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Not 'sitting on its hands,' U.S. to up pressure on China, trade czar Tai says​

WASHINGTON, March 25 (Reuters) - The United States is done "sitting on its hands" and will more actively pressure China, the world's second largest economy, to change trade practices that Washington believes distort the market, top U.S. trade negotiator Katherine Tai said.
Tai, a trade lawyer and former congressional staffer appointed by President Joe Biden, inherited difficult talks with Beijing over a "Phase 1" trade deal negotiated by former President Donald Trump.

In an interview with Reuters this week, Tai said the United States was preparing a new approach to China trade policy.

Without offering specifics, she said Washington needed new, more effective tools to defend its economic interests and better compete with China. New U.S. trade investigations, which could result in tariffs or even embargoes against China, may be next, sources familiar with the matter said.

"We're not going to stop pushing China and challenging China to reform and change. But we can't afford to keep sitting on our hands and waiting for China to make its decision," said Tai, the first Asian American in the job and a fluent Mandarin speaker.

"We are going to need to turn the page on the playbook," Tai said. A
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from her office said China had "doubled down on its harmful trade and economic abuses." Beijing has failed to buy a promised $200 billion in additional U.S. goods and services agreed in the deal.

China now faces warnings from the United States, the world's largest economy, not to aid Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

In the year since Tai became trade czar, some U.S. business executives say they have been frustrated by the slow progress in punishing China. Meanwhile, the U.S. goods trade deficit with China hit $355.3 billion in 2021, the largest recorded since 2018.

Tai acknowledged frustrations, but pointed to longstanding disputes that Washington has resolved with other countries in the past year, precisely, she said, to focus on the bigger threats China poses.

Washington settled a 17-year dispute over aircraft subsidies with the EU and Britain, and a four-year battle over U.S. steel and aluminum tariffs with the EU, Britain and Japan, she said.

Tai in November revived a
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begun by the Trump administration, seeking a joint approach to China's industrial subsidies and other "non-market policies and practices," aimed at getting World Trade Organization support, a U.S. official said.
Washington is considering a new Section 301 investigation into Chinese industrial subsidies that could lead to a fresh round of tariffs or embargos, officials say.

The Biden administration may also target China's violations of intellectual property protections under Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, said William Reinsch at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The U.S. Congress is also considering bipartisan legislation that would bolster protections against trade secret violations and expedite investigatory and exclusionary processes.
Tai, citing concerns about China's use of forced labor in its Xinjiang region, is also developing a first-ever USTR trade strategy on the topic.

Jamieson Greer, a partner with King & Spalding and former senior U.S. trade official, said Beijing's response to the war in Ukraine had heightened Europe's growing unease with China, adding Western sanctions against Russia may provide a playbook for future actions against China.

Tai said a "one size fits all" approach would not work. "These are two different countries, two different economies, two different situations. And we really conflate them at our peril," she said.

From Reuters but here is a non-paywall source:
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I post a lot today because a free day. They have long harboured the ambition and goal to pressure Beijing to change it's state capitalistic model to something to their liking through trade wars, sanctions, tarrifs, bonding together with the EU-Japan in a trilateral format to change the rules of the road at the WTO to target our economic system & model. So we can look forward at more tensions this year because state capitalism is 'unfair' and should be changed to the Anglo-Saxon neoliberal economical model of free market with a very inactive (''small''') government that only build roads and toilets and does have not other economical, industrial and technological ambitions (governmental hands-off approach). They have likely postponed hostile trade actions for a few weeks because of the Russo-Ukraine war.

What are they gonna do, postpone tariff on more goods?


Staff member
Super Moderator
"Australia must be willing to invade the Solomon Islands and topple its government"

"If it must, the nation should invade and capture Guadalcanal such that we engineer regime change in Honiara

Bro, mask completely bloody off, and here they are trying to lecture Russia on Ukraine, when they'll bloody do it themselves when the table is turned. If Australia actually does it, Russia should repeatedly point out the similarities ad nauseam, until everyone gets it.

Wouldn't that make them a pariah state and give China a reason to sanction them?

p.s. Comments section is surprisingly based.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I post a lot today because a free day. They have long harboured the ambition and goal to pressure Beijing to change it's state capitalistic model to something to their liking through trade wars, sanctions, tarrifs, bonding together with the EU-Japan in a trilateral format to change the rules of the road at the WTO to target our economic system & model. So we can look forward at more tensions this year because state capitalism is 'unfair' and should be changed to the Anglo-Saxon neoliberal economical model of free market with a very inactive (''small''') government that only build roads and toilets and does have not other economical, industrial and technological ambitions (governmental hands-off approach). They have likely postponed hostile trade actions for a few weeks because of the Russo-Ukraine war.
I'd like to see them bloody try, the ship has long sailed. The most opportune time for them to pressure China was back in 2000 with the accession to WTO, where China is more weak and willing to give concessions. Nowadays, countermeasures to sanctions and tariff has already been developed, like making the parts domestically, but shipping to other countries to be assembled in, changing the "Made in x" label.

The sheer volume of trade China does everyday would make the cost of cracking down on sanction/tariff evading trade completely unsustainable. Add corruption on top, where lobbyist would influence these measures slowly till they are laughably useless, because it affects their profit.

The only thing left is technology export ban, which sure, keep shooting yourself in the foot by affecting the profit of your own high-tech companies by barring them from one of the biggest consumer market, and giving opportunities for domestic companies to take those market share that was leftover.

Biden got the right idea of working with allies in order to increase pressure on China in theory, but the execution runs into a "Byzantine Generals Problem", as your allies doesn't want to sacrifice their economic growth and market access, and have every incentive to work behind your back to take the market share you left. Hell, everyone can see what you did to Australia, taking up the market share leftover after Scott the Moron decided being "white" matters more than the economic well-being of his population.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Russia has avoided that trap thus far. The Armenian government is a US NED color revolution transplant.
The plan was to change the government of Armenia, make the Turks and their allies invade Karabakh, and then not send any Armenian reinforcements. Then claim Russia is failing Armenia's government by not intervening. Go figure.


Registered Member
Looks like the UK have backstabbed Iran on the deal they made to release the jailed British spies. It looks like they made a deal to free three spies in return for the UK unfreezing £400 million they have held since the 70s. They released the two women but held the man in house arrest, probably until the owed money is returned.

Something went wrong and the man is back in prison. My guess is the UK is now refusing to pay up.

I don't know if it was the deliberate plan from the UK to do this or if it was just incompetence. The Americans won't be happy that the British foreign office have failed on the one job they had to do. It means a nuclear deal is highly unlikely, and Iranian oil will continue to be restricted on the market.