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Deagel predictions for USD GDP in 2025 now make sense

“We will gradually end all imports from Communist China until a new regime honours basic human rights and freedoms.”

Also I noticed he is basically calling for regime change in China... he still wants China as cheap/free labor.... but that's not happening anymore under Xi/CCP
Just hike the rmb by 5% per year, and then export inflation to the US.


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We thank agent Scholz for destroying German economy and industry.

While we were "friends" with Merkel, I have to admit that she was a tough opponent. However, all is forgiven that Comrade Scholz is in power now. Only some months after his election, he has managed to wreck the competitiveness of German Industry.

Lets hope that Scholz will keep working hard and achieve even more glorious results for China. We are eagerly awaiting for his next 5D big brain move

Alot of Russians that work for German or European firms especially in IT will just change there address of work to Turkey. They will enjoy the vacations and still sucking money out of Europeans.

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China is mourning the deaths of 132 lives due to the failure of the American Boeing aircraft. American regime officials not only didn’t send any condolences to the victims or China but the next day imposed sanctions on China.

Absolute ghouls!
One of these days, when China gives the USA a real ass kicking, they had better start using the lessons of Shi Huang Di and kill all of these little bastards until their is nothing left. The USA can never negotiate in good faith and thus that all need to pay, is every single sense of the word. The worthless cowards, the USA has only gotten away this long because no one has ever managed to kill enough US soldiers to really matter but this time, God be willing, the USA is going to pay the ultimate price. I wonder the USA is prepared to become slaves in the new world because ultimately, since they started this fight, they had better be prepared for all the consequences therein


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Bottom line, it's all about racial jealousy. Not all Americans are like this, just a majority of the Christians are. They can't stand to see another race doing better than them therefore invalidated their superiority.
Sadly enough, even I believe this, the teachings of Christianity and the fact that a majority of these so called Christians are no better then the rest really have me questioning my faith at times and to be honest this is the reason why I do not attend church anymore because I cannot stand the hypocrisy anymore

Unfortunately a lot of people were/are stupid. At least, Xi was awake and sensed the danger from miles away

"8 years ago the country Chinese most respected was arguably Australia. Chinese loved anything Australian - dairy, beef, wine, schools, houses, even vitamins"

A really sick part of me is going to take some seriously pleasure watching his slow fall in to suffering and disgrace one of these days. I want to see China coming and bring some serious justice in a world gone mad and if it takes time for the right moment to come so I can witness this, so be it since I am well aware that when China strikes, they always strike hard.



China will peak soon because of demographics? Japan has only about 9% of China's population. It's Japanese that are on their way to extinction. This guy is really confused.

China will peak soon because of lack of resources? By 2060, 80% of China's energy will be renewable. China's economy probably will keep growing by just expanding its renewable energy industrial sector. This guy is clueless.
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As I said before, tragedies in China often bring out the meanest and the most idiotic comments:

Yep, the first "Fascist state" with nukes - Lmao!


Registered Member

China will peak soon because of demographics? Japan has only about 9% of China's population. It's Japanese that are on their way to extinction. This guy is really confused.

China will peak soon because of lack of resources? By 2060, 80% of China's energy will be renewable. China's economy probably will keep growing by just expanding its renewable energy industrial sector. This guy is clueless.
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As I said before, tragedies in China often bring out the meanest and the most idiotic comments:

Yep, the first "Fascist state" with nukes - Lmao!
What is wrong with that f.. bitch, Melissa Chan? Why is she becoming so unhinged ever since I stopped seeing her on DW and other cesspool of disinformation centers she worked for. And she calls herself a journalist? She's so mad at China for insisting on carrying the tradition of strong family values is that because she prefers hedonism?

Likewise to that dildo loving looking butt boy, who is supposed to be a professor from one of America's premiere universities spewing one of the most idiotic anti-China drivel.

The Melissa C..ts of the world and the dildo Professor can't seem to comprehend nor accept that the more they push their western hedonistic shit on China and Chinese people the more they (including myself) become more nationalistic. We essentially become the very thing they fear from happening. I was educated, exposed to enough American/Canadian cultures that it has left me feeling empty despite achieving a modicum of success. I have become more pro-China than ever before, and that's not because I have been brainwashed by the See See Pee. I am simply awake with my eyes wide open, ears, eyes, brain closed off to bullshits.
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Unfortunately a lot of people were/are stupid. At least, Xi was awake and sensed the danger from miles away

"8 years ago the country Chinese most respected was arguably Australia. Chinese loved anything Australian - dairy, beef, wine, schools, houses, even vitamins"

Living in China, in 2014 Australia was pretty much ignored, as it is today, no one really cares about Australia. Australia only gets exposure when Turnbull says "澳大利亚人民站起来了“. which is pretty much considered a joke.