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"Malaysian PM Yaaqob: "We discussed Russian-Ukrainian conflict & agreed Malaysia & Vietnam will remain neutral. As for sanctions against Russia, we do not support them. WE do not support unilateral sanctions; we recognize only those restrictions imposed by UN Security Council."

@Overbom Yup in ASEAN the Singaporean need to be different, it's a Consensus BLOC, we need to speak with One Voice and yet they follow the American line. LKY will be rolling in his grave, his son Fxxk up his legacy. Like I said I'm proud that Duterte is our president, the stigma of being a US vassal is being erase and that baton is being pass to Singapore. And an advise after experiencing the US hospitality I hope you won't regret it.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
@Overbom Yup in ASEAN the Singaporean need to be different, it's a Consensus BLOC, we need to speak with One Voice and yet they follow the American line. LKY will be rolling in his grave, his son Fxxk up his legacy. Like I said I'm proud that Duterte is our president, the stigma of being a US vassal is being erase and that baton is being pass to Singapore. And an advise after experiencing the US hospitality I hope you won't regret it.
Singapore has F35 and other American fighters... so US can speak to them from you know.... Position of strength


Lieutenant General
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PPI numbers for Italy...
Game over for Italy. China will gain so much market share
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Italy had a nuclear power program at one point. But then they cancelled it with huge hysteria after Chernobyl.

When Germany reunified they also closed down a lot of VVER nuclear power plants which were basically brand new built in East Germany. Because they were supposedly "Chernobyl" like. When Chernobyl used the much older RMBK design. Totally different. VVER is a water cooled reactor similar to other types in use in Germany and France. Only flaw was obsolete control electronics. Similar reactors are still in service in Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary today. Their electronics were upgraded and they work just fine. Like 30 years after the fact. Then you have the current ruling parties which decided to close down the nuclear reactors in West Germany as well. Latest reason was. To prevent a Fukushima. As if Germany is susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis. The mind boggles.

Oh and the kicker is the Russians have like eight RMBK reactors still operational. Same design as Chernobyl. Planned to be replaced over next decade. They will have generated power for like four decades after Chernobyl happened with little incident.
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Black box of the crashed plane found.

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China Eastern is no longer using all 106 Boeing 737-800s for the time being​

In the aftermath of the fatal accident, the airline China Eastern Airlines decided not to use the Boeing 737-800 aircraft for the time being. The carrier will leave all 106 copies on the ground as a precaution. It is currently unclear how long this measure will last. However, the carrier announced that all identical Boeing 737s would be checked before they could be used again.

It is now clear that there were 1791 passengers and nine crew members on board the B-123. The first official information from China said that 133 people died. However, it turned out that one passenger did not board the flight or missed it and this was fortunate for him because he is alive. China Eastern extends its deepest regrets and condolences to all family members.

It is still completely unclear why B-1791 lost altitude in a very short time and ultimately crashed. The Chinese Civil Aviation Authority confirmed, among other things, the crash and the fact that contact with the cockpit crew was lost immediately before the fatal loss. One does not want to speculate about the cause of the crash and refers to the aircraft accident investigation that has already been initiated. It is hoped that cockpit voice recorders and flight data recorders will provide a first clue as to what happened in the final minutes of flight MU5735. Due to the severity of the impact, the devices could have been damaged, but this does not mean that they can no longer be evaluated. It just might take longer.

The crash of the China Eastern Airlines plane caused a fire on the ground in a mountainous forest area, officials said. This is said to have been successfully contained and extinguished by the local fire brigade.


Registered Member
Singapore has F35 and other American fighters... so US can speak to them from you know.... Position of strength
@LCR34 and yet LKY can speak out and able to formulate an independent foreign policy, we survived as a BLOC during the 70's and early 80's cause we speak with One voice. That policy deviate under Cory Aquino time as we follow the diktat of the US, earning us the moniker the little Brown brother or in more demeaning words the Brown Monkey. Bro I wish the Singaporean all the luck, the US is far away and is a guest in this region, hope that guest behave and not make trouble in our neighborhood.