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NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson
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NATO-Russia Proxy War: Revealing Signs of a Fading America: Scott Ritter, Michael Hudson
Conversations with Scott Ritter and Michael Hudson

By Michael Welch, Prof Michael Hudson, and Scott Ritter
Global Research, March 26, 2022

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JOE BIDEN in 1997 saying that the only thing that could provoke a "vigorous and hostile" Russian response would be if NATO expanded as far as the Baltic states.

Also an interesting side point, when told by the Russians that they may have to look to China as an alternative if NATO keeps expanding, Biden joked with them by saying "good luck". How things have changed.

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Should keep in mind that American military doctrine comes from these roots:

“We were sent to provoke a fight [by moving troops into a disputed border area] but it was essential that Mexico should commence it [by fighting back]” ~ Ulysses S. Grant on the Mexican-American War

[Nuked acc]
The war was disastrous for Mexico, as it was forced to sign away nearly half of its national territory, including California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and parts of several other current U.S. states.

Further reading:
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How do you buy more rmb as investments?
Go to some Mainland China's bank available at your local city and open a CNY account there, then do saving in CNY or RMB :D but I prefer to suggest you to buy some physical gold to hedge for longer term, 5-10-20 years proposition; also keep in mind that China is a huge exporter nation, having overly strong yuan is not something China prefers, just maintain a stable currency is their intention. I myself ain't so eager to save in any fiat currency, just maintain some for living & some extra... then allocated into real/hard assets (paper assets are worse than fiat currency: stocks, bonds, insurance investment, paper gold, anything based on promise/fiduciary, etc), gold bar should be in the portfolio in significant amount, but again for longer term outlook, not for short term buy-sell gain. But now the world is changing fast, on the crossroads, so decision must be made quickly if have not... when thing is clear cut, it's already fixed and it's too late for us to jump in the wagon, train already left the station.