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The US never crossed the 17th parallel BECAUSE of China. As a matter of fact, China sent at least one hundred thousand troops to assist North Vietnamese troops, and the US still didnt bomb China. In addition, when the South Vietnamese attempted to seize the Paracel Islands, the US wouldn't lift a finger to help them despite their pleas for help. You might want to learn how to do some basic fact checking before you assert a claim, particularly ones about history.
The US never dared to cross the 17th parallel into North Vietnam by 'foot'. But the US did carpet-bombed North Vietnam in December 1972. Come to think of it; was the US emboldened to do so because it already had reapproachment with China through 'ping pong' diplomacy in 1971? Also the US stand-off in not helping South Vietnam in its battle with China over the Paracel Islands in 1974. I think the detente through 'ping-pong' diplomacy did ameliorate the responses of both sides.


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I remember the US was going to deal with China when 9/11 happened.
China took the break to prepare and moved quickly to a position that can withstand the onslaught from the US, 20 years later.

I guess $500 million for Nepal in 2022 is now a lot for the US, considering they have a $20 trillion debt.
Aww....and now the US regretted it, as Mike Pompeo said they should have focused on fixing China than wasting time on military adventurism nations in the greater middle east region.

Roses are red,
The sky is blue,
Hindsight is always easy.


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The US never dared to cross the 17th parallel into North Vietnam by 'foot'. But the US did carpet-bombed North Vietnam in December 1972. Come to think of it; was the US emboldened to do so because it already had reapproachment with China through 'ping pong' diplomacy in 1971? Also the US stand-off in not helping South Vietnam in its battle with China over the Paracel Islands in 1974. I think the detente through 'ping-pong' diplomacy did ameliorate the responses of both sides.
The US carpet bombed North Vietnam back in the late 60's. So no, ping pong diplomacy didn't enable the US to bomb North Vietnam. Also, the Chinese sent a lot of anti air and engineering units to counter the US's bombing at the request of Ho Chi Minh himself. Regardless, the US had no interest in crossing the 17th parallel or engage with Chinese troops officially due to their scars from the Korean War. The same applied to the Paracel Islands.


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What's really behind conflict in Ukraine - a thread - Andy Mok on Twitter

The U.S. is engaging Russia in three wars. Let me discuss them in increasing order of importance and the likely repercussions on the U.S.-led global order. The first is the military war taking place on the ground in Ukraine. Then there is the propaganda war taking place at Western media outlets like CNN and on social media platforms like Twitter. Finally, and most significantly, there is the economic war which may accelerate the destruction of the US-led power structure that has dominated the world since the end of World War II.

The only reason an extended military conflict in Ukraine is possible is because it has been instigated and perpetuated by the United States. Without the endless and growing torrent of weapons and other supplies, such as Stingers, Javelin missiles, Switchblade drones and the years-long surreptitious military training and likely intelligence support provided by the U.S. and its enablers in Europe, even an abbreviated military conflict in Ukraine would be unlikely. Instead, there is widespread destruction, loss of life and growing refugee crisis that are directly and inescapably caused by U.S. intervention. But as tragic as this is, the military war is the least significant from a geopolitical perspective.

Concurrent with the military war is the propaganda war. Led by CNN and other corporate media stenographers for the U.S. government, there are two angles of attack. However, neither is true. Regarding the first line of attack, George Kennan, Henry Kissinger and John Mearsheimer have all warned against crossing Russian redlines in Ukraine. But these warnings have been either inadvertently or deliberately ignored. Also, some military analysts have compared the Russian action favorably with the Nazi blitzkrieg, which is hailed as an example of a rapid and successful military offensive.

Regarding the second vector of attack, what is ignored or downplayed are the number of countries that do not support U.S.-led sanctions against Russia. These countries include not only China but India, Iran and several other geopolitically significant nations. Indeed, from the nations of OPEC to South Asia, Africa and even Latin America, Russia has many more friends than Western media is letting on. And this leads me to the third war, the economic one, which I believe will be most significant.

The sanctions imposed on Russia are unprecedented and are meant to shock and awe the country's President Vladimir Putin into submission. However, they are not working as intended and have set forces in motion that may accelerate the destruction of American primacy in the global order. As such, it brings to mind something then-U.S. President Barack Obama is alleged to have said about Joe Biden, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to eff things up." Specifically, freezing Russian central bank assets have shown the world that not only is the U.S. an unreliable political actor that can engage in 180-degree policy shifts driven by the four-year presidential election cycle but that its stewardship of the global financial system is not only suspect but now demonstrably untrustworthy.

Russia's demand for payment in rubles for its energy may only be the beginning of the flight away from the dollar. The loss of dollar hegemony will be both catastrophic for the U.S. and a cause for celebration in much of the rest of the world. Europe imported 5.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas from Russia in 2021. Disruption of these supplies and even significant prices increases will be disastrous for Europe, especially as the year progresses and cold weather returns. And this may be the seismic fault line that shatters unity of U.S.-led coalition against Russia in irrevocable ways.

Specifically, Germany may publicly debate whether its economic fortunes are better aligned with Russia rather than under the boot of American "leadership." Again, the U.S.-led sanctions have unleashed forces that may ultimately undermine U.S. interests far more than its instigation of the conflict in Ukraine was intended to solve. In summary, it is not at all clear Russia is losing these three wars. In fact, there are signs this latest US-instigated conflict may be another strategic defeat like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Iraq. But Ukrainian conflict may be one with far longer lasting damage to US. End of thread.


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The US carpet bombed North Vietnam back in the late 60's. So no, ping pong diplomacy didn't enable the US to bomb North Vietnam. Also, the Chinese sent a lot of anti air and engineering units to counter the US's bombing at the request of Ho Chi Minh himself. Regardless, the US had no interest in crossing the 17th parallel or engage with Chinese troops officially due to their scars from the Korean War. The same applied to the Paracel Islands.
Check your history. US carpet-bombed Hanoi, Haiphong and other places in North Vietnam in December 1972.


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Check your history. US carpet-bombed Hanoi, Haiphong and other places in North Vietnam in December 1972.
Yep. And they carpet bombed North Vietnam before that year. Look at Operation Rolling Thunder from 1965 to 1968. I'm pointing out that the US bombings of North Vietnam wasn't emboldened by ping pong diplomacy which started to take shape in the early 70's.
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Lots of freedom with marijuana.
I would love to have a packet or two.
They need to take a page from their lapdog Australia and legalize the oldest profession... add that to GDP. And no its not really against any particular gender after all Biden's new Supreme Court nominee couldnt even define what a woman was.... it can just be a free for all, back to the bonobo way of doing things


Registered Member
Isn't that already legalized by people? :cool:
What they need to legalize is new core American values, like "sharing" or "changing". :rolleyes::rolleyes:
They love those over there. :rolleyes:
Im no lawyer but I think its only legal in the metaverse right now and that one county in Vegas/Reno that host the "Bunny Ranch"

Amazon is now offering "virtual trip experiences"

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