Chinese decision makers are not like Blinken. They don't do "f-u moves" for the sake of screwing with people. They weigh costs and benefits.
To me, stuff like this is a way more effective way of saying "f-u" than paltry sanctions or tariffs. It is pretty much saying that your admin is so pitiful at creating jobs that its supposed arch nemesis is willing to help out.
I used to think like that but I'm starting to change my mind.
It's a fact that America is declining. The most important task for China in the 21st century is to properly manage the American decline.
This is where things like the above are problematic. When Americans see someone else doing better than them, they don't think that person is stronger or better. They think that person is cheating. Therefore they get mad as hell and start attacking that person.
On the other hand, when someone spits in their face and tells them to go f--k themselves, the American gets intimidated and more likely than not backs off.
Case in point, Russia vs China. China grows stronger economically and militarily, Americans step up their attacks. Russia start threatening Americans with nuclear war, Americans back off immediately.
So ironically, while the Chinese way may seem the wiser course, it might actually be more likely to escalate into a mutually destructive conflict.