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German are questioning there business model as if they discovered this now.

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War in Ukraine causes German business morale to collapse​

The Ifo institute said its business climate index dropped to 90.8 in March from a downwardly revised 98.5 in February. A Reuters poll of analysts had pointed to a March reading of 94.2.
Ultimately, the uncertainty goes far beyond the Ukraine war, raising questions about the sustainability of Germany's business model, said Andreas Scheuerle at Decabank, pointing to the one-sided dependence of Europe's largest economy on supplier and customer countries.


Registered Member
Just thinking out loud here, some crazy and wild ideas.

I like wild and crazy ideas. Then get yelled at, by the wife.

Anyways, it is what that Professor Martin Jacques said once, when during an interview he was asked about China's soft power.

Of course, that question by the host, was just a backhanded attempt to smear again, pointing out that China does not have soft power, apparently, and what will China do about it when it gets more powerful in the future.

How Prof Jacques replied was very revealing, because he thought Chinese soft power will be different in the future. He did not expect it to be the same as the west, and in fact he though it will obviously grow in the future.

However, that single point about how it will not be the same, implies it could be here already. Since it is different, we never notice because

1) the Americans keep boasting about their obnoxious soft power, like how President Trump would boast about everything, lol ...

2) the Chinese never speak about soft power

That expression, "all-weather friends," has been used to describe the China-Pakistan relationship for decades.

And now, as you corrected pointed out, China and Russia are "all-weather friends."

Who needs alliances when you got "all-weather friends".

Who needs Western soft power, when you got a chance to make money with the Chinese?

Why would anyone in the world who are people of colour want to do things your way with Western soft power when there is a clear alternative?

Thatcher used to say, "There is no alternative!"

People did not believe that, but they knew it was true. People of colour knew they did not believe that in their hearts, but had no choice because they were weaker. They had to accept everything Western, which included, tech, economics, ideology, and soft power.

Maybe the rise of China, is a rise of alternatives?

Now you see, and I am sure you will agree, a hardliner like me would have never thought of this, (only though of it because read your message), because I am principally interested in China.

Har har, hardy har har.

The rise of China, is good, I find it interesting.

But the rise of China, should mean should mean something different, for other people, like Pakistan and Russia, and the global south.

On that point, have to say I don't really care that much. It should be something to look at from time to time, but we so internally focus, we never think of it.

In the end, not sure any of us will care!

I'm a hardliner. What else am I gonna say?!

Double, har har, hardy har har!

@horse Bro the US also had the same and rename it as "Climate Change advocate" instead of "All weather Friend".


Registered Member
I personally can testify the censorship of reddit is among the worst I have ever experienced. First, you cannot say anything remotely bad about India. Second, you cannot say anything remotely good about China. Third, Russia can only be a third-world country and their nukes are nothing comparing to the nukes of the west.

Once I posted an article from the Asia Times, which is actually a western media with a relatively moderate stance. And that article got censored. I was LMAO for a whole night with 1.5 billion WTFs over that reddit page.
I just got banned from r/formula 1 for challenging the pathetic, whiny, and holier than thou posts complaining against Saudi Arabia being the host country for the race. The post couldn't write anything without targeting China, and I just could not go his ignorant not to mention self-righteous rant unchallenged. End result: Banned.


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I just got banned from r/formula 1 for challenging the pathetic, whiny, and holier than thou posts complaining against Saudi Arabia being the host country for the race. The post couldn't write anything without targeting China, and I just could not go his ignorant not to mention self-righteous rant unchallenged. End result: Banned.
After the start of the Russian-Ukraine war, Reddit has become even more unbearable and more openly being astro-turfed and moderated by the usual agents from the three alphabet organizations. Good thing I never created an account and just lurk there instead.

Fun fact, this forum is the first I ever made an account for and engaged in discussions and the community.


Senior Member
I just got banned from r/formula 1 for challenging the pathetic, whiny, and holier than thou posts complaining against Saudi Arabia being the host country for the race. The post couldn't write anything without targeting China, and I just could not go his ignorant not to mention self-righteous rant unchallenged. End result: Banned.
That's par for course in Western forums I'm afraid. You will find people shouting for boycott of Qatar world cup, UAE owned Manchester city, china Olympics, bahrain F1 etc. Any country they think that fell foul of their human rights holy standards. If you call out their hypocrisy, likely you will be banned.


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