Miscellaneous News


I remember saying that while I don't agree with Trump, him getting censored was a bad sign. As Voltaire said, I may not like what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it. I knew it was a matter of time before the attention turned from the right to the left.

There was censoring even before that. It's just that they used to hide behind various facades, but people are now on to them.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Notice when US makes economic concessions, it's like in some obscure-ass version of Bloomberg finance, rarely reported elsewhere, and it's all super-short and skimpy on details and uses convulted legalese language that even PhDs are "wut you say?"

But when it's US finger wagging China to not aid Ukrainian war, it's like dozens of articles on MSM with oversimplied and dumbed down versions that your average retarded American Joe can understand.

The American ego, succinctly summarized. US Defeat? We are just raising tariffs negatively % wise, these Chinese don't even know what hit them because we will backdate it retroactively and into far future. Take an L, commie lovers.
That's just the MSM at work. What else are they supposed to report? That they were forced to make concessions because inflation is as rapid as Brandon's bowel movements?


Registered Member
How does China supply support to Russia with blatant lies? What does that even mean? That China is lying to Russia so it continues its war? Like how the West told Syrian rebels to keep fighting promising help if Assad used chemical weapons but help never came...?
I think what they want to hear is "we will not support Russia in any way, and also these resources just randomly appeared at our border"


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
If it was the US doing this agreement there would also be a clause where their military would be exempt from prosecution regardless of what crimes they make in the Solomons. There would be another clause where their activities related to the military would be exempt from taxation by the Solomons. Just like they do in Okinawa and any other place they have military bases in.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I share the same sentiment, but I don't think its a right time to push aggressive move like this. It's better to wait and see what other concession they can give without any cost on China's side. Remember those sanctions were instated by Trump as to move manufacturing away from China and weaken China economically. It being exempted is a win for China, as US will now further be away from the goal of decoupling against China and more income in taxes to buy more weapons.

I say, if we want to punish US without alarming them, the producers should hike the price of the product to as if it was tariffed in the first place. ;)
Fantastic. Chinese companies must use every tool at their disposal to rape American consumers dry.