Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
What the f does that even mean? Only do business with countries you are lording over, and also if China was changed into the chaotic, special-interest infested, American influenced governments; which is essentially demanding for regime change. That provision alone contradicts what Biden had expressed to Pres. Xi in stating that the U.S. isn't seeking a change of government in China both in substance, and style.
It also means Republicans have changed their views on capitalism. I know and hear Republicans these days talk of being against corporations, something liberals have been doing. Why? Because of how much they now suck up to China. Capitalism no longer works in their favor. Another reason is because corporations are not supporting Republican values. That's why if you pay attention to these kinds of things, the right any where you look from the news media down to their shills they put on YouTube, they all hate Disney because they consider it a very woke corporation. They hate how "gay-friendly" Disney is. And then you have corporations taking political stands against Republican initiatives in different states. It just goes to show the Republicans would turn to communism if it favored their values. When I was in college and you hear what the "Young Republicans" wanted... they believed in one party rule and Republicans in control of everything. Same as communism.


Registered Member
What the f does that even mean? Only do business with countries you are lording over...

That's effecitively colonial economics, which only goes to further prove the US is running a racket, exploitative trade that comes at the expense of the rest of the world, they copied how Britain ran its empire trade in the 19th and early 20th C. But they can't easily exploit a strong China now, so they're panicking.

That provision alone contradicts what Biden had expressed to Pres. Xi in stating that the U.S. isn't seeking a change of government in China both in substance, and style.

'Murikkkan speak and action are ALWAYS in contradiction... Those who trust 'murikkkan speak is eventually destroyed or enslaved. Native Americans can testify.
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Lieutenant General
Bear in mind that Dr. Rick Scott was actually found to have gouged a.k.a. illegally embezzled millions of U.S. taxpayers money on his little scam when he was the CEO of Columbia/HCA about a decade ago, when the hospital company was fined $1.7 billion for Medicare fraud.
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Yet, this scammer, fraudster, and utterly shameless corrupt Anglo-Saxon American, he was voted first as a Governor of the geriatric capital state of Florida, and then became an elected U.S. Senator. I bet that there's a considerable faction within China that do want to bring American style government so that they too can plunder China, embezzle regular Chinese folks, and still able to retain considerable amount of power, money, and influence. China would be undone if that scenario was ever allowed to occur.

It also means Republicans have changed their views on capitalism. I know and hear Republicans these days talk of being against corporations, something liberals have been doing. Why? Because of how much they now suck up to China. Capitalism no longer works in their favor. Another reason is because corporations are not supporting Republican values. That's why if you pay attention to these kinds of things, the right any where you look from the news media down to their shills they put on YouTube, they all hate Disney because they consider it a very woke corporation. They hate how "gay-friendly" Disney is. And then you have corporations taking political stands against Republican initiatives in different states. It just goes to show the Republicans would turn to communism if it favored their values. When I was in college and you hear what the "Young Republicans" wanted... they believed in one party rule and Republicans in control of everything. Same as communism.

That's effecitively colonial economics, which only goes to further prove the US is running a racket, exploitative trade that comes at the expense of the rest of the world, they copied how Britain ran its empire trade in the 19th and early 20th C. But they can't easily exploit a strong China now, so they're panicking.

'Murikkkan speak and action are ALWAYS in contradiction... Who to trust 'murikkkan speak is eventually destroyed or enslaved.

Bottom line, it's all about racial jealousy. Not all Americans are like this, just a majority of the Christians are. They can't stand to see another race doing better than them therefore invalidated their superiority.


Senior Member
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Bottom line, it's all about racial jealousy. Not all Americans are like this, just a majority of the Christians are. They can't stand to see another race doing better than them therefore invalidated their superiority.
I mean it's honestly not that surprising, why?

They very likely got brought up that way from when they were very young (basically got it indoctrinated into them).

Anyways we kinda strayed from topic lets try pause it here.


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Ukraine War Complicates Biden Administration’s Military Strategy on China and Russia: WSJ​

The U.S. plans to boost military spending and increase its military presence near Russia in response to Moscow’s operation in Ukraine, while trying to maintain a long-term focus on countering China, The Wall Street Journal quoted current and former officials as saying.

“The Feb. 24 operation has triggered calls from Republicans and Democrats in Congress for tens of billions more in defense spending, while allies in Europe have described the war as a wake-up call requiring military steps unthinkable only months ago. The Biden administration, however, is seeking to balance what it sees as a pivotal moment for Europe with a desire to keep the U.S. focused on Asia.”

