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Lieutenant General
Just thinking out loud here, some crazy and wild ideas.

I like wild and crazy ideas. Then get yelled at, by the wife.

Anyways, it is what that Professor Martin Jacques said once, when during an interview he was asked about China's soft power.

Of course, that question by the host, was just a backhanded attempt to smear again, pointing out that China does not have soft power, apparently, and what will China do about it when it gets more powerful in the future.

How Prof Jacques replied was very revealing, because he thought Chinese soft power will be different in the future. He did not expect it to be the same as the west, and in fact he though it will obviously grow in the future.

However, that single point about how it will not be the same, implies it could be here already. Since it is different, we never notice because

1) the Americans keep boasting about their obnoxious soft power, like how President Trump would boast about everything, lol ...

2) the Chinese never speak about soft power

That expression, "all-weather friends," has been used to describe the China-Pakistan relationship for decades.

And now, as you corrected pointed out, China and Russia are "all-weather friends."

Who needs alliances when you got "all-weather friends".

Who needs Western soft power, when you got a chance to make money with the Chinese?

Why would anyone in the world who are people of colour want to do things your way with Western soft power when there is a clear alternative?

Thatcher used to say, "There is no alternative!"

People did not believe that, but they knew it was true. People of colour knew they did not believe that in their hearts, but had no choice because they were weaker. They had to accept everything Western, which included, tech, economics, ideology, and soft power.

Maybe the rise of China, is a rise of alternatives?

Now you see, and I am sure you will agree, a hardliner like me would have never thought of this, (only though of it because read your message), because I am principally interested in China.

Har har, hardy har har.

The rise of China, is good, I find it interesting.

But the rise of China, should mean should mean something different, for other people, like Pakistan and Russia, and the global south.

On that point, have to say I don't really care that much. It should be something to look at from time to time, but we so internally focus, we never think of it.

In the end, not sure any of us will care!

I'm a hardliner. What else am I gonna say?!

Double, har har, hardy har har!

The most important kind of soft power to the West is the most worthless which is being liked. The reason why the US is losing influence in the world is because China is seen as an alternative to the West. China didn't have to directly do anything which is by definition soft power. They'll even blame it on China's influence yet still not soft power to them? The reason the West likes the being liked kind of soft power is because it's 100% in their control on whether they like you or not. If China fulfilled its part of the Phase One deal or use the word "invasion" to describe what Russia is doing in Ukraine, does that get the West to like China? No. Only a dummy would see that as having power doing dog tricks for them in order to be liked. China invented printing. Without printing the West wouldn't be where they're at today. They would be a bunch of illiterate idiots. Do Western countries like China for it? No, which is why being liked by them is worthless. They've already forgotten that important contribution that China gifted them and they will always expect China to continually seeking to be liked by them because it's a never ending quest with no end because all they want to see is China begging for their acceptance which has nothing to do with soft power. In the end it's all a bait and switch scam because they don't seek China to have any power of any kind. It's a front for what they've always wanted which is they'll only like China when China blindly obeys them without question or challenge. It's no wonder they're guilty of slavery in history.
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The most important kind of soft power to the West is the most worthless which is being liked. The reason why the US is losing influence in the world is because China is seen as an alternative to the West. China didn't have to directly do anything which is by definition soft power. They'll even blame it on China's influence yet still not soft power to them? The reason the West likes the being liked kind of soft power is because it's 100% in their control on whether they like you or not. If China fulfilled its part of the Phase One deal or use the word "invasion" to describe what Russia is doing in Ukraine, does that get the West to like China? No. Only a dummy would see that as having power doing dog tricks for them in order to be liked. China invented printing. Without printing the West wouldn't be where they're at today. They would be a bunch of illiterate idiots. Do Western countries like China for it? No, which is why being liked by them is worthless. They've already forgotten that important contribution that China gifted them and they will always expect China to continually seeking to be liked by them because it's a never ending quest with no end because all they want to see is China begging for their acceptance which has nothing to do with soft power. In the end it's all a bait and switch scam because they don't seek China to have any power of any kind. It's a front for what they've always wanted which is they'll only like China when China blindly obeys them with question or challenge. It's no wonder they're guilty of slavery in history.
Speaking of inventions and being liked -


Normally I despise regime changes but the current leadership in australia is so damn bad that it could quite frankly use at least one
Few people knew that there was indeed a British-American coup that ended Australia's independence in 1975.
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German are questioning there business model as if they discovered this now.
There may well be a recession in Europe followed by another one in the U.S.

