to why tensions and wars start.

Anyways, a pretty alright article amongst the pile of steaming anti-China trash articles.
"The strategic rationale would be that the most competitive national system would ultimately prevail by becoming (or remaining) the world’s foremost superpower and eventually shaping the world in its image. May the best system win. And I’m confident which one I’d bet on."


Registered Member
Interesting viewpoints from one of the Philippines pragmatic think tanks, and from a business person (Chinese descent) analyst regarding the recent world development plus some historical treacheries of America towards the Philippines, and the usual sycophantic actions of Filipino leaders who can't seem or unwilling to learn from history.



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Its from Kevin Rudd, former Australian PM.

He is a bit naive and usually focuses on Xi too much. "If only Xi wasn't in charge everything would be alright" type of bs
This is another casualty of past 4 years. I used to give fair amount of respect for Kevin Rudd. As a side note, Rudd actually once advised US admin when he was the Aussie PM that, if US does not want China to come on top, US better resolves that by force now (when he was PM).

But still, he was one of the best China hands from the west, until after Covid hit. He still claims he is a realist. But fundamentally he views his "realist" world from a white angle and from a 5-eye stance. This also manifests in his latest book "The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China". He is obsessed with Xi and that shows that he is out of his depth as far as China is concerned.

And his evolution in the past 4 years is typical among so-called China-hands in the west. Collectively, they are mostly lost. Only a very few of them are still relevant, but they are hibernating now.


US Condemns Chinese Military Build-Up the US Itself Provoked | New Eastern Outlook


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US Indo-Pacific commander Admiral John Aquilino has recently complained about China’s militarization of the South China Sea. He has accused China of placing anti-aircraft and anti-ship systems along with other military facilities on islands scattered throughout the South China Sea.

The Guardian in an article titled, “China has fully militarized three islands in South China Sea, US admiral says,” would claim:

“Over the past 20 years we’ve witnessed the largest military buildup since world war two by the PRC,” Aquilino told the Associated Press in an interview, using the initials of China’s formal name. “They have advanced all their capabilities and that buildup of weaponization is destabilizing to the region.”

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The article would go on to explain how the US has positioned its own military in the region, challenging Chinese territorial claims despite having no claims over the South China Sea itself. The Guardian would note that nations like the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei have overlapping claims with China, along with the current break-away administration of Taiwan.

The Guardian notes that approximately $5 trillion in trade passes through the South China Sea but fails to note which nation above all others would benefit least from disrupting trade in the region – and which nation would benefit most.

The US, Not China Threatens Trade in the South China Sea

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) – a policy think-tank funded by the US government, its allies, as well as large corporations including weapons manufacturers – maintains the China Power project. In an article published on the project’s website titled, “How Much Trade Transits the South China Sea?,” it would be revealed that China above all other nations depends on the safety and stability of the South China Sea regarding trade, noting that $874 billion in Chinese exports transit the region accounting for over a quarter of all trade through it.

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Nations including South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam also account for significant trade through these waters and it must also be kept in mind that each of these nations count China as their main trade partner.

China’s military build-up in the South China Sea isn’t just in reaction to America’s unwarranted and significant military presence in the region, thousands of kilometers from American shores, but also in reaction to the specific threat America’s military presence poses to maritime trade for China and the rest of Asia (who primarily trades with China).

The threat the US poses to Chinese maritime trade is not a figment of Beijing’s imagination but a threat articulated explicitly in US policy papers regarding potential war with China WITHIN A CLOSING WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY THE US HAS TO USE ITS REMAINING ADVANTAGE IN MILITARY MIGHT TO FIGHT AND WIN A CONVENTIONAL WAR WITH CHINA AND THUS PREVENT IT FROM SURPASSING THE US ECONOMICALLY, MILITARILY, AND DIPLOMATICALLY.

The 2016 RAND Corporation paper, “War with China,”
specifically mentions deliberately transforming waters through which China’s trade flows into a war zone. The paper notes that amid a US-Chinese conflict:

…much of the Western Pacific, from the Yellow Sea to the South China Sea, could become hazardous for commercial sea and air transport. Sharply reduced trade, including energy supplies, could harm China’s economy disproportionately and badly.

War with China:
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The disruption of China’s economy, in fact, is seen as the only realistic way for the US to “win” in a conflict with China. The RAND Corporation paper would note:

The prospect of a military standoff means that war could eventually be decided by nonmilitary factors. These should favor the United States now and in the future. Although war would harm both economies, damage to China’s could be catastrophic and lasting: on the order of a 25–35 percent reduction in Chinese gross domestic product (GDP) in a yearlong war, compared with a reduction in US GDP on the order of 5–10 percent. Even a mild conflict, unless ended promptly, could weaken China’s economy. A long and severe war could ravage China’s economy, stall its hard-earned development, and cause widespread hardship and dislocation.

The paper also notes that the US need not even specifically blockade various straits Chinese shipping depends on. The paper points out:

This suggests very hazardous airspace and sea space, perhaps ranging from the Yellow Sea to the South China Sea. Assuming that non-Chinese commercial enterprises would rather lose revenue than ships or planes, the United States would not need to use force to stop trade to and from China. China would lose a substantial amount of trade that would be required to transit the war zone.

Now that Russia has been exposed as a paper bear. They now need China to justify their absurd high levels of military spending.



Lieutenant General
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The only one that will be sleepwalking into war is the US. They're looking at the war in Ukraine as the US beating the Russians. The US claims to have trained Ukrainians for the past eight years. And how long did they train the Afghan army? Yet somehow they're going to take credit for Ukrainian successes... Some are even suggesting Ukrainians are winning because of Western volunteers. Maybe the Ukrainians are just better than Americans. Remember China was going to invade Taiwan when the US was preoccupied with Iraq and Afghanistan. Do we see a military buildup in China nearest Taiwan like we saw along the Ukrainian border with Russia before Putin invaded? This imminent invasion is Western propaganda going along with their anti-China rhetoric simply because of their fear China will be surpassing them soon. And remember this is also propaganda that the US will take credit that China hasn't invaded because of them. That's why the world needs choose the US.

Rettam Stacf

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Arabs no longer recongnize market bench marks. sell it at what ever premium
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The world energy market has been fragmented into 2 parts and no long a single free market. And hence, free market principles no longer apply. That is why Saudi Arabia and other gulf states are able to raise prices even though Russia oil and gas are selling at significant discount.

In one part of the fragmented market, the US, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab states are able to sell at premium prices to countries that do not, cannot, as well as not allowed to buy from Russia. In the other part, Russia, and to a lesser degree Iran and Venezuela, become the main suppliers of cheap energy to most of the Global South.

How long will it take for some of the buyers of expensive energy come to the realization that it is no longer sustainable, and it is becoming a life and death decision to switch to buying from the other low cost sellers ? Welcome to the bipolar world.