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Early Christmas present to China by agent Scholz.
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I am curious to see how the German economy unfolds, and survive this inflationary hikes on their industries. To marry policies with fake morality as demanded by the Reddit crowd is an interesting experiment. Don't trade with Saudis, don't trade with China, Russia, and all the other supposed "bad countries" have become so pervasive to the mindless drones emanating from United States of Reddit which shows the supreme arrogance of those folks knows no bounds. They think that the world benefited primarily from the west and that countries like China wasn't able to contribute or help in their western way of life.


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Some members of the Japanese public are still awake and not zombies...

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Controversy arose among Japanese netizens after Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel commemorated victims of the atomic bomb attack and discussed the Russian nuclear threat in Hiroshima on Saturday.

As some Japanese netizens accused Kishida of forgetting Japan's painful history and flattering the US, experts said that as a former target and victim of nuclear attack, Japan should react to this issue with cautious and balanced consideration rather than subserviently courting the US, expressing further concerns over Japan's potential tendency toward the real possession of nuclear weapons.

During the talk with the US envoy, Kishida said he is worried about Russia's possible use of nuclear weapons, Jiji Press reported. However, some Japanese netizens criticized him for making use of the nuclear issue amid the Ukraine crisis to cater to the US who launched two devastating atomic bombs attack on Japan during WWII.

"The US is justifying its behavior of dropping the bomb and presenting flowers to those victims with no apology at all and it is an insult to Hiroshima," said one netizen.

Others even called the visit shameful political propaganda given that the US was the only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons with huge investment in nuclear expansion.

"Why is it necessary for a nuclear-sharing discussion since the government decided to pursue the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons," they commented.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Unfortunately I think the younger generation in Japan will lap this up eventually. The older generation in Japan are seriously against nuclear weapons. But the younger generations might be more receptive. This will increase escalation in the region. Especially with the ABM systems being put in place. Right now the US is working on putting the Dark Eagle hypersonic nuclear missile in Germany. You bet they will want to put the same thing in Japan next.

This means the US will be able through its proxies to destroy Russia or China in a first strike. While the proxies will be convinced they will have a fighting chance thanks to the ABM systems. Except they won't. The whole point is to make Russia and China lose their silo weapons. Then the US can use their much larger attack submarine fleet to hunt Russian and Chinese strategic submarines and destroy their capability for second strike. This is some dangerous thinking here. The world will be closer to nuclear war than it was in the 1960s.

What a bloody waste of resources on weapon systems when we could have been solving the energy problem instead. This is so stupid.
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Registered Member
Unfortunately I think the younger generation in Japan will lap this up eventually. The older generation in Japan are seriously against nuclear weapons. But the younger generations might be more receptive. This will increase escalation in the region. Especially with the ABM systems being put in place. Right now the US is working on putting the Dark Eagle hypersonic nuclear missile in Germany. You bet they will want to put the same thing in Japan next.

This means the US will be able through its proxies to destroy Russia or China in a first strike. While the proxies will be convinced they will have a fighting chance thanks to the ABM systems. Except they won't. The whole point is to make Russia and China lose their silo weapons. Then the US can use their much larger attack submarine fleet to hunt Russian and Chinese strategic submarines and destroy their capability for second strike. This is some dangerous thinking here. The world will be closer to nuclear war than it was in the 1960s.

What a bloody waste of resources on weapon systems when we could have been solving the energy problem instead. This is so stupid.
Any imminent basing of nuclear weapons in Japan should result in a (possibly nuclear) preemptive strike by China.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It makes no sense to put nuclear weapons in Japan to threaten Russia. The objective will be China or North Korea.
Dark Eagle does not have enough range to reach Russia's main core cities from Japan. You would be blowing up Vladivostok. Which is tiny.
I mean you could hit the Russian SSBN bastions from both sides. But what would be the point?


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
One reason Putin hasn't cut the gas yet isn't because he needs the Euros and Dollars which he can't use to buy much of anything.
It is to leave these guys a way out. This is some Sun Tzu level thinking. Or these bozos could get really dangerous. He is likely well and truly pissed the Germans made him spend money building NordStream 2 when he could have built pipelines to China instead.

What people do not tell you in the EU is that NordStream 2 and TurkStream are the closest and most efficient gas transit routes. The projects were never political. They were always economic. Russia originally had a deal with the Ukrainians to fund the upgrade of their gas infrastructure. But the Ukrainians always took any money to upgrade the pipes and just wasted it. The pipelines are reaching their expiry date basically. In 5-7 years tops they will start to break down. And when they do break down, even NordStream 2, TurkStream, and NordStream won't be enough to cover EU energy demands.

The idea that Europe can substitute piped gas with LNG is a fantasy. Japan is basically doing that and look at the state of their economy.
And you can't do this kind of crash transition to LNG even. The capacity is not there. The EU leadership can't do long term strategic thinking at all. Then again what to expect from Ursula. Just try reading about her "superb" performance as Minister of Defense in Germany. These people keep failing upwards. And then they consider themselves to be elite.

They will just have to negotiate some kind of deal for at least 5 years. Or there will definitely be starvation, rolling blackouts, and factory shutdowns in Europe. If they were smart enough they could do like the Brits did post WW2 and ration everything and no one would die. But these guys are just too irresponsible to do that.
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