“I think it’s a 9/11 event for Europe,” a senior Pentagon official told the paper, adding that while the Pentagon will respond accordingly to what those countries need, the main focus remains on countering Beijing. “I think there is room to enhance our posture alongside our allies in Europe without it being this huge sucking sound that prevents us from being able to focus on China.”

“Despite the heightened focus on Moscow, a new U.S. defense strategy, which was due to be released earlier this year, had been held up as the Russia crisis brewed. Policy makers all but finished the document late last year and tweaked the language slightly after the invasion, officials said. But they didn’t do a wholesale rewrite of the document, and when it is released in the coming months, the strategy will still assign Russia a secondary priority behind China, according to the Pentagon official.”

“China remains in our assessment the only country that can systematically challenge the United States for now and for the rest of this century, that means diplomatically, technologically, economically, militarily, geopolitically,” the official told WSJ. “And Russia is not in that camp, they weren’t a year ago, they’re not today.”

“Moscow’s operation in Ukraine is forcing U.S. officials to grapple anew with countering two major adversaries at once, a problem that has revived long-dormant Cold War debates about quantity versus quality in apportioning scarce forces between Europe and Asia.”

“The White House declined to comment on changes to its military strategy, or on a separate, overarching strategy plan, called the national security strategy, which has also been delayed.”

“The U.S. has already rushed more than 15,000 troops to Europe amid the crisis in Ukraine, raising American force levels in Europe to more than 100,000 personnel for the first time in decades. NATO members have also deployed reinforcements to the Baltics, Poland, Hungary and Romania.”

“U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met at NATO headquarters last week with his counterparts from other alliance members to discuss beefing up forces even further. They directed military planners from all of the NATO members to draft plans that are likely to be discussed when President Biden meets with other alliance heads of government in Europe this week.”

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Registered Member
Unfortunately a lot of people were/are stupid. At least, Xi was awake and sensed the danger from miles away

"8 years ago the country Chinese most respected was arguably Australia. Chinese loved anything Australian - dairy, beef, wine, schools, houses, even vitamins"

French and Chiliean wines beat aussie wine hands down, while Argentine and Japanese beef are orders of magnitude superior (and safer) than Aust beef.

Things have definitely turned for the better. Consumers need to wake up and boycott low-quality Australian products, not just because of ScoMo, but because their products are crap (literally, in the case of beef).

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Lieutenant General
“China remains in our assessment the only country that can systematically challenge the United States for now and for the rest of this century, that means diplomatically, technologically, economically, militarily, geopolitically,” the official told WSJ. “And Russia is not in that camp, they weren’t a year ago, they’re not today.”

All which are not crimes in any civilized measure. It's no wonder that when the US tries to focus their hate on China, something else takes their attention away despite how they see China as the US's greatest threat because it's really how much low of a bar what gets Americans scared. China is grave threat because it's hard to get people to fight against something that when they do it, there's no problem. The only difference is the race of the people doing it which is really the crime. You don't see China upset at how Americans aren't embracing Chinese values because the Chinese don't have aspirations of controlling literally everything. Americans think that's the case but as usual they're just automatically displacing more guilt for something they do onto someone else in order to believing they aren't as bad.


Registered Member
It also means Republicans have changed their views on capitalism. I know and hear Republicans these days talk of being against corporations, something liberals have been doing. Why? Because of how much they now suck up to China. Capitalism no longer works in their favor. Another reason is because corporations are not supporting Republican values. That's why if you pay attention to these kinds of things, the right any where you look from the news media down to their shills they put on YouTube, they all hate Disney because they consider it a very woke corporation. They hate how "gay-friendly" Disney is. And then you have corporations taking political stands against Republican initiatives in different states. It just goes to show the Republicans would turn to communism if it favored their values. When I was in college and you hear what the "Young Republicans" wanted... they believed in one party rule and Republicans in control of everything. Same as communism.
When I was a fervent "Democrat" and was very heavily involved in U.S. domestic politics not that long ago. The hard-core repubs especially the ones that I used to read, and debate with over at the Free Republic forums, most of those screeches were fervently anti-Democratic party, and unsurprisingly anti-Democracy. They readily argued for the supremacy of the Republican party, it's ideals sacrosanct, anything the Democratic Party offered were characterized as socialism, communism, and the elected U.S. Presidents from the Democratic Party as frauds, traitors. One party state for those morons, yet they couldn't see the irony, let alone the hypocrisy the size of their grand canyon with respect to their specious arguments against the CPC.

Well, they (Republicans/GOP) do have triple GGG as their guiding philosophy. They are God, Guns, and Gays....oops I meant virulently anti-Gays.