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Pragmatic insights from Turkey's Foreign Minister on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. But also notice the condescension, arrogance, and misplaced pious moral grandstanding we have come to expect from the western American hypocrites. Social Justice Warrior at their finest.

Stop legitimising these imperialist propaganda mouthpieces by giving them interviews. Putin especially has a habit of inviting these losers from CNBC/CNN/NBC to Russia and giving them a platform. Now he is finding out the hard way after getting sanctioned.

Rettam Stacf

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We will find out this coming week really how bad EU's economy is.

If EU defies US objection and proceeds with the EU-China summit next week (April 1st), then it is BAD.

If EU agrees to restart negotiation without condition on the details of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, then it is VERY BAD.

If in addition, EU formally asks China to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, then it is VERY VERY BAD.


Junior Member
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Stop legitimising these imperialist propaganda mouthpieces by giving them interviews. Putin especially has a habit of inviting these losers from CNBC/CNN/NBC to Russia and giving them a platform. Now he is finding out the hard way after getting sanctioned.
Putin tried to create a Russophile audience in the West and it even worked for sometime as ppl rejected Russiagate and the associated conspiracies. But the Ukraine conflict showed why this is futile. The West controls the mode of communication across all spheres of life and once they flood it with what they want they can change opinions overnight.
Today Putin is so severely disliked that not a single politician dares to speak in favour of Russia publicly.

Hence i feel China shouldn't waste any money trying to convert Western audiences as its futile effort. Just focus on economic and military fundamentals .


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Guess who has the world's largest food reserves right now.
The EU are a bunch of effin idiots. You do not aim a gun at someone when you know they will shoot a cannon back at you.
China was smart to snap up all the commodities they could.

The plan for these guys was always to dine and dash. The Ukrainian invasion was totally avoidable.
I think they always planned to use it as an excuse to renege on their debt to Russia.
Did they seriously think Russia would be fine continuing to do trade with them as usual when they stiff you with the payment?

I think this whole deal with going after Russian oligarchs has nothing to do with weakening Putin. But more with decapitalizing Russia and its business class. So after they break it like they did to Iraq with the sanctions then they can send their own carpetbaggers again. If the Russian oligarchs still had their capital intact then they would be the ones to profit when Russia's assets are available for peanuts.

People like Bill Browder never forgave Putin for breaking their sweet, sweet, little dealings in Russia. The sanctions on Russia never started with the Ukraine conflict unlike you see in the media. It started with Browder. A convicted cheat and crook. Before the Magnitsky Act sanctions Russia had been admitted to the WTO, had contracts to buy weapons from Europe, and were negotiating visa free travel to the EU.

And now Iran is supposed to be the next sucker. Before Russia it was Iraq. Saddam Hussein told the US Embassy in Iraq he was going to invade Kuwait in advance. And they told him, sure, right ahead. Then they spooked the Saudis and convinced them he was going to invade Saudi Arabia next. And got a giant coalition to go against Saddam. Even did false flag shit like the incubator babies story.
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