Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
People in Germany panic buying in supermarkets.
The authorities claim people do not need to panic.
But I think people are smart to stock up in case there is a diesel shortage and distribution stalls.
It is not like Europe will run out of food with the sanctions. But food distribution might become harder.


Registered Member
Great Leader Modi should stay for 20 more years

"In 10 years as PM, Dr. MMS took India's GDP from $709 billion to $2.15 trillion, a 303% increase.

In the 8 years of Modi, the GDP has crawled from $2.15 trillion to $2.7 trillion, a 25% increase after tweaking the GDP benchmark and calculation method to show a higher GDP."

"Maintaining the same benchmarks and methods as 2014, India's GDP has fallen!"



Registered Member
Great Leader Modi should stay for 20 more years

"In 10 years as PM, Dr. MMS took India's GDP from $709 billion to $2.15 trillion, a 303% increase.

In the 8 years of Modi, the GDP has crawled from $2.15 trillion to $2.7 trillion, a 25% increase after tweaking the GDP benchmark and calculation method to show a higher GDP."

"Maintaining the same benchmarks and methods as 2014, India's GDP has fallen!"

Who needs economic growth when you have a Hindu ubermensch demigod who satisfies all emotional and spiritual needs of 1.3 billion Indians, who are evolving beyond material needs, food, industry etc., and leaving China far behind.

Modi for life!


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US pardoned Japan’s war criminals in exchange for Unit 731 chemical weapons – how trustworthy is its clarification on Ukraine labs?

By GT staff reporters Published: Mar 22, 2022 10:41 PM

The US is a country with a long history of using and developing chemical and biological weapons in other countries, and such moves, that contravene human rights bills and international laws that could be traced back to 1940s after World War II, have been largely ignored by most mainstream Western media outlets, and analysts have predicted that the US' dirty record in this field could spike global concerns over its recent operating of biological laboratories worldwide.

According to information gathered and gleaned from interviews done by the Global Times reporters, the US government has cooperated and colluded with Japanese war criminals to obtain data and technologies for the making of biological and chemical weapons for which Japan conducted inhumane live human experiments on innocent Chinese people during Japan's invasion of China.

Most of the data and files collected by said Japanese war criminals were acquired by scientists in Fort Detrick, the center of the US' biological weapons program, and after the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was established in 1947, the agency participated in the relevant research pertaining to the development of biowarfare weapons.

Nasty cooperation

Unit 731, infamous for conducting Japanese biological warfare experiments, was located near Harbin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, which was occupied by Japanese invaders. The monstrous unit was created by Japanese war criminal, microbiologist Shiro Ishii in 1936, and eventually was comprised of 150 buildings and had the capacity to hold 600 people at a time to be experimented on, according to the book titled Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-up.

See link for rest of the report.