Wow, I didn't know what "irretrievably" and “sanitary” meant.


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Well, at least it's still politically correct to say "Arabic numerals" in the U.S., unlike Chinese New Year.
Now that you've said it, I'm mildly surprised it didn't get changed to "Freedom Numerals".

Now I'm wondering what they gonna call Chinese food... Would you imagine people say they're going out for some Chinese, only to be called 'Commies' in response?
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Not 'sitting on its hands,' U.S. to up pressure on China, trade czar Tai says​

Tai said a "one size fits all" approach would not work. "These are two different countries, two different economies, two different situations. And we really conflate them at our peril," she said.
From Reuters but here is a non-paywall source:
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I post a lot today because a free day. They have long harboured the ambition and goal to pressure Beijing to change it's state capitalistic model to something to their liking through trade wars, sanctions, tarrifs, bonding together with the EU-Japan in a trilateral format to change the rules of the road at the WTO to target our economic system & model. So we can look forward at more tensions this year because state capitalism is 'unfair' and should be changed to the Anglo-Saxon neoliberal economical model of free market with a very inactive (''small''') government that only build roads and toilets and does have not other economical, industrial and technological ambitions (governmental hands-off approach). They have likely postponed hostile trade actions for a few weeks because of the Russo-Ukraine war.

A tale of two different systems really.
The threat Americans see in Chinese system is that it is actually a viable alternative model that will inevitably surpass and overtake their own where it hurts them most, money and its attendant power. The political layer of American system is, at the most abstract level, decided by votes, whereas Chinese one is decided by results. At economic layer, Chinese one knows their books and controls it to her advantage much much better than Fed, a very large employer of economists, or any groupings of economic advisers American executive branch do.
Case in point is Lehman vs. Evergrande. In Lehman case, US had no idea what was the actual books of all those intertwined contracts and counter parties, which was why US sleepwalked into that sub prime crisis. At the superficial theoretical level, every economic ideas are supposedly self-evident, observable and predictable to the point everyone can understand them reasonably well given some readings and subscription of some magazines and news papers. As sub prime crisis showed, no economists, especially at the Feds and Treasury, really understood anything, still don't know a lot about a lot of things, and even don’t recognize it necessarily when it appears to be happening, ie, transitional nature of inflation, and for sure can’t predict it as economic theories hold, ie, the current inflation saga we're in now.
Evergrande. China GDP was around a trillion dollars mark before she joined WTO. Combined books of all her banks was around a trillion dollars as well. She had to recapitalize 40 percents of that books due to NPL's. 40 percents ! Let that sink in. But she did it. Again the strength of knowing and owing the books end to end. Today it's standing around 60 trillions dollars. Evergrande is 4% of China's real estate sector. If you round up top 20 guys, you'd get something like a third of the sector. Again China knows and owns the books from end to end, and they knew they had to pop it and glide it down to a safe zone given the true social nature of Evergrande problem, not the financial nature, as it's the Chinese citizens who'd be holding the bag as they wouldn't have the apartments they had mostly paid for. Evergrande missing bond payments is just that, they missed payments, nothing more. No foreigners can come to China and claim any piece of Chinese property and asset, just like Americans would normally do with court orders and police enforcement. That's the beauty of VIE structure, it's an unenforceable contracts with a Chinese holding company, boxed up in some lawyers office in the Caribbean. The same goes for all the Chinese tech stocks listed in US. Nobody can do jackshit about it, thus the reason China don't bother giving them their financials and compliance. Greed is a double edged sword. Again knowing and owing the books yourself from end to end ,ie,Control. Lehman and Evergrande are at opposite end of each other in nature, but then again, China don't sleepwalk into it. Having more control means more resiliency, better overall management, etc.
Just don't buy the veneer of sophistication that American system flashes out at the first glance. It's designed to impress and if you scratch hard enough and long enough, they don't come out the same way they appear.


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so they finally get a taste of what it’s like to be banned. not for all their anti China rants, but for not condemning Russia. goes to show, of you don’t you’re the line, you’re on the chopping block. a lot of foresight for China to have developed their own social media and banned many western ones.
They were unblocked 12 hours ago. YouTube Offices in India was probably gonna get a visit by an mob of nationalists.