Miscellaneous News


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How is the ECB planning to react to the inflation when they don't have the same tools as US Feds or UK? they cannot raise interest rates when they have negative rates. I think its likely we see an economic collapse for a couple countries if not recession for eu.


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Things are definitely getting worse in Israel now.
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3 days ago a Palestinian shot 5 Israelis dead.
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Meanwhile a 2 month truce has been declared in Yemen.
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So the only potential conflict right now is the Arab-Israeli one.

I imagine the Americans are begging the Israelis not to start a new security operation.


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I read a story (段子) about recent Negev summit in ME. Better treat it as a weekend entertainment unless you can verify with your own source. So here we go:

Earlier this week, the top diplomats from Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, the UAE and the United States arrived in Israel at the invitation of Israeli Foreign Minister.

US was seeking support from the other parties for taking Iran off the list of state-sponsored terrorism, which is the bottom line of Iran returning to JCPOA. The other parties went livid, worrying that would allow Iran to use its old (terrorist) tactics against them. US was trying really hard to convince them that they all need Iran to stabilize the energy markets. Otherwise, EU (Germany in particular) would be incurring ever higher economic costs and shat would be hitting lots of fans. And the other ME parties went nuts on this request.

This was the backdrop before the summit when UAE and Saudi refused to take calls from Biden.

So JCPOA is not being stalled by Russia, as western MSM led me to think. It was the US allies in the region who absolutely abhors the idea of letting Iran out of its cage now.

So how would this relate to the war in Ukraine right now? Well, US hopes that Iran would let the west buy some time on energy crisis before Russia is defeated.

But even if Russia is defeated in a few weeks, how would rekindling JCPOA help calm the same energy markets? Iran's current capacity cannot remotely make up the gapping hole left by Russia. And we all know that energy infrastructure is notoriously time consuming for construction.

If this scenario were to occur, (lots of big IFs but be that as it may), why would I see shadows of ChinaChinaChina...... all over the places......

Have a nice weekend.
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Registered Member
I read a story (段子) about recent Negev summit in ME. Better treat it as a weekend entertainment unless you can verify with your own source. So here we go:

Earlier this week, the top diplomats from Egypt, Morocco, Bahrain, the UAE and the United States arrived in Israel at the invitation of Israeli Foreign Minister.

US was seeking support from the other parties for taking Iran off the list of state-sponsored terrorism, which is the bottom line of Iran returning to JCPOA. The other parties went livid, worrying that would allow Iran to use its old (terrorist) tactics against them. US was trying really hard to convince them that they all need Iran to stabilize the energy markets. Otherwise, EU (Germany in particular) would be incurring ever higher economic costs and shat would be hitting lots of fans. And the other ME parties went nuts on this request.

This was the backdrop before the summit when UAE and Saudi refused to take calls from Biden.

So JCPOA is not being stalled by Russia, as western MSM led me to think. It was the US allies in the region who absolutely abhors the idea of letting Iran out of its cage now.

So how would this relate to the war in Ukraine right now? Well, US hopes that Iran would let the west buy some time on energy crisis before Russia is defeated.

But even if Russia is defeated in a few weeks, how would rekindling JCPOA help calm the same energy markets? Iran's current capacity cannot remotely make up the gapping hole left by Russia. And we all know that energy infrastructure is notoriously time consuming for construction.

If this scenario were to occur, (lots of big IFs but be that as it may), why would I see shadows of ChinaChinaChina...... all over the places......

Have a nice weekend.
Europe and America need Iranian gas and oil. Even if they don't buy it themselves, they'll need other countries to buy from Iran instead of Russia. You're right that there still will be a massive hole, but something is better than nothing. It shows how desperate their situation is.

I think the Sunni Arabs will complain about the nuclear deal, but will accept it as they did the first time round. They're just looking at more concessions from America. Israel will be unhappy probably because they will be the no. 1 target. I don't see them being able to stop it though, they need America not vice versa.

No reason for Russia to stall the nuclear deal, they're all for it. From what I recall, the Russians were involved with negotiations and at Iran's request looked to have a guarantee allowing their involvement in Iran's nuclear programme. Even if they do get it through, we're still back to square one. Iran can be as stubborn as Saudi when it comes to producing, and they are very unlikely to give their great satan a helping hand when they are desperate.

I still think that we'll see the opposite, another OPEC embargo if Russia does cut off the gas.


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China Expands Digital Yuan Trials to More Cities​

With that, digital Yuan is being used in all economically advanced regions, which essentially means that it is being used in China. As I see it, China is building a Great Wall of Currency for the eventual reunification.


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'A Mexican Standoff': Revolutionary Guards' Terrorist Designation Last Major Stumbling Block To Restoring Iran Nuclear Deal

Tehran has said that the IRGC’s removal from the blacklist is a “red line.” Washington has not directly commented on the issue, although it said separate U.S. sanctions against the IRGC would remain in place under any agreement.

Interesting that this is coming from a CIA/US gov backed propaganda site. So either these guys are lying or another term has been put on the table.

If Biden balks then the Republicans are gonna raise hell and fury on their social media accounts lol
